

Scientific Researcher III

Laboratory of Surface and Interface Science



Short bio: Dr Ioan-Alexandru Baragau is a Romanian synthetic chemist with expertise in functional nanomaterials and nanocomposite synthesis for environmental-related and energy applications. His research interest is focused on developing new green synthetic routes for carbon-based and/or biomass-related nanomaterials and nanocomposites. He is a pioneer in the synthesis of carbon quantum dots via the continuous hydrothermal flow synthesis (CHFS) method.

Fields of interest: Synthetic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Graphene, Quantum Dots, Hybrid Photocatalysts, and Environmental-related and Energy Applications.

Doctorate graduation year: 2021

Doctorate graduation place: School of Engineering, London South Bank University (LSBU), London, United Kingdom

Doctorate field of study: Chemical Engineering

Thesis title: New generation of continuous hydrothermal flow synthesis materials for environmental applications.


1. Engineering Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots: Tailoring Optical and Chemical Properties through Selection of Nitrogen Precursors
Authors: Nguyen, KG; Hus, M; Baragau, IA; Bowen, J; Heil, T; Nicolaev, A; Abramiuc, LE; Sapelkin, A; Sajjad, MT; Kellici, S

Published: JUN 2024, SMALL, 20, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202310587

2. Hydrothermal carbonization and pyrolysis in wetland engineering: Carbon sequestration, phosphorus recovery, and structural characterization of willow-based chars with X-ray μ-computed tomography
Authors: Acosta, AC; Arias, CA; Biller, P; Wittig, NK; Baragau, IA; Alhnidi, MJ; Ravenni, G; Sárossy, Z; Benedini, L; Abramiuc, LE; Popescu, DG; Negassa, W; Marulanda, VF; Müller-Stöver, DS; Brix, H

Published: JUL 15 2024, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 492, 151916, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.151916

3. Engineering Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots: Tailoring Optical and Chemical Properties through Selection of Nitrogen Precursors
Authors: Nguyen, KG; Hus, M; Baragau, IA; Bowen, J; Heil, T; Nicolaev, A; Abramiuc, LE; Sapelkin, A; Sajjad, MT; Kellici, S

Published: 2024 MAR 28 2024, SMALL, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202310587

4. Controlling the optoelectronic properties of nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots using biomass-derived precursors in a continuous flow system
Authors: Nguyen, KG; Hus, M; Baragau, IA; Puccinelli, E; Bowen, J; Heil, T; Nicolaev, A; Andrews, D; Sajjad, MT; Dunn, S; Kellici, S

Published: NOV 2024, CARBON, 230, 119623, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2024.119623

5. Outstanding visible light photocatalysis using nano-TiO2 hybrids with nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots and/or reduced graphene oxide
Authors: Baragau, IA; Buckeridge, J; Nguyen, KG; Heil, T; Sajjad, MT; Thomson, SAJ; Rennie, A; Morgan, DJ; Power, NP; Nicolae, SA; Titirici, MM; Dunn, S; Kellici, S

Published: MAY 9 2023, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 11, DOI: 10.1039/d2ta09586f

6. Outstanding visible light photocatalysis using nano-TiO2 hybrids with nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots and/or reduced graphene oxide
Authors: Baragau, IA; Buckeridge, J; Nguyen, KG; Heil, T; Sajjad, MT; Thomson, SAJ; Rennie, A; Morgan, DJ; Power, NP; Nicolae, SA; Titirici, MM; Dunn, S; Kellici, S

Published: MAY 9 2023, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 11, DOI: 10.1039/d2ta09586f

7. Nanostructured Al2O3/graphene additive in bio-based lubricant: A novel approach to improve engine performance
Authors: Hettiarachchi, SJ; Bowen, J; Kershaw, M; Baragau, IA; Nicolaev, A; Kellici, S

Published: AUG 2023, TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 186, 108619, DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2023.108619

8. Outstanding visible light photocatalysis using nano-TiO2 hybrids with nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots and/or reduced graphene oxide
Authors: Baragau, IA; Buckeridge, J; Nguyen, KG; Heil, T; Sajjad, MT; Thomson, SAJ; Rennie, A; Morgan, DJ; Power, NP; Nicolae, SA; Titirici, MM; Dunn, S; Kellici, S

Published: MAR 2023, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, DOI: 10.1039/d2ta09586f

9. In-situ continuous hydrothermal synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles on conductive N-doped MXene nanosheets for binder-free Li-ion battery anodes
Authors: Alli, U; McCarthy, K; Baragau, IA; Power, NP; Morgan, DJ; Dunn, S; Killian, S; Kennedy, T; Kellici, S

Published: FEB 15 2022, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 430, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.132976

10. Investigating the effect of N-doping on carbon quantum dots structure, optical properties and metal ion screening
Authors: Nguyen, KG; Baragau, IA; Gromicova, R; Nicolaev, A; Thomson, SAJ; Rennie, A; Power, NP; Sajjad, MT; Kellici, S

Published: AUG 15 2022, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12, 13806, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-16893-x

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