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**New** Prepearing the poster session

The poster upload page has been opened (click here). For online discussions during the poster session we will use the platform (a PDF tutorial will be available soon).

About important suggestions

The Presentation and Visa Application pages have been updated. Please visit them for more details.

About virtual poster session

The poster session will take place in a virtual environment, which simulates a conventional poster session.

The posters will be uploaded on the conference website in a specific section that will be available soon. Please, try to upload the posters before the first day of the Conference.

The posters will be seen by the registered users only starting with the first day of the Conference and until to the last session of virtual poster presentation.

The recommended format for poster is PDF with single (typical poster format) and/or multiple page slides (similar to a brief presentation). The single page format can be used for an overall presentation (easier access to the readers) whereas the multipage view can be used for fast explanations of the questions by the presenters.  

Two session are available for the virtual poster presentation. Participants with physical presentation of posters are also advised to upload their posters on the conference websites to be visible for the on line participants. The second session of posters with physical participation can be extended also to virtual participation. 

During the poster sessions with virtual environment component, the on line presenters of specific geographic areas (eg as mentioned in the program) have to be available for answering to the questions raised up by the participants. 

Conference Program

The ICAME-2021 conference program has been released:

!!! Phishing/hacking event recently reported

Dear Participants, due to a phishing/hacking event recently reported (a phone call on behalf of the organizers from a suspicious person outside from the conference committees) we should draw your attention on the fact that you should not answer back (by phone or e-mails) to any suspicious persons. For any questions you have, please contact directly the persons from the contact page on the website.

Please also be aware to make the payments only on the official conference site ( and not by clicking on any other suspicious link you eventually receive by other means.

About submission of full manuscripts:

The submission of full manuscripts for ICAME2021 and HYPERFINE2021 is already possible. Please follow the instruction on the respective websites (e.g. at section Proceedings for the ICAME2021 website). When manuscripts are submitted, the review process starts immediately.

About travel and accommodation

Recent information can be found at the section Venue and Fees