HYPERFINE 2021 will be organized under the aegis of the National Institute for Materials Physics – NIMP. Founded in 1977, from the merger of some laboratories of formers Institute of Atomic Physics and Institute of Physics-Bucharest, NIMP is nowadays situated among the Top 5 research institutions in Romania (including also main Universities) from the scientific performance point of view, being nationally ranked 1st by scientific productivity. Main fields related to hyperfine interactions, such as Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Electron spin resonance (ESR), Mössbauer and muon spin spectroscopies, other resonance methods as well as their applications in ceramics, metals, insulators, semiconductors, magnetic materials, lattice and defect dynamics, surfaces, coatings, thin films, hybrid materials and nanostructures, are well addressed at NIMP. Scientific research in several laboratories tackles topics related to hyperfine interactions. Laboratory of Magnetism and Superconductivity devotes its research to materials with magnetic or superconducting properties, covering all stages from preparation (bulk materials, thin films and nanostructures) to structural and electronic characterization with advanced techniques including Mössbauer spectroscopy, completed by thorough analysis of magnetic and superconducting properties. The research is focused mainly on the study of nanostructures, especially nanoparticle systems and multilayer magnetic materials for colossal, giant and tunneling magnetoresistance, soft and hard magnetic materials, magnetic diluted semiconductors, but also on materials working under extreme conditions. Laboratory of Atomic Structures and Defects in Advanced Materials is mainly committed to resonance spectroscopic investigation methods (EPR – electron paramagnetic resonance; NMR – nuclear magnetic resonance; SR – muon spin resonance), structural investigations by analytical transmission and scanning electron microscopies, evaluation of physical properties in controlled environments (gas sensors, photo-catalysis).