National Institute Of Materials Physics - Romania


articles found
81. Ferroelectricity Induced by Oxygen Vacancies in Rhombohedral ZrO2 Thin Films
Authors: Lenzi, V; Silva, JPB; Smid, B; Matolin, V; Istrate, CM; Ghica, C; MacManus-Driscoll, JL; Marques, L

Published: MAR 2023, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS, DOI: 10.1002/eem2.12500

82. Ferroelectric Orthorhombic ZrO2 Thin Films Achieved Through Nanosecond Laser Annealing
Authors: Crema, APS; Istrate, MC; Silva, A; Lenzi, V; Domingues, L; Hill, MO; Teodorescu, VS; Ghica, C; Gomes, MJM; Pereira, M; Marques, L; MacManus-Driscoll, JL; Silva, JPB

Published: MAR 2023, ADVANCED SCIENCE, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202207390

83. Fermiology of Chiral Cadmium Diarsenide CdAs2, a Candidate for Hosting Kramers-Weyl Fermions
Authors: Mazzola, F; Zhang, YX; Olszowska, N; Rosmus, M; D'Olimpio, G; Istrate, MC; Politano, GG; Vobornik, I; Sankar, R; Ghica, C; Gao, JF; Politano, A

Published: MAR 2023, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c00005

84. Ferroelectricity Induced by Oxygen Vacancies in Rhombohedral ZrO2 Thin Films
Authors: Lenzi, V; Silva, JPB; Smid, B; Matolin, V; Istrate, CM; Ghica, C; MacManus-Driscoll, JL; Marques, L

Published: 2023 MAR 6 2023, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS, DOI: 10.1002/eem2.12500

85. Design of electrocatalysts with reduced Pt content supported on mesoporous NiWO4 and NiWO4-graphene nanoplatelets composite for oxygen reduction and hydrogen oxidation in acidic medium
Authors: Somacescu, S; Osiceanu, P; Moreno, JMC; Culita, DC; Neatu, F; Trandafir, MM; Neatu, S; Kuncser, A; Szijjártó, GP; Tálas, E; Tompos, A; Borbáth, I; Florea, M

Published: FEB 22 2023, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 48, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.04.270

86. The influence of the synthesis method on Gd2O3 morpho-structural properties and sensitivity to CO2 under in-field conditions
Authors: Simion, CE; Vlaicu, ID; Iacoban, AC; Mihalcea, CG; Ghica, C; Stanoiu, A

Published: FEB 15 2023, MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 296, 127354, DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2023.127354

87. Hydrogen Production Mechanism in Low-Temperature Methanol Decomposition Catalyzed by Ni3Sn4 Intermetallic Compound: A Combined Operando and Density Functional Theory Investigation
Authors: Mauri, S; D'Olimpio, G; Ghica, C; Braglia, L; Kuo, CN; Istrate, MC; Lue, CS; Ottaviano, L; Klimczuk, T; Boukhvalov, DW; Politano, A; Torelli, P

Published: FEB 9 2023, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 14, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c03471

88. Hydrogen Production Mechanism in Low-Temperature Methanol Decomposition Catalyzed by Ni3Sn4 Intermetallic Compound: A Combined Operando and Density Functional Theory Investigation
Authors: Mauri, S; D'Olimpio, G; Ghica, C; Braglia, L; Kuo, CN; Istrate, MC; Lue, CS; Ottaviano, L; Klimczuk, T; Boukhvalov, DW; Politano, A; Torelli, P

Published: FEB 2023, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c03471

89. Burdock-Derived Composites Based on Biogenic Gold, Silver Chloride and Zinc Oxide Particles as Green Multifunctional Platforms for Biomedical Applications and Environmental Protection
Authors: Zgura, I; Badea, N; Enculescu, M; Maraloiu, VA; Ungureanu, C; Barbinta-Patrascu, ME

Published: FEB 2023, MATERIALS, 16, 1153, DOI: 10.3390/ma16031153

90. Synthesis and Anti-Melanoma Activity of L-Cysteine-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Loaded with Doxorubicin
Authors: Toderascu, LI; Sima, LE; Orobeti, S; Florian, PE; Icriverzi, M; Maraloiu, VA; Comanescu, C; Iacob, N; Kuncser, V; Antohe, I; Popescu-Pelin, G; Stanciu, G; Ionita, P; Mihailescu, CN; Socol, G

Published: FEB 2023, NANOMATERIALS, 13, 621, DOI: 10.3390/nano13040621

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