
Dr. Mugurel TOLEA

Scientific Researcher II

Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and Computational Modeling



PhD in Theoretical Physics (at NIMP, Bucharest, Romania / Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest). Title of the thesis : “Spin dependent transport in mesoscopic systems”. The thesis was defended on November 2010, receiving “summa cum laude” distinction.


Professional experience : Since 2001 employed at NIMP, currently as Scientific Researcher II (since 2017). May-October 2005 employed as a researcher at the Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Poznan, Poland (during a 6 months Marie-Curie Fellowship).


Experience as a group leader: Won a Young Teams (TE) project in the 2011 within the PN-II competition, contract no. TE 90/05.10.2011. This resulted in coordinating a young team of 5 scientists for three years to achieve the proposed goals of the project (7 ISI papers were published in highly ranked journals). Project webpage:

Member of research teams in over 10 national projects.


Quantum Physics, Computational Physics, Mesoscopic Physics, Strongly Correlated Electrons, Keldysh Formalism, Configuration Interaction, Condensed matter theory, Modeling of Solid state Phase Transitions.

Hirsch index: 8

Google scholar link:

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Brainmap ID: U-1700-039W-8388

 Reviewer for: Phys.Rev.Lett, Phys.Rev.A/B, Physica E, Physics Status Solidi


1. Kinetics and the Effect of Thermal Treatments on the Martensitic Transformation and Magnetic Properties in Ni49Mn32Ga19 Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Ribbons
Authors: Tolea, F; Popescu, B; Bartha, C; Enculescu, M; Tolea, M; Sofronie, M

Published: JAN 2023, MAGNETOCHEMISTRY, 9, 7, DOI: 10.3390/magnetochemistry9010007

2. Kinetics and the Effect of Thermal Treatments on the Martensitic Transformation and Magnetic Properties in Ni49Mn32Ga19 Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Ribbons
Authors: Tolea, F; Popescu, B; Bartha, C; Enculescu, M; Tolea, M; Sofronie, M

Published: JAN 2023, MAGNETOCHEMISTRY, 9, 7, DOI: 10.3390/magnetochemistry9010007

3. Unidirectional Magnetic Anisotropy in Molybdenum Dioxide-Hematite Mixed-Oxide Nanostructures
Authors: Tolea, F; Sorescu, M; Diamandescu, L; Iacob, N; Tolea, M; Kuncser, V

Published: MAR 2022, NANOMATERIALS, 12, 938, DOI: 10.3390/nano12060938

4. Conductance zeros in complex molecules and lattices from the interference set method
Authors: Nita, M; Tolea, M; Marinescu, DC

Published: MAR 23 2021, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 103, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.125307

5. Magnetic and Magnetostrictive Properties of Ni50Mn20Ga27Cu3 Rapidly Quenched Ribbons
Authors: Sofronie, M; Tolea, M; Popescu, B; Enculescu, M; Tolea, F

Published: SEP 2021, MATERIALS, 14, DOI: 10.3390/ma14185126

6. Martensitic Transformation and Magnetic Properties of Ni57Fe18Ga25 Shape Memory Alloy Subjected to Severe Plastic Deformation
Authors: Popescu, B; Gurau, C; Gurau, G; Tolea, M; Sofronie, M; Tolea, F

Published: OCT 2021, TRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, 74, 2498, DOI: 10.1007/s12666-021-02293-8

7. Quantum dot exciton dephasing by Coulomb interaction: A fermionic analog of the independent boson model
Authors: Dinu, IV; Tolea, M; Gartner, P

Published: FEB 18 2020, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 101, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.085304

8. Robust conductance zeros in graphene quantum dots and other bipartite systems
Authors: Nita, M; Tolea, M; Marinescu, DC

Published: JUN 30 2020, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 101, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.235318

9. Magnetic and magnetostrictive properties of the ternary Fe67.5Pd30.5Ga2 ferromagnetic shape memory ribbons
Authors: Sofronie, M; Tolea, F; Tolea, M; Popescu, B; Valeanu, M

Published: JUL 2020, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, 142, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2020.109446

10. Localization Properties of Zig-Zag Edge States in Disordered Phosphorene
Authors: Nita, M; Ostahie, B; Tolea, M; Aldea, A

Published: JUL 2018, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS, 12, DOI: 10.1002/pssr.201800051

11. In-gap corner states in core-shell polygonal quantum rings
Authors: Sitek, A; Tolea, M; Nita, M; Serra, L; Gudmundsson, V; Manolescu, A

Published: JAN 10 2017, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7, DOI: 10.1038/srep40197

12. Thermal memory fading by heating to a lower temperature: Experimental data on polycrystalline NiFeGa ribbons and 2D statistical model predictions
Authors: Tolea, F; Tolea, M; Valeanu, M

Published: MAY 2017, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 257, 41, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2017.04.003

13. Specific Changes in the Magnetoresistance of Ni-Fe-Ga Heusler Alloys Induced by Cu, Co, and Al Substitutions
Authors: Tolea, F; Tolea, M; Sofronie, M; Popescu, B; Crisan, A; Leca, A; Valeanu, M

Published: APR 2017, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 53, DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2016.2628386

14. Tuning the transmission phase by the dot size
Authors: Tolea, F; Tolea, M

Published: JAN 2017, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, 85, 173, DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2016.08.034

15. Hund and anti-Hund rules in circular molecules
Authors: Nita, M; Tolea, M; Marinescu, DC; Manolescu, A

Published: DEC 1 2017, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 96, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.235101

16. Ground state spin and excitation energies in half-filled Lieb lattices
Authors: Tolea, M; Nita, M

Published: OCT 3 2016, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 94, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.165103

17. Effect of thermal treatments in Ni-Fe-Ga with Co substitutions and Ni-Mn-Ga melt spun ribbons
Authors: Tolea, F; Sofronie, M; Crisan, AD; Popescu, B; Tolea, M; Valeanu, M

Published: 2016, 21ST EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON FRACTURE, (ECF21), 2, 1480, DOI: 10.1016/j.prostr.2016.06.187

18. Distribution of plates' sizes tell the thermal history in a simulated martensitic-like phase transition
Authors: Tolea, F; Tolea, M; Sofronie, M; Valeanu, M

Published: JUL 2015, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 213, 41, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2015.04.016

19. Magnetic and Martensitic Transformations in the bulk and melt spun ribbons of Ni57-xNdxFe18Ga25 Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys
Authors: Tolea, F; Crisan, AD; Sofronie, M; Tolea, M; Valeanu, M

Published: 2015, MATERIALS TODAY-PROCEEDINGS, 2, 878, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2015.07.421

20. Hearing shapes of few electrons quantum drums: A configuration-interaction study
Authors: Tolea, F; Tolea, M

Published: FEB 1 2015, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 458, 91, DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2014.11.013

Authors: Tolea, F; Sofronie, M; Tolea, M; Kuncser, V; Valeanu, M


22. Electron Reconfiguration and Enhanced Phonon Activation in the Superconducting State of a FeSe0.3Te0.7 Single Crystal, as Evidenced by Mossbauer Spectroscopy
Authors: Greculeasa, S; Miu, L; Badica, P; Nie, J; Tolea, M; Kuncser, V

Published: JAN 15 2015, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 84, DOI: 10.7566/JPSJ.84.014701

23. Magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Fe-Ga Heusler alloys with Co and Al substitutions
Authors: Tolea, F; Sofronie, M; Crisan, AD; Tolea, M; Valeanu, M

Published: 2015, ESOMAT 2015 - 10TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON MARTENSITIC TRANSFORMATIONS, 33, DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/20153305008

24. Transmission phase lapses at zero energy in graphene quantum dots
Authors: Nita, M; Tolea, M; Ostahie, B

Published: SEP 2014, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS, 8, 793, DOI: 10.1002/pssr.201409228

25. Analysis of the phase lapse problem in closed interferometers
Authors: Tolea, M; Moldoveanu, V; Dinu, IV; Tanatar, B

Published: OCT 1 2012, PHYSICS LETTERS A, 376, 3234, DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2012.07.007

26. Phase extraction in disordered isospectral shapes
Authors: Tolea, M; Ostahie, B; Nita, M; Tolea, F; Aldea, A

Published: MAR 14 2012, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 85, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.036604

27. Electronic transmittance phase extracted from mesoscopic interferometers
Authors: Tolea, M; Moldoveanu, V; Dinu, IV; Tanatar, B

Published: OCT 13 2012, NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS, 7, 7, DOI: 10.1186/1556-276X-7-568

28. Mesoscopic Fano effect in a spin splitter with a side-coupled quantum dot
Authors: Moldoveanu, V; Tolea, M; Tanatar, B

Published: FEB 20 2012, PHYSICS LETTERS A, 376, 1083, DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2012.02.017

29. Fano-Kondo oscillations of the conductance and thermopower in a mesoscopic transistor
Authors: Aldea, A; Tolea, M; Dinu, IV


30. Zero bias anomalies in the Kondo regime of single and double quantum dots
Authors: Aldea, A; Tolea, M; Dinu, IV

Published: 2012, ADVANCED MANY-BODY AND STATISTICAL METHODS IN MESOSCOPIC SYSTEMS, 338, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/338/1/012001

31. Coulomb oscillations in the Fano-Kondo effect and zero-bias anomalies in a double-dot mesotransistor
Authors: Aldea, A; Tolea, M; Dinu, IV

Published: JUN 27 2011, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 83, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.245317

32. Analyzing the measured phase in the multichannel Aharonov-Bohm interferometer
Authors: Tolea, M; Nita, M; Aldea, A

Published: JUL 2010, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, 42, 2236, DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2010.04.022

33. Kondo peaks and dips in the differential conductance of a multi-lead quantum dot: Dependence on bias conditions
Authors: Tolea, M; Dinu, IV; Aldea, A

Published: JAN 2009, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 79, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.033306

34. Peak-dip crossover of the differential conductance in mesoscopic systems with quantum impurities
Authors: Aldea, A; Tolea, M; Dinu, IV

Published: 2009, 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT25), PART 2, 150, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/150/2/022001

35. Transport through quantum dots with magnetic impurities
Authors: Tolea, M; Aldea, A; Bulka, BR


36. Coherent and incoherent transport through T-shaped double quantum dots
Authors: Moldoveanu, V; Tolea, M; Tanatar, B

Published: MAR 2008, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, 40, 1104, DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2007.08.012

37. Charge fluctuations in quantum point contact
Authors: Bulka, BR; Dinu, IV; Tolea, M

Published: MAY 2008, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, 40, 2617, DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2007.08.001

38. Measurement-induced decoherence in electronic interferometry at nanoscale
Authors: Moldoveanu, V; Tanatar, B; Tolea, M

Published: SEP 29 2008, PHYSICS LETTERS A, 372, 6196, DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2008.07.079

39. Transport through a multiply connected interacting mesoscopic system using the Keldysh formalism
Authors: Dinu, IV; Tolea, M; Aldea, A

Published: SEP 2007, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 76, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.113302

40. Controlled dephasing in single-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometers
Authors: Moldoveanu, V; Tolea, M; Tanatar, B

Published: JAN 2007, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 75, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.045309

41. Theoretical study of electronic transport through a small quantum dot with a magnetic impurity
Authors: Tolea, M; Bulka, BR

Published: MAR 2007, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 75, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.125301

42. Mesoscopic Fano effect in an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer Coulomb-coupled to a nearby quantum dot
Authors: Tolea, M; Moldoveanu, V; Tanatar, B

Published: 2007, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C - CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOL 4, NO 2, 4, +, DOI: 10.1002/pssc.200673304

43. Correlated electrons and transport in a quantum point contact and in a double-quantum-dot system
Authors: Bulka, BR; Kostyrko, T; Tolea, M; Dinu, IV

Published: JUN 27 2007, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 19, DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/19/25/255211

44. Mesoscopic Fano effect in Aharonov-Bohm rings with an embedded double dot
Authors: Tanatar, B; Moldoveanu, V; Tolea, M; Aldea, A

Published: 2006, LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, PTS A AND B, 850, +, DOI:

45. Fano interference in mesoscopic rings with quantum dots
Authors: Moldoveanu, V; Aldea, A; Tolea, M

Published: 2006, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C - CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOL 3, NO 2, 3, +, DOI: 10.1002/pssc.200562736

46. Criteria for the occurrence of negative resonant magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions
Authors: Tolea, M; Aldea, A; Tolea, F

Published: SEP 2006, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 243, R86, DOI: 10.1002/pssb.200642347

47. Interference in a system of coupled quantum wires: Theoretical study of electronic transport
Authors: Bulka, BR; Tolea, M; Dinu, IV

Published: NOV 2006, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 74, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.205301

48. Tunnelling magnetoresistance of a T-shaped Fano dot
Authors: Tolea, M; Bulka, BR

Published: JAN 2006, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 243, 254, DOI: 10.1002/pssb.200562462

49. Fano regime of one-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometers
Authors: Moldoveanu, V; Tolea, M; Gudmundsson, V; Manolescu, A

Published: AUG 2005, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 72, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.085338

50. Resonant and coherent transport through Aharonov-Bohm interferometers with coupled quantum dots
Authors: Moldoveanu, V; Tolea, M; Aldea, A; Tanatar, B

Published: MAR 2005, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 71, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.71.125338

51. Spin magnetoconductance in the mesoscopic spin-interferometer
Authors: Aldea, A; Tolea, M; Zittartz, J

Published: JUL 2005, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, 28, 202, DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2005.03.013

52. Disorder effects on the properties of two-dimensional finite systems in perpendicular magnetic field: the tight binding approach
Authors: Aldea, A; Nita, M; Dinu, V; Tolea, M

Published: JUL 2004, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 241, 2096, DOI: 10.1002/pssb.200404781

53. Martensitic Transformation and Magnetic Properties of Ni57Fe18Ga25 Shape Memory Alloy Subjected to Severe Plastic Deformation
Authors: Popescu, B; Gurau, C; Gurau, G; Tolea, M; Sofronie, M; Tolea, F

Published: , TRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, DOI: 10.1007/s12666-021-02293-8

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