National Institute Of Materials Physics - Romania
Atomic Structures and Defects in Advanced Materials (LASDAM)
Facilities and Services
Specifications IN 5-L plus model is designed for non-contact temperature measurements on non-metallic surfaces and also on painted, coated or anodized metals. The sensitive spot is 2mm.
ViewSpecifications High surface sensitivity response: < 1 meV, which corresponds to 10-3 of an adsorbate layer. The reference electrode has been both chemical and electrical passivated. Automatic tracking system can be activated in order to compensate the sample position changes which may occur during the measurements runtime.
ViewSpecifications Appropriate optical filters can be installed in the Photoacoustic multi-gas monitor INNOVA 1314 filter carousel so that it can selectively measure the concentration of up to 5 component gases and water vapor. Description It is used for evaluation of the catalytic activity exhibited by the substrate, electrodes, and sensitive material. By subtracting the first […]
ViewKeithley 6517A specifications: Resistance: 10 Ω – 200 TΩ Current: 100 aA – 20 mA Voltage: 10 µV – 200 V Charge: 10 fC – 2 µC Integrated ±1 kV voltage source with ±10 mA maximum output current. The integrated Keithley 6521 low current scanner is used to measure up to 10 channels simultaneously. Keithley […]
ViewPrecise gas flow control is crucial for acquiring accurately gas concentrations. Therefore mass flow controllers must be periodically calibrated using Alltech DFC. Calibrated Testo 625 thermo hygrometer is used to check the relative humidity accuracy through the flow system.
ViewDescription Within the sensors chambers up to four gas sensors with different electrodes configurations can be simultaneously exposed to the gas atmosphere. Subsequent Teflon sockets and stainless steel electrical contacts are used for DC measurements and sensor’s temperature control. The two parts of the chamber, the main body and the cover are sealed using Viton […]
ViewSpecifications Carrier gas : synthetic air (5.0 purity) with controllable relative humidity (RH: 0–90%) and flow (10–200 ml/min); Test gases: CO, CH4, NO2, H2S, NH3, SO2 Description Flow system is used to dose different target gas concentrations under dynamic regime. It consists of eleven individual channels (dry synthetic air, humid synthetic air, NO2, CO, CH4, […]
ViewRapid thermal annealing (RTA) and controlled oxidations (RTO) in the rapid thermal processing – RTP system (up to 3-inch silicon wafer) at 200 – 1250 °C with ramp rates up to 200 °C/s, in gas flow (N2, O2, Ar si H2) and thermal annealing in the three independ Rapid thermal processing – RTP system (left) for thermal annealing (RTA), oxidation […]
ViewElectrical characterization in dark and under illumination and Hall investigations by measurements and modelling of experimental curves: current-voltage (I– V) at different temperatures T, in DC and AC regime capacitance-voltage (C– V), capacitance-frequency (C – f) and capacitance-time (C – t) polarization-voltage (P– V) I– T and R – T at different bias voltages Photocurrent spectra (I– λ) under modulated and continuous light regime Hall measurements: V–Icharacteristics for different applied currents, […]
ViewCW X-band EPR spectrometer model EMXplus from Bruker (upgraded Varian E12) Operating parameters: Frequency range: 9.2 – 9.9 GHz; Sensitivity: 1010 spins/Gauss; Magnetic field: 0.03 – 1.8 T; Temperature: 90 – 300 K.
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