Comprehensive Investigation on Bulk Radiation Damage in Defect Engineered Silicon – from Point Defects to Clusters.
Project Director: Dr. Ioana PINTILIE
National Institute of Materials Physics
The aim of the project is to identify both the structure of the electrically active defects responsible for the electrical properties of the irradiated silicon diodes and the possible reactions with different impurities in the material. The identification of the main defects responsible for radiation tolerance of silicon sensors as well as their formation kinetics is of crucial importance for further developments of ultra radiation hard silicon material and it is thought that the understanding of their generation and kinetics in the presence of different kind of impurities inside the bulk of material represents the key strategy for this purpose. The proposed project aims at a specific solution of this problem, initiating systematic studies regarding the identification of the chemical structure of the harmful and of the beneficial defects in defect engineered silicon (Si with different content of O and C impurities). The generation of point and cluster related defects will be scanned by performing irradiation with only one type of particles (electrons with energies between 1 MeV and 30 MeV). Three kinds of defects investigations will be performed during the project: 1) Analysis of electrically active defects by means of DLTS and TSC methods; 2) Studies for defect identification by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR, ENDOR) methods, 3) Microstructural investigation of the extended and clustered defects by High Resolution-Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM).
O1. Determine the evolution and kinetics of point and cluster dominated defects in defect engineered silicon (O enriched, O lean, C rich, C lean) with increasing electron energy and the irradiation fluence, correlation with the device electrical characteristics.
O.2. Identify the oxygen and carbon related paramagnetic radiation induced centers as well as the extended defect structures in the disordered cluster regions.
O.3. Identify the structure of the radiation induced electrically active defects with strong impact on the device performance and establish the role of the impurities in their generation and kinetics.
Foreseen Activities
1) Samples preparation for EPR investigations and implants with 17O and 13C isotopes;
2) EPR experiments on non-irradiated samples before implantations
3) irradiations with 6 and 3 MeV
1) electrical characterization (C-V, I-V) of the test diodes after irradiation and annealing experiments;
2) TSC and DLTS experiments after irradiation and after annealing treatments;
3) correlation of the TSC and DLTS results with device characteristics;
4) EPR/ENDOR experiments on implanted samples before and after irradiation;
5) irradiations with 1, 15 and 30 MeV necessary for the next phase of the project
1) samples preparation for HRTEM analyses;
2) electrical characterization (C-V, I-V) of the irradiated diodes and annealing experiments;
3) TSC and DLTS experiments, after irradiation and after annealing treatments;
4) correlation of the TSC and DLTS results with device electrical characteristics;
5) EPR/ENDOR experiments on samples irradiated with 1 MeV electrons and annealing studies;
6) HRTEM studies on as-irradiated samples with 15 and 30 MeV
1) identify the role of the C and O impurities in defect generation and kinetics;
2) correlation between the results of TSC, DLTS and EPR/ENDOR studies and identification of the electrically active C and O impurity related point defects;
3) HRTEM investigations on samples irradiated with 15 MeV and 30 MeV and annealed at high temperatures;
4) correlation between the results of TSC, DLTS and HRTEM studies for identification of the electrically active Vacancies and Interstitials clustered defects;
5) modeling of the radiation damage as seen in the device performance for different content of C and O impurities, impact on the NIEL scaling hypothesis
Nr. crt. | Nume si prenume | Calitatea |
1 | Pintilie Ioana | Project Director, senior researcher rank I (CS1) |
2 | Boni Georgia Andra (fosta Ibanescu) | PhD student, University of Bucharest |
3 | Nistor Sergiu | senior researcher rank I (CS1) |
4 | Mariana Stefan (team member until August 2013) | senior researcher rank II (CS 2) |
5 | Daniela Ghica (team member since August 2013) | senior researcher rank III (CS3) |
6 | Nistor Leona | senior researcher rank I (CS1) |
7 | Radu Roxana | PhD student, University of Bucharest |
Activities 2011:
0) Purchase of equipment: One 30 l oven for treatments up to 4000C in N atmosphere
1) Samples preparation for EPR investigations and implants with 17O and 13C isotopes;
2) EPR experiments on non-irradiated samples before implantations
Main results 2011 (english): download
Activities 2012:
0) Purchase of equipment: one cryostat working between 10 K and 325 K
1) irradiation with electrons having energies of 1.5, 3.5, 6 and 15 MeV (36 samples) and irradiation with 12 keV photons of MOS like diodes (12 samples);
2) electrical characterization (C-V, I-V) of test diodes after irradiation and annealing experiments;
3) TSC and DLTS experiments after irradiation with 3 MeV, 6 MeV and 12keV photons, annealing experiments;
4) correlation of the TSC and DLTS results with device characteristics;
5) EPR/ENDOR experiments on implanted samples before and after irradiation;
Main results 2012 (english): download
Scientific report 2012 (romanian): download
Activities 2013:
0) Enrich the Si samples with O17 isotope by:
- succesive implantation of O17 with different energies
- difusion of O17 in samples volume
The costs for these experiments are financed by RD50-CERN Collaboration, via the project "Structure Investigations of Radiation Induced Defects in Silicon by EPR and HRTEM" aproved at the end of 2012 - download
1) sample preparation for HRTEM experiments after irradiation with 15 MeV electrons and 1 MeV neutrons
2) irradiations with 27 MeV electrons of test diodes and samples enriched with C or O isotopes
3) electrical characterization (C-V, I-V) of test diodes after irradiation and start annealing experiments;
4) TSC and DLTS experiments after irradiation with 15 MeV and 12keV photons and annealing experiments;
5) start of EPR/ENDOR experiments on samples with isotopes after irradiation with 27 MeV
6) HRTEM experiments after irradiation with 15 MeV electrons and 1 MeV neutrons - annealing experiments
Main results 2013 (english): download
Scientific report 2013 (romanian): download
Preliminary Synthetic Report (2011_2013): download
Activities 2014:
1) electrical characterization (C-V, I-V) of test diodes after irradiation with 27 MeV electrons and annealing experiments;
2) TSC and DLTS experiments after irradiation and annealing experiments;
3) correlation of the TSC and DLTS results with device characteristics after irradiation with 27 MeV;
4) Annealing experiments on samples irradiated with low energy electrons and prepared for EPR investigations followed by EPR/ENDOR studies for identifying the chemical structure of the radiation induced defects
5) Correlations between EPR/ENDOR results with those obtained by DLTS and TSC investigations in samples irradiated with low energy electrons
6) HRTEM experiments related to extended defects indused by irradiation - annealing experiments
7) Correlations between HRTEM results regarding the kinetics of defects with those obtained by DLTS and TSC techniques.
Main results 2014 (english): download
Scientific report 2014: download
Activities 2015
1) Electrical characterization (C-V, I-V, TSC and DLTS) of test diodes after irradiation and annealing experiments;
2) Annealing experiments on samples irradiated with low energy electrons and prepared for EPR investigations followed by EPR/ENDOR studies for identifying the chemical structure of the radiation induced defects
3) HRTEM experiments related to extended defects indused by irradiation - annealing experiments
4) Correlations between HRTEM results regarding the kinetics of defects with those obtained by DLTS and TSC techniques.
Scientific report 2015 (english): download
Scientific report 2015 (romanian): download
Activities 2016
1) Corelations between the results obtained by EPR/ENDOR and DLTS/TSC techniques with respect of kinetics of point defects.
2) Corelations between the DLTS/TSC, EPR/ENDOR and HRTEM results.
3). Modelling of electrical characteristics (C-V, I-V) in silicon sensors with different O and C content, irradiated with electrons of different energy.
Scientific report 2016 (english): download
Roxana Radu -PhD thesis entitled: " Bulk radiation damage in silicon-from point defects to clusters" finished in 2015
Publications in ISI Journals
- “Investigation of X-ray induced radiation damage at Si-SiO2 interface of silicon sensors for the European XFEL”; Autori: J. Zhang, E. Fretwurst, R. Klanner, I. Pintilie, J. Schwandt and M. Turcato, Journal of Instrumentation Volume: 7 Article Number: C12012 DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/7/12/C12012 Published: DEC 2012
- “Radiation damage in n-type silicon pad diodes after electron irradiation with energies between 1.5 MeV - 15 MeV”; Autori: R. Radu, E. Fretwurst, R. Klanner, G. Lindström and I. Pintilie, Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A 730, (2013), 84–90 ( Published: DEC 2013
- “Challenges for Silicon Pixel Sensors at the European XFEL” R. Klanner, J. Becker , E. Fretwurst, I.Pintilie, T. Poehlsen, J. Schwandt and J. Zhang lucrare prezentata oral la conferinta internationala RESMDD12, Florence, October 2012 Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A 730, (2013), 2-7 ( Published: DEC 2013
- "Study of High-dose X-ray Radiation Damage of Silicon Sensors" R. Klanner, E. Fretwurst, I. Pintilie, J. Schwandt, J. Zhang, Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A 732, 21 December 2013, Pages 117-121, (
- „Paramagnetic point defects in pure and 13C and 17O implanted silicon for high energy particle detectors”, Nistor, S.V., Ghica, D., Pintilie, I., Manaila, E. Romanian Reports in Physics 65 (3) , pp. 812-819, 2013
- „Study of high-dose X-ray radiation damage of silicon sensors”, Schwandt, J., Fretwurst, E., Klanner, R., Pintilie, I., Zhang, J., Proc. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 8777, 2013, Article number 87770K.doi: 10.1117/12.2019514
- Formation and annealing of boron-oxygen defects in irradiated silicon and silicongermaniumn+–p structuresL. F. Makarenko, S. B. Lastovskii, F. P. Korshunov, M. Moll, I. Pintilie, and N. V. Abrosimov, AIP Conference Proceedings 1583, 123 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4865618
- „Forward current enhanced elimination of the radiation induced boron–oxygen complex in silicon n+–p diodes” L. F. Makarenko, S. B. Lastovskii, H. S. Yakushevich, M. Moll, and I. Pintilie, Phys. Status Solidi A 211, No. 11, 2558–2562 (2014) / DOI 10.1002/pssa.201431315
- „Formation and annealing of metastable (interstitial oxygen)-(interstitial carbon) complexes in n- and p-type silicon” L. F. Makarenko, F. P. Korshunov, S. B. Lastovskii, L. I. Murin, M. Moll, I. Pintilie, Semiconductors, 2014, Volume 48, Issue 11, pp 1456-1462, DOI: 10.1134/S1063782614110141
- Investigation of point and extended defects in electron irradiated silicon – dependence on the particle energy, R. Radu, I. Pintilie, L. C. Nistor, E. Fretwurst, G. Lindstroem, L. F. Makarenko, Journal of Applied Physics 117, 164503 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4918924
Publications in Non-ISI journals
1. “X-ray induced radiation damage in segmented p+n silicon sensors”; Autori: J. Zhang, E. Fretwurst, R. Klanner, J. Schwandt, J. Becker, I. Kopsalis, I. Pintilie, and M. Turcato, PoS (Vertex 2012) 019 (
2. "Studiul defectelor induse de iradiere, primul pas spre creşterea rezistenţei la radiaţie a detectorilor de Si utilizaţi în experimentele LHC", Ioana Pintilie, Market Watch, 159, pp.18, 2013
- “Radiation damage in n-type silicon pad diodes after electron irradiation with energies between 1.5 MeV - 15 MeV”; Autori: R. Radu, E. Fretwurst, R. Klanner, G. Lindström and I. Pintilie, oral presentation at RESMDD12, Florence, October 2012 and at CERN during the RD50 Workshop held in Geneve 14-16 November 2012
- “Challenges for Silicon Pixel Sensors at the European XFEL” R. Klanner, J. Becker , E. Fretwurst, I.Pintilie, T. Poehlsen, J. Schwandt and J. Zhang oral presentation at RESMDD12, Florence, October 2012
- “X-ray induced radiation damage in segmented p+n silicon sensors”; Autori: J. Zhang, E. Fretwurst, R. Klanner, J. Schwandt, J. Becker, I. Kopsalis, I. Pintilie, and M. Turcato, oral presentation at 21st International Workshop on Vertex Detectors, 16-21 September 2012, Jeju, Korea
- S. V. Nistor, R. Radu, M. Stefan , L. C. Nistor, D. Ghica and I. Pintilie, “Paramagnetic radiation defects in silicon detectors for particle collision experiments” poster at International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM 2012), 24-29th July 2012, Santa Fe, U.S.A.
- "Radiation damage in n-type silicon after electron irradiation with energies between 1.5 MeV and 15 MeV", R. Radu, E. Fretwurst, R. Klanner, G. Lindstroem and I. Pintilie, 21st RD50-CERN Workshop, November 14-16, 2012, CERN, Geneve - oral presentation
- "Studies on n-type silicon after electron irradiation", R. Radu, E. Fretwurst, R. Klanner, G. Lindstroem and I. Pintilie, 22nd RD50-CERN Workshop, June 3-5, 2013, New Mexico, USA - oral presentation
- "Study of high-dose X-ray radiation damage of silicon sensors”, Schwandt, J., Fretwurst, E., Klanner, R., Pintilie, I., Zhang, J, Damage to Vuv, Euv, and X-Ray Optics IV Conference, April 15-18, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic - invited paper
- "Particle and Photon Detectors - Radiation induced defects in Si based sensors", I. Pintilie, oral presentation at HEPTech Industry Open Innovation Forum, 8-9 October 2013, Magurele, Romania (
- "Update on irradiation experiments with electrons of different kinetic energies (between 1.5 MeV and 27 MeV) performed on n-type silicon" Ioana Pintilie, R. Radu, E. Fretwurst, G. Lindstroem, R. Klanner, L. Makarenko, A. Barcz, P. Kaminsky, L. C. Nistor, S.V. Nistor, D. Ghica; oral presentation at 23rd RD50-CERN Workshop, 13-15 November, 2013, CERN, Geneve, Switzerland.(
- High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) investigations of silicon irradiated with high energy electrons, L.C. Nistor, S.V.Nistor and I. Pintilie, oral presentation at 24th RD50-CERN Workshop, 11-13 June 2014, Bucharest, Romania,
- Investigation of point and extended defects in electron irradiated silicon – dependence on the particle energy , R. Radu, I. Pintilie, G. Lindstroem and E. Fretwurst, oral presentation at 24th RD50-CERN Workshop, 11-13 June 2014, Bucharest,
- ESR investigation of paramagnetic point defects in O doped crystalline Si-FZ irradiated with 27 MeV electrons, S. V. Nistor and I. Pintilie,oral presentation at 24th RD50-CERN Workshop, 11-13 June 2014, Bucharest,
- Comprehensive investigations of point and cluster radiation induced defects in silicon, R. Radu, E. Fretwurst, G. Lindstroem, L. C. Nistor, V. S. Nistor, I. Pintilie, oral presentation at the Second International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Field of Research, RAD2014, 27th-30th May, Nis, Serbia
- Radiation defects at high radiation doses in silicon detector materials
L. C. Nistor*, S. V. Nistor, D. Ghica, A. C. Joita, I. Pintilie, poster Europhysical Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (Eurodim 2014), 13-19 July 2014 Canterbury, UK - Point and extended defects in silicon induced by electron irradiation – dependence on the particle energy, I. Pintilie, R. Radu, E. Fretwurst,G. Lindstroem, L. Makarenko, L. C. Nistor, S.V. Nistor, oral presentation at 25th RD50-CERN Workshop, 18-20 November 2014,Geneve, Switzerland (
- Defect generation and damage functions in electron irradiated silicon – dependence on the particle energy, Ioana Pintilie, R. Radu, L. C. Nistor, S. V. Nistor, G. Lindstroem , E. Fretwurst and L. Makarenko, oral presentation at 26th RD50-CERN Workshop, 22-24 iunie 2015, Santander, Spain
- Study of electron-induced defects in n-type silicon detectors, R. Radu, I. Pintilie, E. Fretwurst, G. Lindstroem, oral presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Field of Research, RAD2015, 8-12 June, Budva, Montenegro
1. Shapes and patterns in matter and fields: inter-related microscopic and macroscopic physical properties, Ioana Pintilie, Petre Badica, Mircea Bulinski and Victor Kuncser, Book chapter in "On form and pattern", pp. 1011-139, 2015, Ed. Academiei Romane, ISBN 978-973-27-2531-3.
Invited Lectures
- "Surface and bulk radiation induced defects in Si-based sensors"; Autori: I. Pintilie, invited lecture at 1st Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Different Fields of Research (RAD2012), 24-27 April 2012, Nis, Serbia.(
- „Bridging the gap between defect analysis and device characteristics”, I. Pintilie, invited lecture at International Symposium on Semiconductors: Defects, Doping and Diffusion (IS2D3), October 24-25, 2013 ,Oslo University, Norway - in honour of Professor Bengt G. Svensson to celebrate his 60th Birthday and to acknowledge his pioneering and sustained contributions to semiconductors, especially defects, doping and diffusion.(
- Imperfections in crystal patterns: from atomic-scale defects to modern electronic devices, Ioana Pintilie, Invited lecture at On Form and Pattern Humboldt Kolleg May 29th – May 31st, 2014, Bucharest, Romania, (
- INTERFACE AND BULK RADIATION INDUCED EFFECTS IN SI-BASED SENSORS, I. Pintilie, Plenary lecture, TIM14, 19-22 November 2014, Timisoara, Romania
Visibility and recognition of the PCE-72/2011 project results in international Collaborations (at CERN)
1) NIMP organised the 24th CERN - RD50 workshop in Bucharest, 11-13 June 2014.
Workshop Website :
2) Ioana Pintilie (NIMP), PCE-72/2011 project director, was elected the Convener of the "Defect and Material Characterization" research line in the CERN-RD50 Collaboration (with 48 institions and 270 members) see /rd50/ (RD50 Organization): download
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