National Institute Of Materials Physics - Romania


articles found
51. Synthesis of TiO2-(B) Nanobelts for Acetone Sensing
Authors: Kumarage, GWC; Panamaldeniya, SA; Maddumage, DC; Moumen, A; Maraloiu, VA; Mihalcea, CG; Negrea, RF; Dassanayake, BS; Gunawardhana, N; Zappa, D; Galstyan, V; Comini, E

Published: OCT 2023, SENSORS, 23, 8322, DOI: 10.3390/s23198322

52. Photo-stable, 1D-nanofilaments TiO2-based lepidocrocite for photocatalytic hydrogen production in water-methanol mixtures
Authors: Badr, HO; Natu, V; Neatu, S; Neatu, F; Kuncser, A; Rostas, AM; Racey, M; Barsoum, MW; Florea, M

Published: SEP 6 2023, MATTER, 6, DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2023.05.026

53. Sensing mechanisms of CO and H2 with NiO material - DRIFTS investigations
Authors: Simion, CE; Junker, B; Weimar, U; Stanoiu, A; Bârsan, N

Published: SEP 1 2023, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 390, 134028, DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2023.134028

54. Mesoporous Composite Bioactive Compound Delivery System for Wound-Healing Processes
Authors: Purcareanu, B; Ene, MD; Morosan, A; Mihaiescu, DE; Florea, MA; Ghica, A; Nita, RA; Drumea, V; Grigoroscuta, MA; Kuncser, A; Badica, P; Olariu, L

Published: SEP 2023, PHARMACEUTICS, 15, 2258, DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15092258

55. Reductive Treatment of Pt Supported on Ti0.8Sn0.2O2-C Composite: A Route for Modulating the Sn-Pt Interactions
Authors: Silva, C; Salmanzade, K; Borbath, I; Dodony, E; Olasz, D; Sáfran, G; Kuncser, A; Paszti-Gere, E; Tompos, A; Pászti, Z

Published: AUG 2023, NANOMATERIALS, 13, 2245, DOI: 10.3390/nano13152245

56. Defect structures and (ferro)magnetism in Zn1-xFexO nanoparticles with the iron concentration level in the dilute regime (x = 0.001 - 0.01) prepared from acetate precursors
Authors: Mihalache, V; Negrila, C; Secu, M; Mercioniu, I; Iacob, N; Kuncser, V

Published: AUG 2023, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 51, 106644, DOI: 10.1016/j.rinp.2023.106644

57. Antibacterial Activity of PVA Hydrogels Embedding Oxide Nanostructures Sensitized by Noble Metals and Ruthenium Dye
Authors: Pelinescu, D; Anastasescu, M; Bratan, V; Maraloiu, VA; Negrila, C; Mitrea, D; Calderon-Moreno, J; Preda, S; Gifu, IC; Stan, A; Ionescu, R; Stoica, I; Anastasescu, C; Zaharescu, M; Balint, I

Published: AUG 2023, GELS, 9, 650, DOI: 10.3390/gels9080650

58. Surface properties, chemical reactivity, and ambient stability of cadmium diarsenide CdAs2, a topological chiral material hosting Kramers-Weyl fermions
Authors: Zhang, YX; D'Olimpio, G; Bondino, F; Nappini, S; Istrate, MC; Sankar, R; Ghica, C; Ottaviano, L; Gao, JF; Politano, A

Published: JUL 15 2023, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 625, 157132, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.157132

59. Silver nanoparticles decorated ZnO-CuO core-shell nanowire arrays with low water adhesion and high antibacterial activity
Authors: Costas, A; Preda, N; Zgura, I; Kuncser, A; Apostol, N; Curutiu, C; Enculescu, I

Published: JUL 3 2023, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13, 10698, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-37953-w

60. Fabrication of CuO (p)-ZnO (n) Core-Shell Nanowires and Their H2-Sensing Properties
Authors: Sisman, O; Zappa, D; Maraloiu, VA; Comini, E

Published: JUL 2023, MATERIALS, 16, 4802, DOI: 10.3390/ma16134802

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