Magnetoelectric coupling at interfaces of ferroelectric/ferromagnetic heterostructures (CUMIFF)

Project Director: Dr. Dana POPESCU

Project type: TE

Time period: Sept 2015 - Dec 2017

Abstract: The project aims in revealing the nature of magnetoelectric (ME) coupling at ferroelectric/ferromagnetic interfaces by means of X-ray and ultra-violet spin-angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy depending on the buffer layer termination. Metallic perovskite oxides such as hole-doped LaxSr1-xMnO3 buried under a thin layer of n-doped BaTiO3 will be investigated. This approach would further allow for a reversible ON/OFF magnetization switching by means of an external applied electric field. A crucial role in the heterostructures, who exhibit ME coupling, is the interface hybridization between the empty d orbitals of the ferroelectric and filled d orbitals of the metallic perovskite which are responsible for the magnetic moment. Employing linear dichroism in photoemission performed at Synchrotron line, the degree of orbital polarization as well as symmetry of the bonding states will be established. The magnetic order will be assessed by angle-resolved PES with spin resolution. The approach will reveal the spectroscopic manifestations of the polarization and magnetic order switching on the electronic states near the Fermi level, which are involved in conductivity and therefore in the tunneling electroresistance and tunneling magnetoresistance readout in non-volatile memories. In addition, the Mott spin detector available at our experimental setup from at Elettra Synchrotron line in Trieste will allow for the first time the access at the buried interfaces with spin resolution.


O1) to establish the nature of the ME coupling arising at the BTO/LSMO interface depending on the FE polarization state of the BTO overlayers grown on different termination buffer;

O2) reveal the spectroscopic signatures of the effects associated to the polarization reversal and magnetic ordering switching on the electronic states near the Fermi level in connection with their transport properties;

O3) to decide the connection between FM of the heterostructures and orbital reconstruction, occupation and symmetry of the interface Mn and Ti eg and t2g atomic orbitals and

O4) to decide the influence of an additional AFM layer (NiO) on the ability to control the bottom ferromagnetization by FE polarization switch

Dr. Marius-Adrian Husanu

Drd. Cristina Bucur

Drd. Liviu Tanase


Published articles

  1. G. Popescu, Nicholas Barrett, Cristina Chirila, Iuliana Pasuk, Marius A. Husanu, Influence of hole depletion and depolarizing field on the BaTiO3/La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 interface electronic structure revealed by photoelectron spectroscopy and first-principles calculations, Physical Review B 92, 235442 (2015)
  2. G. Popescu, Marius A. Husanu, Cristina Chirila, Lucian Pintilie and Cristian M. Teodorescu, Impact on Ferroelectricity and Band Alignment of Gradually Grown Au on BaTiO3, Physica Status Solidi – Rapid Research Letters 13, 1900077 (2019)
  3. Dana G. Popescu, Marius A. Husanu, Cristina Chirila, Lucian Pintilie, Cristian M. Teodorescu,The interplay of work function and polarization state at the Schottky barriers height for Cu/BaTiO3 interface, Applied Surface Science 502, 144101 (2020)
  4. A. E. Bocirnea, D. G. Popescu, C. Chirila, R. M. Costescu, V. Kuncser, V.
    Stancu, L. Trupina, I. Pasuk, A. M. Vlaicu, and M. A. Husanu,
    "Polarization-dependent magnetism of the Ni/BaTiO3 interface", Physical
    Review Materials 4, 034402 (2020)

Book chapters

  1. Marius A. Husanu, Carlos A. F. Vaz, Spectroscopic Characterisation of Multiferroic Interfaces, in Spectroscopy of complex oxide interfaces: photoemission and related Spectroscopies, Springer Series in Materials Science 266, 245-281 (2018)

Patent Requests

  1. M.A. Husanu, D. G. Popescu, "Metoda de preparare a straturilor cristaline
    de nichel ", A/00715 (2019).

Articles submitted or under review

Charge modulation and orbital polarization in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/ferroelectric interfaces, Marius A. Husanu, Dana G. Popescu, Lucian Filip, Federico Bisti, Cristian M. Teodorescu, Luminita Hrib, Lucian Pintilie,  Iuliana Pasuk, Raluca Negrea, Leonid Lev, Thorsten Schmitt and Vladimir Strocov, submitted Nature Communications.

International conferences

  1. G. Popescu et al. Band alignment and charge reorganization at metal/ferroelectric interface, TRENDOXIDE2015: New trends in correlated oxides and interfaces, Brescia 12-18 November 2016 – oral presentation
  2. G. Popescu et al. Band bending in Au/BaTiO3 and Cu/ BaTiO3 investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, 1st European Young Chemists Meeting, Guimaraes 24 -29 April 2016 – oral presentation
  3. A. Husanu et al. Interface states with momentum resolution in BaTiO3/La1 ‐ xSrxMnO3 ferroelectric ‐ ferromagnetic heterostructure, 39th International conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics, Zurich 3-8 July 2016 – poster
  4. Bucur et al. Band bending in Pt/PZT interfaces, 16th INTERNATIONAL BALKAN WORKSHOP on APPLIED PHYSICS, Constanta 7-9 July 2017 – oral presentation
  5. G. Popescu et al. Interface electronic structure in BaTiO3/La1 xSrxMnO3 ferroelectric-ferromagnetic system, 16th INTERNATIONAL BALKAN WORKSHOP on APPLIED PHYSICS, Constanta 7-9 July 2017 – poster
  6. A. Husanu et al. Interface effects in a ferromagnetic hole-doped manganite buried under ferroelectric layer revealed in soft X-ray ARPES, Interface effects in a ferromagnetic hole-doped manganite buried under ferroelectric layer revealed in soft X-ray ARPES, 2nd International Workshop on Materials Physics, Magurele 16-18 May 2017 – oral presentation
  7. A. Husanu et al. Field-dependent electronic properties of a multiferroic interface obtained during In-operando angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, EMRS Strasbourg 22-28 May 2017 – oral presentation
  8. Bucur et al. Carbon monoxide adsorption on lead zirco-titanate PZT(001) surfaces, Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials – ROCAM, Bucharest 10-14 July 2017 – oral presentation
  9. A. Husanu et al. Mass renormaization and orbital polarization at a ferroelectric -ferromagnetic interface, Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials – ROCAM, Bucharest 10-14 July 2017 – oral presentation
  10. A. Husanu et al. Modified magnetism of a multiferroic interface due to orbital ordering triggered by ferroelectric field effect, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Prague 17-21 July 2017 - poster


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