NIMP Events

15 Jul 2024

The Jubiliary Conference ROCAM 2024 aims at presenting an overview of the latest developments…

14 May 2024
9th International Workshop of Materials Physics

2024 Theme Advanced Materials and Methods for Healthcare and Pharmaceutical…

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NIMP Seminars

15 Oct 2024
Advanced Etch and Deposition Solutions for MEMS and Semiconductor Manufacturing

GENERAL SEMINAR: Toni Sandbrink-Koblenz, memsstar UK In this presentation, we…

20 Sep 2024
Caracterizarea Biomecanică și Biofizică a Celulelor prin Microscopie cu Forță Atomică

GENERAL SEMINAR: Prof. Stéphane AVRIL, École des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne,…

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Latest Publications

Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol Biocomposite Films Containing Ferulic Acid and Cellulose Extracted from Robinia Pseudoacacia Pods
Authors: Marinas, IC; Oprea, E; Gaboreanu, DM; Matei, E; Nedelcu, L; Zgura, I; Angheloiu, M; Chifiriuc, MC

Published: DEC 31 2024, JOURNAL OF NATURAL FIBERS, 21, 2355297, DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2024.2355297

Two decades of continuous progresses and breakthroughs in the field of bioactive ceramics and glasses driven by CICECO-hub scientists
Authors: Fernandes, HR; Kannan, S; Alam, M; Stan, GE; Popa, AC; Buczynski, R; Golebiewski, P; Ferreira, JMF

Published: OCT 2024, BIOACTIVE MATERIALS, 40, DOI: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2024.05.041

Formation of skyrmion phase in the Fe-Co-Si system by mechanochemical activation
Authors: Sorescu, M; Tolea, F; Sofronie, M; Kuncser, V; Craig, AJ; Aitken, JA

Published: SEP 1 2024, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 688, 416153, DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2024.416153

Exploring the physicochemical traits, antifungal capabilities, and 3D spatial complexity of hydroxyapatite with Ag+-Mg2+substitution in the biocomposite thin films
Authors: Predoi, D; Talu, S; Ciobanu, SC; Iconaru, SL; Matos, RS; da Fonseca, HD

Published: SEP 2024, MICRON, 184, 103661, DOI: 10.1016/j.micron.2024.103661

Two-step process for the fabrication of direct FLG\MoS2 heterostructures
Authors: Buruiana, AT; Bocirnea, AE; Sava, F; Matei, E; Tite, T; Mariana, A; Simandan, ID; Galca, AC; Velea, A

Published: AUG 1 2024, MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 322, 129530, DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2024.129530

NIMP Scientific Highlights

National Institute of Materials Physics

Research Innovation and Technology Center for New Materials (RITecC)

The video is broadcasted at MRS Fall Meeting 2019 and on Youtube

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Perovskites for Photovoltaic Efficient Conversion Technology

Record values in Romania: 15.4% PCE the performance of solar cells with halide perovskite in the standard configuration

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3ϵFERRO: ferroelectric hafnia for fast, low energy logic and memory

Embedded non-volatile memories for the Internet of Things!

European commission site

3FERRO project »

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A new route towards the noble metal-free electro-catalysis
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Fosforena, un nou tip de material 2D de mare interes în zilele noastre
Pregătirea suprafețelor semiconductorului GaSb, un prim pas în dezvoltarea celulelor termofotovoltaice

Our services

NIMP services covers all the steps from preparation (bulk, thin films or nanostructures), going through basic structural characterization, and ending with in-depth analysis of the specific properties.

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2018 summary: over 180 ISI papers published in international journals and 10 patents

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Our history

The Institute of Physics and Technology of Materials came into being in 1977 by the union of some laboratories belonging to the Bucharest Institute of Physics and the Institute of Atomic Physics (IFA-Bucharest).

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Centers of Excellence

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Euro-Regional Centre for the Study of Advanced Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces
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Romania is a founding member of the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC)
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Centre for Research, Innovation and Technologies for New Materials (RITecC)
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Institut National de Physique des Matériaux
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Centre International de Formation et de Recherche Avancées en Physique
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Research center for advanced ESR techniques (CETRESAV)

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