National Institute Of Materials Physics - Romania

NIMP Events

15 Jul 2024

The Jubiliary Conference ROCAM 2024 aims at presenting an overview of the latest developments in some topics on: bulk ceramic and crystals; thin films, 2D materials and nanostructures; advanced characterization methods, and applications of…

14 May 2024
9th International Workshop of Materials Physics

2024 Theme Advanced Materials and Methods for Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry Altogether Program Invited speakers Abstract Book Organizing committee Venue About NIMP Sponsors Announcement The National Institute of Materials Physics…

04 Apr 2024
Networking cercetători străini

Joi 4, aprilie 2024, SciResCareer organizează, în parteneriat cu Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor, o primă întâlnire de networking destinată cercetătorilor străini ce activează în instituții de cercetare…

22 Feb 2024
One-day workshop: The future of Quantum Technologies in Romania

One-day workshopThe future of Quantum Technologies in Romania22 of February 2024, Otetelesanu Mansion, Magurele The National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP) organizes a one-day workshop dedicated to the future of…

05 Dec 2023
Sesiune de prezentari a rapoartelor de progres aferente fazelor proiectelor componente ale Programului Nucleu

Sesiune de prezentari a rapoartelor de progres aferente fazelor proiectelor componente ale Programului Nucleu, 5-7 decembrie 2023, sala de conferinte Conac Otetelesanu. Program Prezentari-faze-NucleuDownload

12 Sep 2023
Workshop COST: „Application-oriented material development”

NIMP will organize, between 12th and 14th of September, the "Application-oriented material development" workshop. The workshop is organized in the framework of the COST action CA20116 "European Network for Innovative…

03 Jul 2023
Sesiune de prezentari a rapoartelor de progres aferente fazelor proiectelor componente ale Programului Nucleu

Sesiune de prezentari a rapoartelor de progres aferente fazelor proiectelor componente ale Programului Nucleu, 3-6 iulie 2023, sala de conferinte Conac Otetelesanu. Programul-prezentarilor-Nucleu-iulie-2023Download

17 May 2023
8th International Workshop of Materials Physics

Advanced Materials and Methods for Heterogeneous Catalysis Announcement Invited speakers Program Venue About NIMP Organizing committee Photos Announcement The National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP) announces the organization of the…

30 Sep 2022
Noaptea Cercetătorilor București

Pe 30 septembrie, copiii și adulții deopotrivă sunt invitați să descopere lumea extraordinară a științei prin zeci de activități destinate minților curioase de toate vârstele: zone pline de jocuri, concursuri…

31 Aug 2022
7th edition of the International Workshop of Materials Physics – First Announcement, 2022

Recent Trends in Magnetism and Superconductivity 31 of August-2 of September 2022 The National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP) announces the organization of the 7th edition of the International Workshop…

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