National Institute Of Materials Physics - Romania

Optical Processes in Nanostructured Materials


#TitleProject Director / NIMP LeaderType/CodeStart DateEnd DateLink
1Machine learning accelerated discovery of chalcogenides for memristorsAlin VELEAPCE2025-01-082027-12-31Details
2New gas sensing materials with working temperature close to or at room temperatureAdam LŐRINCZIM-ERA.NET2024-05-012027-04-30Details
3A green approach in the frame of circular economy: robocasted photocatalysts for wastewater treatment and use of reclaimed water in agricultureIrina ZGURAWater4All2024-04-012027-03-31Details
4Ultra-sensitive optical sensor system for simultaneous, in-situ detection of multiple pesticides in surface and ground watersOana RASOGAM-ERA.NET2024-03-012027-02-28Details
5Sensor applications of 2D materials modified with metallic nanoparticlesAndreea-Alexandra NILAPED2025-01-032026-12-31Details
6Photovoltaic cells with multilayer transparent conductive electrode developed on rigid and flexible substratesMarcela SOCOLTE2025-01-082026-12-31Details
7Flexible hybrid photovoltaic cell structuresMarcela SOCOLPED2025-01-032026-12-31Details
8Automatic chemical vapor deposition system for the production of two-dimensional nanomaterialsAlin VELEAPED2025-01-032026-12-31Details
9Engineering of gate-dielectrics for high-performance organic light emitting transistors [NANOLET]Carmen BREAZUTE2025-01-082026-12-31Details
10Composite materials for the applications in the water management fieldStefano BELLUCCIPNRR2024-03-262026-06-30Details
11Recycling of the cathodes, based on carbon nanotubes and conducting polymers, from spent rechargeable Li batteriesMihaela BAIBARACLEAP-RE2024-03-012026-02-28Details
12Tranzistor cu efect de camp organic flexibil si nanostructurat pentru detectie UV-VISAnca STANCULESCUPED2022-06-302024-06-30Details
13Flexible and nanostructured Organic Field Effect Transistor for UV-VIS detectionAnca STANCULESCUPED2022-06-302024-06-30Details
14Nanocomposites based on recycled cellulose and carbon nanohorns for construction materials with improved fire resistanceMihaela BAIBARACPED2022-05-012024-06-01Details
15Elastomeric tuneable metasurfaces for efficient spectroscopic sensors for plastic detectionOana RASOGAEEA GRANTS2019-07-012023-12-31Details
16Functional 2D materials and heterostructures for hybrid spintronic-memristive devicesAlin VELEAM-ERA.NET2019-09-012023-12-31Details
17Waterproof deformable hybrid solar cellsOana RASOGAPCE2023-01-042023-12-31Details
18The development of integrated diagnostic methods for the rapid detection of liver diseasesMihaela BAIBARACPOC2020-10-112023-12-31Details
19Physico-chemical analysis, nanostructured materials and devices for applications in the pharmaceutical field and medical in RomaniaMihaela BAIBARACPOC 2014-20202016-09-052023-09-04Details
20Obtaining and investigations of the new biocomposite materials with bio-medical applications by means of neutron scattering and complementary methodsIrina ZGURAJINR-RO2021-05-112021-12-10Details
214D printed energy harvesting devices based on innovative printable conductive elastomersMihaela BAIBARACMANUNET2019-06-012021-05-30Details
22Investigations of biocomposite materials with bio-medical applications by means of neutron scattering and complementary methodsIrina ZGURAJINR-RO2019-06-102020-12-31Details
23Obtaining and investigations of the new biocomposite materials with bio-medical applications by means of neutron scattering and complementary methodsIrina ZGURAJINR-RO2020-05-202020-12-10Details
24Investigation of the properties of deposited on different plastic substrates organic thin films after high-energy ion and neutron irradiationAnca STANCULESCUJINR-RO2020-05-202020-12-10Details
25A map for ovonic threshold switching materials (AMOS)Alin VELEATE2018-05-022020-04-30Details
26Composite materials with graphene oxide to improve performance at the fire action of the elements of constructions and installations for the purpose life protection in case of fireMihaela BAIBARACPCCDI2018-01-012020-01-01Details
27Interinstitutional program for the development of advanced solutions based on econ-nanotechnologies for multifunctional treatments of textile and leather materialsMihaela BAIBARACPCCDI2018-01-012020-01-01Details
28New Chalcogenide Nanostructures for Information and Communication TechnologyMihail SECUP32018-08-012019-12-01Details
29Investigation of phase change in stacked chalcogenide thin films for multistate memory cellsAlin VELEATE2015-10-012017-11-30Details
30Optical properties of SWNTs highly separated in metallic (98%) and semiconducting (99%) functionalized with conjugated polymersMihaela BAIBARACHUMBERT CURIEN-BRANCUSI2015-01-012016-12-31Details
31Infrared-Pumped upconversion glass-ceramic nanorods for photonics applicationsMihail SECUIDEAS2011-11-012016-11-30Details
32One-dimensional composites based on carbon nanotubes and conjugated polymers for applications in energy storage and optoelectronic devices fieldMihaela BAIBARACIDEAS2011-10-012016-10-01Details
33Metallic Electrode with 2D Photonic Crystal type Architecture for Bio(organic) Multilayer StructuresMarcela SOCOLHUMBERT CURIEN-BRANCUSI PROGRAM2015-02-012016-02-01Details
34Implementation in East Europe of new methods of synthesis and functionalization of carbon nanotubes for applications in the energy storage and sensors fieldMihaela BAIBARACSCOPES2012-01-012015-03-31Details
35Hybrid materials based on carbon nanotubes, heteropolyacids and conducting polymers for applications in energy storage fieldMihaela BAIBARACPNII2008-10-012011-11-01Details
36Optical and electrochemical properties of the carbn nanotubes/polyoxometalates/conducting polymers nanocompositesMihaela BAIBARACIDEAS2007-09-012010-09-01Details
37Organic/inorganic type hybrid nanocomposites, with carbon nanotubes and inorganic semiconductor nanoparticles, for applications in the field of optoelectronics, supercapacitors and sensors.Mihaela BAIBARACCEEX2006-12-102008-12-15Details
38Optical and electrical processes in hybrid nano- structured materials produced by the intercalation of the bi-dimensional crystalline structuresMihaela BAIBARACCEEX2006-12-102008-11-30Details
39Nano-structured composites of poly N-vinyl carbazole/carbon nanotube for applications in optoelectronics and rechargeable lithium batteries: synthesis, optical, electrical and electrochemical characterisation and applicative demonstrations.Mihaela BAIBARACCEEX2005-12-102008-10-03Details
40Nanostructured materials for aplications in sensors and optoelectronic technologyMihaela BAIBARACNATO Security-Science Programme2005-01-012008-01-01Details
41Photoconductivity and photoluminescence processes in poly para-phenylene vinylene/ carbon nanotubes and poly para-phenylene vinylene/oxide nanoparticles type compositesMihaela BAIBARACCeEx2005-12-012007-12-01Details

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