
Dr. Magdalena GALATANU

Scientific Researcher III

Laboratory of Magnetism and Superconductivity



1. Evaluation of thermal properties of CuCrFeV (Ti, Ta, W, Mo) for nuclear fusion applications
Authors: Rodríguez-López, A; Savoini, B; Monge, MA; Galatanu, A; Galatanu, M

Published: DEC 2024, NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, 41, 101767, DOI: 10.1016/j.nme.2024.101767

2. Experimental Research on the Influence of Repeated Overheating on the Thermal Diffusivity of the Inconel 718 Alloy
Authors: Arva, ERU; Abrudeanu, M; Negrea, DA; Galatanu, A; Galatanu, M; Rizea, AD; Anghel, DC; Branzei, M; Jinga, AI; Petrescu, MI

Published: SEP 2024, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 14, 8574, DOI: 10.3390/app14188574

3. The Influence of Cyclic Thermal Shocks at High Temperatures on the Microstructure, Hardness and Thermal Diffusivity of the Rene 41 Alloy
Authors: Arva, ERU; Negrea, DA; Galatanu, A; Galatanu, M; Moga, SG; Anghel, DC; Branzei, M; Stoica, L; Jinga, AI; Petrescu, MI; Munteanu, C; Abrudeanu, M

Published: MAY 2024, MATERIALS, 17, 2262, DOI: 10.3390/ma17102262

4. Microengineering Design for Advanced W-Based Bulk Materials with Improved Properties
Authors: Galatanu, M; Enculescu, M; Galatanu, A; Ticos, D; Dumitru, M; Ticos, C

Published: MAR 2023, NANOMATERIALS, 13, 1012, DOI: 10.3390/nano13061012

5. Two Roman Glass Furnaces Discovered at Resca-Romula (Romania)
Authors: Negru, M; Badica, P; Alexandru-Dinu, A; Galatanu, M; Kuncser, A; Patroi, D; Artene, I

Published: OCT 1 2023, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY, 127, DOI: 10.1086/726009

6. Obtaining and characterisation of thermoelectric Mg2Si compound via wet and dry mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering
Authors: Cebotari, V; Popa, F; Marinca, TF; Neamtu, BV; Sechel, NA; Galatanu, M; Galatanu, A; Chicinas, I

Published: SEP-OCT 2023, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T, 26, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.09.167

7. The inclusion of ceramic carbides dispersion in In and Yb filled CoSb3 and their effect on the thermoelectric performance
Authors: Popescu, B; Galatanu, M; Enculescu, M; Galatanu, A

Published: FEB 10 2022, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 893, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.162400

8. Influence of the synthesis parameters on the transport properties of Mg2Si0.4Sn0.6 solid solutions produced by melting and spark plasma sintering
Authors: Assahsahi, I; Popescu, B; Enculescu, M; Galatanu, M; Galca, AC; El Bouayadi, R; Zejli, D; Galatanu, A

Published: APR 2022, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, 163, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2021.110561

9. Irradiation of W and K-Doped W Laminates without or with Cu, V, Ti Interlayers under a Pulsed 6 MeV Electron Beam
Authors: Ticos, D; Galatanu, M; Galatanu, A; Dumitru, M; Mitu, ML; Udrea, N; Scurtu, A; Ticos, CM

Published: FEB 2022, MATERIALS, 15, 956, DOI: 10.3390/ma15030956

10. The effects of mechanical alloying on the physical and thermal properties of CuCrFeTiV alloy
Authors: Antao, F; Dias, M; Correia, JB; Galatanu, A; Galatanu, M; Mardolcar, UV; Myakush, A; Cruz, MM; Casaca, A; da Silva, RC; Alves, E


11. Beneficial effects of a WC addition in FAST-densified tungsten
Authors: Novak, S; Kocen, M; Zavagnik, AS; Galatanu, A; Galatanu, M; Tarancon, S; Tejado, E; Pastor, JY; Jenus, P


12. Synthesis and characterization of conducting aniline and o-anisidine nanocomposites based on montmorillonite modified clay
Authors: Kenane, A; Galca, AC; Matei, E; Yahiaoui, A; Hachemaoui, A; Benkouider, AM; Bartha, C; Istrate, MC; Galatanu, M; Rasoga, O; Stanculescu, A

Published: JAN 2020, APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 184, DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2019.105395

13. Development of W-monoblock divertor components with embedded thermal barrier interfaces
Authors: Galatanu, M; Cioca, M; Ighigeanu, A; Ruiu, G; Enculescu, M; Popescu, B; Galatanu, A

Published: SEP 2019, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 146, 1354, DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.02.074

14. Sintering and irradiation of copper-based high entropy alloys for nuclear fusion
Authors: Dias, M; Antao, F; Catarino, N; Galatanu, A; Galatanu, M; Ferreira, P; Correia, JB; da Silva, RC; Goncalves, AP; Alves, E

Published: SEP 2019, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 146, 1828, DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.03.044

15. Thermophysical and mechanical properties of W-Cu laminates produced by FAST joining
Authors: Galatanu, A; Galatanu, M; Enculescu, M; Reiser, J; Sickinger, S

Published: SEP 2019, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 146, 2374, DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.03.193

16. High temperature thermo-physical properties of SPS-edW-Cu functional gradient materials
Authors: Galatanu, M; Enculescu, M; Galatanu, A

Published: FEB 2018, MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, 5, DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/aaa860

17. Thermophysical properties of Cu-ZrO2 composites as potential thermal barrier materials for a DEMO W-monoblock divertor
Authors: Galatanu, M; Enculescu, M; Galatanu, A

Published: FEB 2018, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 127, 184, DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.01.011

18. Cracks and nanodroplets produced on tungsten surface samples by dense plasma jets
Authors: Ticos, CM; Galatanu, M; Galatanu, A; Luculescu, C; Scurtu, A; Udrea, N; Ticos, D; Dumitru, M

Published: MAR 15 2018, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 434, 1128, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.11.057

19. Production and Structural Characterization of Some Magnesium Matrix Composites Reinforced with Amorphous/Nanocrystalline NiTi Particulates
Authors: Ciurdas, M; Necsulescu, DA; Pantilimon, CM; Ion, V; Galatanu, M; Ruiu, G; Dumitrescu, RE

Published: DEC 2018, REVISTA DE CHIMIE, 69, 3507, DOI:

20. Cu-based composites as thermal barrier materials in DEMO divertor components
Authors: Galatanu, M; Enculescu, M; Ruiu, G; Popescu, B; Galatanu, A

Published: NOV 2017, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 124, 1134, DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2017.02.031

21. Thermal conductivity and diffusivity of Cu-Y alloys produced by different powder metallurgy routes
Authors: Carro, G; Munoz, A; Monge, MA; Savoini, B; Galatanu, A; Galatanu, M; Pareja, R

Published: NOV 2017, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 124, 1160, DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2017.01.017

22. Exciton-phonon interaction in PbI2 revealed by Raman and photoluminescence studies using excitation light overlapping the fundamental absorption edge
Authors: Baibarac, M; Smaranda, I; Scocioreanu, M; Mitran, RA; Enculescu, M; Galatanu, M; Baltog, I

Published: OCT 2015, MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 70, 772, DOI: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2015.06.012

23. Direct sintering of SiC-W composites with enhanced thermal conductivity
Authors: Galatanu, M; Popescu, B; Enculescu, M; Tiseanu, I; Craciunescu, T; Galatanu, A

Published: OCT 2013, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 88, 2602, DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2013.05.036

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