National Institute Of Materials Physics - Romania

Magnetism and Superconductivity

Facilities and Services

The Magnetic Properties Measurement System, QD-MPMS-XL-7AC, manufactured by Quantum Design (USA), employs the Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) technology, to achieve the state of art sensitivity and reproducibility of magnetic measurements (10-8 emu resolution in magnetic moment, maximum field of 7 T,   10-4 T resolution in the maximum field, temperature range from 2 K to […]


Thermogravimetric/Differential Thermal Analysis (TG/DTA) equipment (Perkin Elmer)


DSC provides quick, reliable measurement results on caloric changes to the sample. Heat flow DSC is a technique in which the difference between the heat flow rate into a sample pan and that into a reference pan is determined as a function of temperature and/ or time. During such measurement, the sample and reference are […]


The entire range of Mӧssbauer spectrometers, working both in transmission and backscattering geometry (e.g. the CEMS technique, for investigation of nanometer thick films and multilayers) are available. Most spectrometers are equipped with cryostats (including a cryomagnet) for measurements at low temperatures and in an applied magnetic field. Ovens can also be adapted for measurements in […]


The High Field Measurement System (Cryogenic Ltd. UK) is a cryogenic free system working with the sample down to 1.5 K and under applied fields of maximum 9 T and with a sensitivity of 10-5 emu (VSM) and 10-7 emu (AC). Other facilities: additional current source for low field measurements, 4 points measurement for resistivity for up […]


The Analyzer performs the characterization of micro and nanoporous materials with high resolution and accuracy. It can be used for analyizing a wide variety of adsorptives including the evaluation of hydrogen, methane or carbon dioxide storage capacity of materials.


Main characteristics:  LFA 457/2G Microflash Laser Flash system (Nd-GGG) Infrared detector InSb Tubular furnace, termocouple measurement Measurement temperature range : 20 – 1100 C Thermal diffusivity: 0.01-1000 mm2/s Thermal conductivity: 0.1-2000 W/m/K Specific heat by a differential method Up to 3 samples measurement Multilayers sample measurement (1 unknown / 2 known layers) Nondestructive investigations Flexible […]


The experimental system developed in the last years serves to measure magneto-transport, electrical, electro-optical, parametric, high Z, DC, RF, photoelectric, ferroelectric and microwave properties, as well as the electrical characteristics of the electrically active defects generated during the growth, implantation, processing or irradiation of the materials and test devices. Two Janis cryostats, each with 4 optical windows, dedicated to […]


Acurate measurements are performed: (photo)current – voltage characteristics at different temperatures (10-500K); current – temperature characteristics at different voltages ( -1000 ÷ +1000V); spectral dependence of photocurrent; capacitance – voltage characteristics; Hall measurements at different magnetic fields and temperatures (4 – 300K); current–voltage characteristics at different magnetic fields and temperatures (4–300K); (1) Set-up for electrical […]


The system for measuring the thermoelectric properties is designed to measure properties at high temperatures in order to characterize materials used in extreme conditions. There are taken into account materials for energy conversion or other applications where detrimental thermoelectric effects can occur. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Allows characterizing materials both as bulk and thin films or coatings; […]


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