National Institute Of Materials Physics - Romania


articles found
91. Layered SnSe nanoflakes with anharmonic phonon properties and memristive characteristics
Authors: Buruiana, AT; Bocirnea, AE; Kuncser, AC; Tite, T; Matei, E; Mihai, C; Zawadzka, N; Olkowska-Pucko, K; Kipczak, L; Babinski, A; Molas, MR; Velea, A; Galca, AC

Published: OCT 15 2022, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 599, 153983, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.153983

92. New superdielectric materials: (1-x) SrFe12O19 - x BNT-BT nanocomposites
Authors: Greculeasa, SG; Comanescu, C; Iacob, N; Kuncser, A; Smaranda, I; Amarande, L; Cioangher, M; Burdusel, M; Teodorescu, V

Published: OCT 1 2022, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 642, 414139, DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2022.414139

93. Influence of relative humidity on CO2 interaction mechanism for Gd-doped SnO2 with respect to pure SnO2 and Gd2O3
Authors: Ghica, C; Mihalcea, CG; Simion, CE; Vlaicu, ID; Ghica, D; Dinu, IV; Florea, OG; Stanoiu, A

Published: OCT 1 2022, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 368, 132130, DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2022.132130

94. Tuning the acidity by addition of transition metal to Mn modified hollow silica spheres and their catalytic activity in ethanol dehydration to ethylene
Authors: Florea, M; Bocirnea, A; Neatu, S; Kuncser, AM; Trandafir, MM; Neatu, F

Published: SEP 25 2022, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 646, 118860, DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2022.118860

95. Multifunctional Zn-Doped ITO Sol-Gel Films Deposited on Different Substrates: Application as CO2-Sensing Material
Authors: Gartner, M; Anastasescu, M; Calderon-Moreno, JM; Nicolescu, M; Stroescu, H; Hornoiu, C; Preda, S; Predoana, L; Mitrea, D; Covei, M; Maraloiu, VA; Teodorescu, VS; Moldovan, C; Petrik, P; Zaharescu, M

Published: SEP 2022, NANOMATERIALS, 12, 3244, DOI: 10.3390/nano12183244

96. Memory Properties of Zr-Doped ZrO2 MOS-like Capacitor
Authors: Palade, C; Slav, A; Stavarache, I; Maraloiu, VA; Negrila, C; Ciurea, ML

Published: SEP 2022, COATINGS, 12, 1369, DOI: 10.3390/coatings12091369

97. Magnetic Properties of Nanosized Fe and FeCo Systems on Trenched Mo Templates
Authors: Stanciu, AE; Schinteie, G; Kuncser, AC; Locovei, C; Trupina, L; Iacob, N; Leca, A; Borca, B; Kuncser, V

Published: SEP 2022, COATINGS, 12, 1366, DOI: 10.3390/coatings12091366

98. Memory Window Enhancement in Antiferroelectric RAM by Hf Doping in ZrO2
Authors: Lomenzo, PD; Li, SR; Pintilie, L; Istrate, CM; Mikolajick, T; Schroeder, U

Published: SEP 2022, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 43, DOI: 10.1109/LED.2022.3189159

99. Ferroelectricity modulates polaronic coupling at multiferroic interfaces
Authors: Husanu, MA; Popescu, DG; Bisti, F; Hrib, LM; Filip, LD; Pasuk, I; Negrea, R; Istrate, MC; Lev, L; Schmitt, T; Pintilie, L; Mishchenko, A; Teodorescu, CM; Strocov, VN

Published: AUG 15 2022, COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 5, 209, DOI: 10.1038/s42005-022-00983-3

100. Improving the Efficiency of Gallium Telluride for Photocatalysis, Electrocatalysis, and Chemical Sensing through Defects Engineering and Interfacing with its Native Oxide
Authors: Bondino, F; Duman, S; Nappini, S; D'Olimpio, G; Ghica, C; Mazzola, F; Istrate, MC; Jugovac, M; Vorokhta, M; Santoro, S; Gurbulak, B; Locatelli, A; Boukhvalov, DW; Politano, A

Published: AUG 2022, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 2205923, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202205923

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