4D printed energy harvesting devices based on innovative printable conductive elastomers
Project Director: Dr. Mihaela BAIBARAC
Project ID: MNET18/ADMA3454, 4DPrintEN
Prject Director: Dr. Mihaela Baibarac
Project Type: International
Project Program: MANUNET
Funded by: Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CCCDI-UEFISCDI
Contractor: National Institute of Materials Physics
Project Status:
Start Data: 01 June 2019
End Data: 30 May 2021
Project Abstract
4D printing appears as a new alternative approach across 3D printing technology paying attention to the fact that the printed products continue to evolve over time acting as smart responsive products, opening the door to different applications. On the other hand, in the era of deficiency of energy resources the concept of power generation through energy harvesting form the ambient movement has gained great importance and, the development of low power consumption portable devices, sensors and body implantable devices could play and essential role. For this reason, 4DPrintEN will be focused on that challenge, the development of a complete chain of product development of new harvesting electrical energy device: innovative nanostructured elastomers, design of components geometry and features, development of customized 3D printers and validation activities. Thus, the efficient way for harvesting electrical energy from mechanical movements is based on the use of piezoelectric materials and, the influence of the shape and size of nanostructured elastomers in the piezoelectric properties will be analyzed and defined.
95.000 euro (INCDFM)
Coordinator (Partner 1): National Institute of Materials Physics
Project Director: Dr. Mihaela Baibarac
Partner 2: All Green SRL
Head of the team of Partner 2: Dr. Angela Daniela La Rosa
Partner 3: Intelectro Iasi SRL
Head of the team of Partner 3: Dr. Stefan Cristian Macovei
Partner 4: Izertis SL
Head of the team of Partner 4: Dr. Sheila Mendez
- Optical, structural and dielectric properties of composites based on thermoplastic polymers of the polyolefin and polyurethane type and BaTiO3 nanoparticles, M. Baibarac, A. Nila, I. Smaranda, M. Stroe, L. Stingescu, M. Cristea, R.C. Cercel, a. Lorinczi, P. Ganea, I. Mercioniu, R. Ciobanu, C. Schreiner, R.G. Garcia, C. Barta, Materials 14, 4, 753, 2021
- The influence of the ceramic nanoparticles on the thermoplastic polymers matrix: their structural, optical and conductive properties, I. Smaranda, A. Nila, P. Ganea, M. Daescu, I. Zgura, R.C. Ciobanu, A. Trandabat, M. Baibarac, trimisa spre publicare la Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021.
- Vibration and Mechanical shock monitoring using flexible piezoelectric sensors, M. Paulet, O. Plopa, G. A. Ursan, I. Ursu, The 12th International conference on electromechanical and power systems, SIELMEN , October 2019, 10-11 Chisinau, Moldova.
- Flexible Piezo-Electric Composites for 3D-Printed Harvesters, Laurentiu Ungureanu, Ciobanu Romeo, Schreiner Cristina, Mihaela Aradoaei, Plopa Olga, 11th IEEE International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE 2020), October 22-23, 2020, Iasi, Romania.
Patent applications:
- „Procedeul de evaluare a unghiului de adsorbtie a polimerilor termoplastici pe suprafata particulelor ceramice”, M. Baibarac, A.F. Trandabat, R.C. Ciobanu, A 2021 00278 / 25.05.2021 la OSIM.
Project Contact Person:
Dr. Mihaela Baibarac
National Institute of Materials Physics,
Laboratory of Optical Processes in Nanostructured Materials, LOPMN
E-mail: barac[-a--t-]infim.ro
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