

Assistant Researcher

Laboratory of Complex Heterostructures and Multifunctional Materials



Andrei Gabriel C. Tomulescu, Assistant scientific researcher (since 2013), born in 1990, graduated the Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science (FCASM) – Section “Oxide Materials Science and Engineering, and Nanomaterials” at University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) (2013), has a MSc degree in Chemical Engineering − Section “Micro and Nanomaterials” (UPB) (2015). Work experience: National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP) (2013 – to date); work stage at the Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells, JKU University, Austria. Main areas of interest/expertise: preparation of oxide powders and ceramics with electric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties through classical and sol-gel methods, deposition of organic and inorganic thin films through spin-coating wet chemistry, spray coating and magnetron sputtering for device manufacturing, solar cell fabrication and electrical characterization. Publications (last updated November 2022): 13 articles published in Web of Science® (WoS) journals with impact factor (e.g., Appl. Surf. Sci.; ACS J. Phys. Chem. Letters; J. Mater.  Sci.); Hirsch index (WoS): 6; Citations (without self-citations): 275, co-authored one book chapter (Elsevier publishing). Professional profile web-links: Brainmap:; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3025-6854; WoS ResearcherID: B-8700-2019.


1. Reticulated mesoporous TiO2 scaffold for self-cleaning surfaces
Authors: Besleaga, C; Tomulescu, AG; Zgura, I; Stepanova, A; Galca, AC; Laafar, S; Zorila, FL; Alexandru, M; Pintilie, I; Iliescu, M

Published: NOV 1 2024, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 50, DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2024.08.072

2. Partial replacement of Pb2+ in MAPbI(2.6)Cl(0.4) perovskite films and their photovoltaic performance
Authors: Derbali, S; Nouneh, K; Leonat, LN; Stancu, V; Tomulescu, AG; Galca, AC; Touhami, ME; Pintilie, I; Florea, M

Published: APR 2023, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, 34, 903, DOI: 10.1007/s10854-023-10318-9

3. Partial Replacement of Dimethylformamide with Less Toxic Solvents in the Fabrication Process of Mixed-Halide Perovskite Films
Authors: Stancu, V; Tomulescu, AG; Leonat, LN; Balescu, LM; Galca, AC; Toma, V; Besleaga, C; Derbali, S; Pintilie, I

Published: FEB 2023, COATINGS, 13, 378, DOI: 10.3390/coatings13020378

4. Partial replacement of Pb2+ in MAPbI2.6Cl0.4 perovskite films and their photovoltaic performance
Authors: Derbali, S; Nouneh, K; Leonat, LN; Stancu, V; Tomulescu, AG; Galca, AC; Touhami, ME; Pintilie, I; Florea, M

Published: APR 2023, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, 34, 903, DOI: 10.1007/s10854-023-10318-9

5. Effect of chlorine and bromine on the perovskite crystal growth in mesoscopic heterojunction photovoltaic device
Authors: Mehdi, H; Leonat, LN; Stancu, V; Saidi, H; Enculescu, M; Tomulescu, AG; Toma, V; Pintilie, I; Bouazizi, A; Galca, AC

Published: JUN 1 2022, MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, 143, 106558, DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2022.106558

6. Potassium-containing triple-cation mixed-halide perovskite materials: Toward efficient and stable solar cells
Authors: Derbali, S; Nouneh, K; Florea, M; Leonat, LN; Stancu, V; Tomulescu, AG; Galca, AC; Secu, M; Pintilie, L; Touhami, ME

Published: MAR 25 2021, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 858, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.158335

7. Accidental Impurities in Epitaxial Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3 Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition and Their Impact on the Macroscopic Electric Properties
Authors: Boni, GA; Chirila, CF; Stancu, V; Amarande, L; Pasuk, I; Trupina, L; Istrate, CM; Radu, C; Tomulescu, A; Neatu, S; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: MAY 2021, NANOMATERIALS, 11, DOI: 10.3390/nano11051177

8. Enhancing stability of hybrid perovskite solar cells by imidazolium incorporation
Authors: Tomulescu, AG; Leonat, LN; Neatu, F; Stancu, V; Toma, V; Derbali, S; Neatu, S; Rostas, AM; Besleaga, C; Patru, R; Pintilie, I; Florea, M

Published: AUG 1 2021, SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 227, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2021.111096

9. Influence of doping the inorganic cation with Eu or Sb on the properties of perovskite films
Authors: Stancu, V; Leonat, LN; Tomulescu, AG; Derbali, S; Pintilie, L; Besleaga, C; Galca, AC; Neatu, F; Neatu, T; Florea, M; Pintilie, I

Published: JUL 2020, PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 95, DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/ab90be

10. Exploring the effect of aliovalent substitution of Pb2+ by Eu3+ on structural, morphological and optical properties of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite films
Authors: Derbali, S; Nouneh, K; Florea, M; Neatu, F; Neatu, S; Leonat, LN; Secu, M; Tomulescu, AG; Stancu, V; Pintilie, L; Touhami, ME; Galca, AC

Published: APR 2020, PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 95, DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/ab5baa

11. Reticulated Mesoporous TiO2 Scaffold, Fabricated by Spray Coating, for Large-Area Perovskite Solar Cells
Authors: Tomulescu, AG; Stancu, V; Besleaga, C; Enculescu, M; Nemnes, GA; Florea, M; Dumitru, V; Pintilie, L; Pintilie, I; Leonat, L

Published: JAN 2020, ENERGY TECHNOLOGY, 8, DOI: 10.1002/ente.201900922

12. Comparison between dielectric and pyroelectric properties of PZFNT and BST type ceramics
Authors: Stancu, V; Amarande, L; Botea, M; Iuga, A; Leonat, LN; Tomulescu, AG; Cioangher, M; Balescu, LM; Pintilie, L

Published: 2019, PROCESSING AND APPLICATION OF CERAMICS, 13, 276, DOI: 10.2298/PAC1903269S

13. Carbon-based sprayed electrodes for pyroelectric applications
Authors: Chirila, C; Botea, M; Iuga, A; Tomulescu, AG; Balescu, L; Galca, AC; Boni, AG; Leonat, L; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: AUG 15 2019, PLOS ONE, 14, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0221108

Authors: Stancu, V; Amarande, L; Botea, M; Cioangher, M; Tomulescu, A; Iuga, A; Pintilie, L


15. The hysteresis-free behavior of perovskite solar cells from the perspective of the measurement conditions
Authors: Nemnes, GA; Besleaga, C; Tomulescu, AG; Leonat, LN; Stancu, V; Florea, M; Manolescu, A; Pintilie, I

Published: MAY 14 2019, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 7, 5274, DOI: 10.1039/c8tc05999c

16. How measurement protocols influence the dynamic J-V characteristics of perovskite solar cells: Theory and experiment
Authors: Nemnes, GA; Besleaga, C; Tomulescu, AG; Palici, A; Pintilie, L; Manolescu, A; Pintilie, I

Published: OCT 2018, SOLAR ENERGY, 173, 983, DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2018.08.033

17. Dynamic electrical behavior of halide perovskite based solar cells
Authors: Nemnes, GA; Besleaga, C; Tomulescu, AG; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L; Torfason, K; Manolescu, A

Published: JAN 2017, SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 159, 203, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2016.09.012

18. Properties of perovskite ferroelectrics deposited on F doped SnO2 electrodes and the prospect of their integration into perovskite solar cells
Authors: Pintilie, I; Stancu, V; Tomulescu, A; Radu, R; Stan, CB; Trinca, L; Pintilie, L

Published: DEC 5 2017, MATERIALS & DESIGN, 135, 121, DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2017.09.013

19. Iodine Migration and Degradation of Perovskite Solar Cells Enhanced by Metallic Electrodes
Authors: Besleaga, C; Abramiuc, LE; Stancu, V; Tomulescu, AG; Sima, M; Trinca, L; Plugaru, N; Pintilie, L; Nemnes, GA; Iliescu, M; Svavarsson, HG; Manolescu, A; Pintilie, I

Published: DEC 15 2016, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 7, 5175, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b02375

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