
Dr. Lucian Dragos FILIP

Scientific Researcher II

Laboratory of Complex Heterostructures and Multifunctional Materials



Dr. Lucian D. Filip, Scientific researcher rank II (since 2017), born in 1982, obtained the license diploma from the University of Buchares, Faculty of Physics in 2005 and a PhD degree in Materials Science at the Advanced Technology Institute, University of Surrey, United Kiwebofsciencengdom in 2009. Work experience: Advanced Technology Institute, University of Surrey, UK (2009-2010), National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP) (2010 – to date). Main areas of interest/expertise: theoretical modelling of solid state heterostructures; ab-initio investigations of electronic properties of materials using density functional theory methods. Publications (last updated November 2022): 38 articles published in Web of Science® (WoS) journals with impact factor (e.g., Phys. Rev. A; New J. of Phys.; Nanoscale; Scientific Reports); Hirsch index (WoS): 8; Citations (without self-citations): 207. Awards: „Dragomir Hurmuzescu” Romanian Academy award for contributions made in the field of physical sciences (2019). Coordinated projects: 3 national projects as Principal Investigator. Professional profile web-links: Brainmap:; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7319-1758; WoS ResearcherID: X-6396-2019.


1. Optimization of stable multi-polarization states in ferroelectric heterostructures

Project Type: TE, Start Date: 2021-01-12 End Date: 2022-12-31


1. Resistive-like Behavior of Ferroelectric p-n Bilayer Structures Based on Epitaxial Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3 Thin Films
Authors: Boni, AG; Chirila, C; Trupina, L; Radu, C; Filip, LD; Moldoveanu, V; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: 2023 JAN 25 2023, ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.2c01497

2. Experimental Band Structure of Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3: Mechanism of Ferroelectric Stabilization
Authors: Popescu, DG; Husanu, MA; Constantinou, PC; Filip, LD; Trupina, L; Bucur, CI; Pasuk, I; Chirila, C; Hrib, LM; Stancu, V; Pintilie, L; Schmitt, T; Teodorescu, CM; Strocov, VN

Published: FEB 2023, ADVANCED SCIENCE, 10, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202205476

3. Experimental Band Structure of Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3: Mechanism of Ferroelectric Stabilization
Authors: Popescu, DG; Husanu, MA; Constantinou, PC; Filip, LD; Trupina, L; Bucur, CI; Pasuk, I; Chirila, C; Hrib, LM; Stancu, V; Pintilie, L; Schmitt, T; Teodorescu, CM; Strocov, VN

Published: JAN 2023, ADVANCED SCIENCE, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202205476

4. Resistive-like Behavior of Ferroelectric p-n Bilayer Structures Based on Epitaxial Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 Thin Films
Authors: Boni, AG; Chirila, C; Trupina, L; Radu, C; Filip, LD; Moldoveanu, V; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: 2023 JAN 25 2023, ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.2c01497

5. Experimental Band Structure of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3: Mechanism of Ferroelectric Stabilization
Authors: Popescu, DG; Husanu, MA; Constantinou, PC; Filip, LD; Trupina, L; Bucur, CI; Pasuk, I; Chirila, C; Hrib, LM; Stancu, V; Pintilie, L; Schmitt, T; Teodorescu, CM; Strocov, VN

Published: FEB 2023, ADVANCED SCIENCE, 10, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202205476

6. Resistive-like Behavior of Ferroelectric p-n Bilayer Structures Based on Epitaxial Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3 Thin Films
Authors: Boni, AG; Chirila, C; Trupina, L; Radu, C; Filip, LD; Moldoveanu, V; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: JAN 2023, ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.2c01497

7. Investigation of the Boron removal effect induced by 5.5 MeV electrons on highly doped EPI- and Cz-silicon
Authors: Liao, C; Fretwurst, E; Garutti, E; Schwandt, J; Makarenko, L; Pintilie, I; Filip, LD; Himmerlich, A; Moll, M; Gurimskaya, Y; Li, Z


8. Ferroelectricity modulates polaronic coupling at multiferroic interfaces
Authors: Husanu, MA; Popescu, DG; Bisti, F; Hrib, LM; Filip, LD; Pasuk, I; Negrea, R; Istrate, MC; Lev, L; Schmitt, T; Pintilie, L; Mishchenko, A; Teodorescu, CM; Strocov, VN

Published: AUG 15 2022, COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 5, 209, DOI: 10.1038/s42005-022-00983-3

9. Negative Capacitance and Switching Dynamics Control Via Non-Ferroelectric Elements
Authors: Boni, AG; Patru, R; Filip, LD; Chirila, C; Pasuk, I; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: MAR 15 2022, ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, 5, DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.1c03890

10. Controlling polarization direction in epitaxial Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3 films through Nb (n-type) and Fe (p-type) doping
Authors: Chirila, CF; Stancu, V; Boni, GA; Pasuk, I; Trupina, L; Filip, LD; Radu, C; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: JAN 14 2022, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12, 755, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-04802-1

11. Effect of strain and stoichiometry on the ferroelectric and pyroelectric properties of the epitaxial Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3 films deposited on Si wafers
Authors: Chirila, C; Boni, GA; Filip, LD; Husanu, M; Neatu, S; Istrate, CM; Le Rhun, G; Vilquin, B; Trupina, L; Pasuk, I; Botea, M; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L


12. Negative capacitance in epitaxial ferroelectric capacitors evidenced by dynamic dielectric characterization
Authors: Boni, GA; Chirila, C; Filip, LD; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: MAR 2021, MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, 26, DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2021.102076

13. Polarization Switching and Negative Capacitance in Epitaxial PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 Thin Films
Authors: Pintilie, L; Boni, GA; Chirila, C; Hrib, L; Trupina, L; Filip, LD; Pintilie, I

Published: JUL 27 2020, PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 14, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.14.014080

14. Polarization branches and optimization calculation strategy applied to ABO(3) ferroelectrics
Authors: Filip, LD; Plugaru, N; Pintilie, L


15. Memcomputing and Nondestructive Reading in Functional Ferroelectric Heterostructures
Authors: Boni, GA; Filip, LD; Chirila, C; Iuga, A; Pasuk, I; Hrib, L; Trupina, L; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: AUG 26 2019, PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 12, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.12.024053

16. Designing functional ferroelectric interfaces from first-principles: dipoles and band bending at oxide heterojunctions
Authors: Dorin, R; Filip, LD; Pintilie, L; Butler, KT; Plugaru, N

Published: NOV 2019, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 21, DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab4d8b

17. Low value for the static background dielectric constant in epitaxial PZT thin films
Authors: Boni, GA; Chirila, CF; Hrib, L; Negrea, R; Filip, LD; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: OCT 11 2019, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-51312-8

18. Multiple polarization states in symmetric ferroelectric heterostructures for multi-bit non-volatile memories
Authors: Boni, GA; Filip, LD; Chirila, C; Pasuk, I; Negrea, R; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L

Published: DEC 28 2017, NANOSCALE, 9, 19278, DOI: 10.1039/c7nr06354g

19. Atomistic Simulations of Methylammonium Lead Halide Layers on PbTiO3 (001) Surfaces
Authors: Plugaru, N; Nemnes, GA; Filip, L; Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L; Butler, KT; Manolescu, A

Published: MAY 4 2017, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 121, 9109, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b00399

20. Review on peculiar issues of field emission in vacuum nanoelectronic devices
Authors: Filip, V; Filip, LD; Wong, H

Published: DEC 2017, SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS, 138, 15, DOI: 10.1016/j.sse.2017.09.010

21. Metal-ferroelectric-metal current-voltage characteristics: A charge flow balance through interfaces approach
Authors: Filip, LD; Pintilie, L

Published: FEB 15 2016, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B, 89, DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2016-60909-9

22. Leakage current for thin film metal-ferroelectric-metal devices
Authors: Filip, LD; Pintilie, L; Tam, WS; Kok, CW


23. Simulation of the capacitance-voltage characteristic in the case of epitaxial ferroelectric films with Schottky contacts
Authors: Filip, LD; Pintilie, L; Stancu, V; Pintilie, I

Published: OCT 1 2015, THIN SOLID FILMS, 592, 206, DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2015.08.046

24. Oxide Thin Films and Nano-heterostructures for Microelectronics (MOS Structures, Ferroelectric Materials and Multiferroic Heterostructures)
Authors: Pintilie, I; Pintilie, L; Filip, LD; Nistor, LC; Ghica, C

Published: 2014, SIZE EFFECTS IN NANOSTRUCTURES: BASICS AND APPLICATIONS, 205, 108, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-44479-5_4

25. Miniature x-ray tubes: current state and future prospects
Authors: Filip, V; Filip, LD; Okuyama, F

Published: MAR 2013, JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 8, DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/8/03/T03005

26. Evidence of tunneling in n-4H-SiC/SiO2 capacitors at low temperatures
Authors: Filip, LD; Pintilie, I; Svensson, BG

Published: 2013, SILICON CARBIDE AND RELATED MATERIALS 2012, 740-742, +, DOI: 10.4028/

27. Evidence for resonant tunneling from interface states in as-grown n-4H-SiC/SiO2 capacitors
Authors: Filip, LD; Pintilie, I; Nistor, LC; Svensson, BG

Published: OCT 31 2013, THIN SOLID FILMS, 545, 28, DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2013.03.083

28. The effect of the top electrode interface on the hysteretic behavior of epitaxial ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 thin films with bottom SrRuO3 electrode
Authors: Pintilie, L; Pasuk, I; Negrea, R; Filip, LD; Pintilie, I

Published: SEP 15 2012, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 112, DOI: 10.1063/1.4754318

29. Electronic and field emission properties of two-dimensional nanotori
Authors: Filip, MR; Filip, LD

Published: MAR 2011, JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 29, DOI: 10.1116/1.3531935

30. Exact equipotential profile mapping: A self-validating method
Authors: Filip, LD; Carey, JD; Silva, SRP

Published: APR 15 2011, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 109, DOI: 10.1063/1.3582141

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