National Institute Of Materials Physics - Romania


articles found
131. Electrocatalytic Properties of Mixed-Oxide-Containing Composite-Supported Platinum for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells
Authors: Ayyubov, I; Talas, E; Salmanzade, K; Kuncser, A; Paszti, Z; Neatu, S; Mirea, AG; Florea, M; Tompos, A; Borbath, I

Published: MAY 2022, MATERIALS, 15, 3671, DOI: 10.3390/ma15103671

132. Effects of Calcination Temperature on CO-Sensing Mechanism for NiO-Based Gas Sensors
Authors: Stanoiu, A; Ghica, C; Mihalcea, CG; Ghica, D; Somacescu, S; Florea, OG; Simion, CE

Published: MAY 2022, CHEMOSENSORS, 10, 191, DOI: 10.3390/chemosensors10050191

133. A curcumin-loaded silica carrier with NH3 sensitivity and antimicrobial properties
Authors: Todan, L; Voicescu, M; Culita, DC; Lincu, D; Ion, RM; Calin, M; Raut, I; Kuncser, AC

Published: MAY 2022, CHEMICAL PAPERS, 76, DOI: 10.1007/s11696-022-02090-7

134. Self-connected CuO-ZnO radial core-shell heterojunction nanowire arrays grown on interdigitated electrodes for visible-light photodetectors
Authors: Costas, A; Florica, C; Preda, N; Besleaga, C; Kuncser, A; Enculescu, I

Published: APR 27 2022, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12, 6834, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-10879-5

135. Facile synthesis of low toxicity iron oxide/TiO2 nanocomposites with hyperthermic and photo-oxidation properties
Authors: Popescu, T; Matei, CO; Culita, DC; Maraloiu, VA; Rostas, AM; Diamandescu, L; Iacob, N; Savopol, T; Ilas, MC; Feder, M; Lupu, AR; Iacoban, AC; Vlaicu, ID; Moisescu, MG

Published: APR 27 2022, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12, 6887, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-11003-3

136. Fabrication of a magnetic nanocarrier for doxorubicin delivery based on hyperbranched polyglycerol and carboxymethyl cellulose: An investigation on the effect of borax cross-linker on pH-sensitivity
Authors: Zohreh, N; Karimi, N; Hosseini, SH; Istrate, C; Busuioc, C

Published: APR 1 2022, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES, 203, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.01.150

137. 'Put variety in White': Multi-analytical investigation of the white pigments inlaid on Early Chalcolithic pottery from Southern Romania
Authors: Opris, V; Velea, A; Secu, M; Rostas, AM; Buruiana, AT; Simion, CA; Mirea, DA; Matei, E; Bartha, C; Dimache, M; Lazar, C

Published: APR 2022, JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE-REPORTS, 42, 103402, DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103402

138. Relationship between the Formation of Magnetic Clusters and Hexagonal Phase of Gold Matrix in AuxFe1-x Nanophase Thin Films
Authors: Locovei, C; Radu, C; Kuncser, A; Iacob, N; Schinteie, G; Stanciu, A; Iftimie, S; Kuncser, V

Published: APR 2022, NANOMATERIALS, 12, 1176, DOI: 10.3390/nano12071176

139. Ferroelectric properties of ZrO2 films deposited on ITO-coated glass
Authors: Silva, JPB; Sekhar, KC; Negrea, RF; Ghica, C; Dastan, D; Gomes, MJM

Published: MAR 1 2022, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 48, DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.11.152

140. SiGeSn Quantum Dots in HfO2 for Floating Gate Memory Capacitors
Authors: Palade, C; Slav, A; Cojocaru, O; Teodorescu, VS; Stoica, T; Ciurea, ML; Lepadatu, AM

Published: MAR 2022, COATINGS, 12, 348, DOI: 10.3390/coatings12030348

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