Instructions and Deadlines for presenters
Contributed papers accepted for the Conference will be presented as either oral or poster presentations, according to the conference program (
Both on-site and virtual presentations (Tutorial/Awarded/Invited/Oral) will be done via zoom platforms. A suitably sized zoom platform under license will be available on a laptop on the conference site. The running presentation (either local or on-line) will be projected on the screen in the conference hall. The computer screen of presenters (either local or on-line) will be suitably shared via the zoom platform primary handled from the conference site. Invitations and links to the zoom platform will be daily send by e-mail (to the address provided via registration) to each confirmed participant. Usually, the invitation for day X of the conference will be sent in the evening of the previous day (X-1). The specified starting hour in the invitation will correspond to Bucharest/Athens time. Participants to ICAME will get also a second mail with the invitation to Hyperfine Interactions meeting and vice-versa.
A short training with the interested on-line presenters of a session will be performed at the beginning of each session (10-15 minutes before first morning presentations and 10 minutes at the beginning of each Coffee/Lunch Break). Also, a general training with the interested on-line participants will be performed on Saturday, 5-th of September, between 11.00-11.45 (before Tutorial Presentations) and between 15.45 and 16.15 (during Coffee Break).
• Oral Presenters will have 15 minutes for presentation, which include 12 minutes for their talk + 3 minutes for discussions.
• Tutorial and Awarded Speakers will have a total of 45 minutes for their presentation, which includes 40 minutes for their talk +5 minutes for discussions.
• Invited Speakers will have a total of 30 minutes for their presentation, which includes 25 minutes for their talk + 5 minutes for discussion.
Specific to on-site presentations:
• Tutorial/Awarded/Invited/Oral speakers with on-site presentations will be requested to provide their presentation slides in advance to each session to be uploaded on the local laptop hosting the zoom platform. The uploaded presentations will be delated at the end of each session.
• The recommended size of posters for on-site presentation is specific to the the A0 format (841×1189 mm2). It is highly recommended that on-site presenters to save in addition their posters as one page pdf file to be uploaded on a specific site, available also to the on-line participants (see details at virtual posters).
Specific to virtual poster presentations:
The poster session will take place in a virtual environment (Wonder platform), which simulates a conventional poster session.
The posters will be uploaded on the conference website in a specific section that will be available soon. Please, try to upload the posters before the first day of the Conference.
The posters will be seen by the registered and confirmed users only starting with the first day of the Conference and until to the last session of virtual poster presentation.
The recommended format for poster is PDF with single (typical poster format) and/or multiple page slides (similar to a brief presentation). The single page format can be used for an overall presentation (easier access to the readers) whereas the multipage view can be used for fast explanations of the questions by the presenters.
Two session are available for the virtual poster presentation. Participants with physical presentation of posters are also advised to upload their posters on the conference websites to be visible for the on line participants. The second session of posters with physical participation can be extended also to virtual participation.
During the poster sessions with virtual environment component, the on line presenters of specific geographic areas (eg as mentioned in the program) have to be available for answering to the questions raised up by the participants.