Vectorial MOKE approach for the investigation of microstructured magnetic thin films
Project Director: Dr. Victor KUNCSER
National Institute of Materials Physics, NIMP
A complex method for the investigation of some important magnetic parameters of technological interest for magnetic recording media or concerning the magneto-conduction functionality of lateral micro-sized senzors with nanometric thickness is proposed. The considered approach, based on the suitability of the magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE) for the investigation of microstructured magnetic thin films, involves both the realization of a specific multifunctional magneto-optic device and the implementation of different measuring methodologies providing information on the magnetic behaviour of the micro-magnetic systems. With respect to the first issue, the practical realization and development of a demonstrative model of advanced high precision optoelectronic device for measuring complex magnetic properties in micrometer sized and nanometer thick magnetic components is envisaged. Innovative solutions in adapting new configurations for the MOKE investigation, via micro-sized focusing on vizualized magnetic micro-structures and specific sample stage with three dimensional scanning and rotational degrees will be considered. The main advantages of the proposed multifunctional vector system (TRL3 level) as compared to already existing MOKE systems will be: (i) the combination of precision, speed and reliability of local (micrometer size) measurements, (ii) the ability to be adapted to both fundamental and applied scientific research and (iii) the suitability for controlling the production process of multi-component (integrated) sensors and actuators. With respect to the second issue, different complex methodologies (TRL3 level) for obtaining as much as complete information on the hysteretic behaviour, anisotropy directions, easy axis distribution, magnetic relaxation phenomena in microstructured thin films and even on magnetic domain configuration will be proposed and implemented on the multifunctional MOKE demonstrator.
National Institute of Materials Physics, NIMP
University of Bucharest, UB
Stage 1. Modular design and complex interconnection of the integrated system (download report)
Stage 2. MOKE Software final version (download report)
Conclusions on the entire project
The project proposed the design and manufacture of an advanced magneto-opto-electronic device, of high precision, to measure simultaneously the magnetic and electronic transport properties in magnetic structures with micronic lateral dimensions and nanometric thicknesses. With this purpose, a functional magneto-optic demonstrator was produced and tested (see Figure 1). This device allows the sample to be positioned with micrometric precision in a focalized laser beam (the focalization is shown in Figure 2 a, while the scanning performed according to the control software, made within this project, is shown in Figure 2 b).

Fig 1

Figure 2 (a and b)
The demonstrator also allows emergent signal acquisition to provide information on the magnetization of magnetic microstructures by the magneto-optic Kerr effect (see Figure 3, focusing on the difference between the electric signal on the photodiode, specific to the microstructure in the absence of an applied magnetic field (a) and, respectively, in the presence of a saturation magnetic field (b)).

Fig 3 (a)

Fig 3 (b)
Capabilities of both spacial mapping of the intensity and Kerr angle (geometric and magnetic contrast) and of providing the dependence of the Kerr rotation angle on the applied magnetic field (with different orientations relative to the easy magnetization axes) were envisaged. In addition to the dissemination activity, consisting of 7 presentations at international conferences (2 invited lectures) and 5 ISI publications (3 published and other 2 in press), various products such as thin films with complex magnetic properties and magnetic microstructures of nanometric thickness, electronic components for control, signal processing and interfacing, control and signal processing softwares and, respectively, a demonstrator as a modular and integrated device (regarding the study of microstructured magnetic systems by Kerr effect), were obtained, as also detailed in the final report (view pdf). Innovative solutions regarding adaptation of new configurations for magneto-optic investigation by adequate focalization of light on optically visualized micrometric structures and, respectively, by using a sample stage with translation and rotation movement option, were proposed. The advantages of the proposed magneto-optic system, designed and created within this project, relative to other current commercial MOKE systems consist of: (i) combination of precision, speed and fiability of local measurements (of micronic precision), (ii) possibility to adapt for investigations regarding both fundamental and applicative aspects of magnetism, and (iii) possibility to adapt to control the production process of magnetic integrated sensor arrays and actuators. The device will be used especially for fundamental and applicative scientific research studies of the partners in this project (implementation at device manufacturer).
Considering the impact on the dissemination activity and on the scientific prestige, the results obtained within this stage consisted in 7 presentations to international conferences, 3 ISI articles and 2 ISI articles in press.
The conferences whereat these results were reported are:
1. Meditaraneean Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect MECAME 2017, Ierusalim (Israel), June 2017, invited lecture.
2. The European Conference Physics of Magnetism, September 2017, Poznan, Poland;
A.E. Stanciu, A. Kuncser, A. Catrina, A. Leca, N. Iacob, O. Crisan, G. Schinteie, V. Kuncser, Non-collinear spin configurations and related magneto-transport effects in amorphous Fe-Gd thin films, poster.
3. Optics and Photonics 2017, San Diego (USA) 6-10 august 2017, SPIE International Conference, Section "Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices XIV", poster.
4. 9-th International Conference on Advanced Materials 2017, Bucharest Romania, A.E. Stanciu, A. Kuncser, G. Schinteie, P. Palade, A. Leca, S.G. Greculeasa, A. Catrina, V. Kuncser, Magnetic and magnetoresistive properties of Fe-Au granular thin films in connection with self-organization phenomena, oral presentation.
5. 17-th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, Constanta, Romania, A.E. Stanciu, A. Kuncser, G. Schinteie, P. Palade, A. Leca, S.G. Greculeasa, A. Catrina, V. Kuncser, Magnetic and magnetoresistive properties of Fe-Au granular thin films in connection with self-organization phenomena, oral presentation.
6. International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect ICAME 2017, Saint Petersburg (Rusia), September 2017, invited lecture.
7. Scientific Session of the Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University, June 2018, Stanciu, A. Kuncser, A. Leca, N. Iacob, G. Schinteie, A. Catrina, V. Kuncser, Concentration dependent magnetic properties of amorphous Fe-Gd thin films, oral presentation.
The 5 ISI articles (3 published and 2 in press) are:
1. Structure, transition temperature and magnetoresistance of titanium-doped lanthanum barium magnetite epilayers onto STO 001 susbstrates, Applied Phys. Lett. 111, 18 (2017) 182409, AC Galca, M.Oumezzine, A.Leca, CF Chirila, V.Kuncser, A. Kuncser, C.Ghica, I.Pasuk, M.Oumezzine.
2. Physical mechanisms of exchange coupling effects in nanoparticulate Diluted Magnetic Oxides obtained by Laser Pyrolysis, J.Phys.Chem.C., 121, 16 (2017) 9063, V.Kuncser, G.Schinteie, A.Kuncser, A.Leca, M.Scarisoreanu, M.Morjan, G. Filoti.
3. Tuning magneto-transport properties of Fe-Au granular thin films by cluster organization, J.Phys.D.-Applied Physics, 50, 27 (2017) 275004, A.Stanciu, A.Kuncser, G.Schinteie, P.Palade, A.Leca, S.Greculeasa, A.Catrina, V.Kuncser.
4. Complex exchange coupling mechanisms in SRO/BFO/Fe heterostructures, in review at „Journal of Alloys and Compounds (from May 2018), S.G. Greculeasa, G.Schinteie, L.M. Hrib, V.Stancu, I.Pasuk, V.Kuncser.
5. Magnetism and magnetoresistance of single Ni-Cu alloy nanowires, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology (sent in March 2018 and evaluated for minor reviews), A.Costas, C.Florica, E.Matei, M.E.Toimil-Molares, I.Stavarache, A.M.Lepadatu, A.Kuncser, V.Kuncser and I.Enculescu.
In addition to the dissemination activity, different products as thin films with various magnetic properties and magnetic microstructures of nanometric thickness, electronic components as controllers, signal processing and interfacing, controler and signal processing softwares and a demonstrator consisting in a modular integrated device for the study of magnetic microstructured systems, were obtained. Inovative solutions regarding the adaptation of new configurations of magneto-optic investigations by adequate focalization of light on micrometric structures optically visualized and, respectively, by using a sample stage with translation and rotation movement option, were proposed.
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