National Institute Of Materials Physics - Romania


articles found
181. Bandgap atomistic calculations on hydrogen-passivated GeSi nanocrystals
Authors: Cojocaru, O; Lepadatu, AM; Nemnes, GA; Stoica, T; Ciurea, ML

Published: JUN 30 2021, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-92936-z

182. Sensing Properties of NiO Loaded SnO2 Nanoparticles-Specific Selectivity to H2S
Authors: Stanoiu, A; Kuncser, AC; Ghica, D; Florea, OG; Somacescu, S; Simion, CE

Published: JUN 2021, CHEMOSENSORS, 9, DOI: 10.3390/chemosensors9060125

183. Chemical Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye Using TiO2/Au Nanoparticles
Authors: Jinga, LI; Popescu-Pelin, G; Socol, G; Mocanu, S; Tudose, M; Culita, DC; Kuncser, A; Ionita, P

Published: JUN 2021, NANOMATERIALS, 11, DOI: 10.3390/nano11061605

184. Thickness-Dependent Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Properties of Self-Assembled Nanostructured LaFeO3 Perovskite Thin Films
Authors: Andrei, F; Ion, V; Birjega, R; Dinescu, M; Enea, N; Pantelica, D; Mihai, MD; Maraloiu, VA; Teodorescu, VS; Marcu, IC; Scarisoreanu, ND

Published: JUN 2021, NANOMATERIALS, 11, DOI: 10.3390/nano11061371

185. Thermal stability of amorphous metal chalcogenide thin films
Authors: Sava, F; Simandan, ID; Stavarache, I; Porosnicu, C; Mihai, C; Velea, A

Published: MAY 1 2021, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, 559, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2021.120663

186. Accidental Impurities in Epitaxial Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3 Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition and Their Impact on the Macroscopic Electric Properties
Authors: Boni, GA; Chirila, CF; Stancu, V; Amarande, L; Pasuk, I; Trupina, L; Istrate, CM; Radu, C; Tomulescu, A; Neatu, S; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: MAY 2021, NANOMATERIALS, 11, DOI: 10.3390/nano11051177

187. Ecological formulation for improving resveratrol stability and release in aqueous environment
Authors: Todan, L; Voicescu, M; Culita, DC; Pandele-Cusu, J; Albu, C; Kuncser, AC

Published: MAY 2021, CHEMICAL PAPERS, 75, 2041, DOI: 10.1007/s11696-020-01409-6

188. Argon pressure dependent optoelectronic characteristics of amorphous tin oxide thin films obtained by non-reactive RF sputtering process
Authors: Ziani, N; Galca, AC; Belkaid, MS; Stavarache, I

Published: MAY 2021, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, 32, 12317, DOI: 10.1007/s10854-021-05861-2

189. Structural Details of BaTiO3 Nano-Powders Deduced from the Anisotropic XRD Peak Broadening
Authors: Pasuk, I; Neatu, F; Neatu, S; Florea, M; Istrate, CM; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: MAY 2021, NANOMATERIALS, 11, DOI: 10.3390/nano11051121

190. A novel composite based on pyrene thiazole grafted on graphene oxide: physico-chemical characterization and electrochemical investigations
Authors: Tudose, M; Baratoiu-Carpen, RD; Anghel, EM; Voicescu, M; Somacescu, S; Culita, DC; Hanganu, A; Kuncser, A; Radoi, A

Published: APR 1 2021, MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 262, DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2021.124315

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