National Institute Of Materials Physics - Romania

Magnetism and Superconductivity


#TitleProject Director / NIMP LeaderType/CodeStart DateEnd DateLink
2Memristive multiferroic junctions (MMs)Bogdana BORCAPED2022-06-212024-06-21Details
3Compensated ferrimagnetic oxides for rapid magnetic switchers (FEMAGSWIT)Maria Cristina BARTHAPED2022-06-212024-06-21Details
4Nanoconfinement for Energy Storage in Metal Organic FrameworksCezar COMANESCUTE2022-05-152024-05-14Details
5Complex experimental and theoretical approaches in the evaluation of magnetic hyperthermia application.Gabriel SCHINTEIETE2022-05-132024-05-12Details
6Complex training facility for development, testing and validation of reaction means of special intervention forces against asymmetrical threats and risks in urban areasVictor KUNCSER2021-09-272023-09-26Details
7Tuning magnetoresistance by mastered effects: chirality and trapped fieldsAnda-Elena STANCIUPD2020-09-012022-10-31Details
8MgB2 based superconducting composite materials: processing and shaping aspects for different magnetic applicationsMihai BURDUSELPD2020-08-042022-08-01Details
9Advanced biodegradable materials based on MgB2 resistant to microbial colonizationPetre BADICAM-ERA.NET2017-06-062021-07-31Details
10New advanced nanocomposites. Technological developments and applicationsVictor KUNCSERPCCDI2018-03-142021-04-30Details
11Integrated system for rapid response to CBRNE incidentsVictor KUNCSER2017-01-102020-01-12Details
12Novel RE-free permanent magnet systems for automotive applicationsOvidiu CRISANPNIII Mobilities2019-01-012020-01-01Details
13Nanomagnet-logic integrated platform with arrays of magnetic tunnel junctions, with laser reversed magnetization for spintronic memories and nanosensorsOvidiu CRISANPCE2017-07-012019-12-01Details
14Vectorial MOKE approach for the investigation of microstructured magnetic thin filmsVictor KUNCSERParteneriate2017-01-012018-07-01Details
15High energy efficient permanent magnets without rare-earth elementsPalade PetruPCCA PNCDI-22014-07-012017-10-01Details
16Advanced approach of magnetic relaxationVictor KUNCSERIDEAS2011-10-012016-10-01Details
17Advanced target engineering for studying Ion Beams Generated by Petawatt-Class LasersVictor KUNCSERCAPACITATI2014-06-012016-06-01Details
18Surfaces and coatings of interest for tokamak plasma facing componentsVictor KUNCSEREURATOM2013-01-012013-12-01Details
19New complex hydrides for hydrogen storage tank suitable for vehicular applications – STOHICOPalade PetruPARTNERSHIP PNCDI-22008-10-022011-12-08Details
20Non-usual electronic mechanisms in intermetallics: from electrons pumping to selective adsorption surface processesPalade PetruIDEAS PNCDI-22008-10-022011-12-08Details
21Nanostructured biocompatible systems based on magnetic nanoparticles and polymers in response to external stimuli.Victor KUNCSERPARTNERSHIPS2007-05-012010-05-01Details
22Processing of advanced magnetic nanostructures in nanoparticles and nanofluids based on Fe for biomedical applicationsVictor KUNCSERPARTNERSHIPS2007-05-012010-05-01Details
23Ferromagnetic shape memory ribbons as contact free active elements in micropumpMihaela SOFRONIEDetails
24Influence of structure on the magnetoelectric coupling of SrFe12O19 – BNT-BT compositesSimona GRECULEASADetails

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