Ferromagnetic shape memory ribbons as contact free active elements in micropump
Project Director: Dr. Mihaela SOFRONIE
The present project aims to provide a demonstrator, at lab-scale, for a new generation of micropumps, by using as active element a ferromagnetic shape memory (FSM) alloy, namely Ni-Mn-Ga based alloys with the best magnetoelastic properties. The bulk and ribbons with extended and/or complementary multifunctional characteristics will be produced, for use as the basic components from lab-micropumps. An important benefit is that the FSM element, which is in direct contact with the pumped fluid in micropump, is total controlled by the driving mechanism (permanent magnet) that is physically separated from the element itself. Inside the micropump, the “moving” element is the material shrinkage that follows the rotation of the magnetic field and thus transports the liquid/gas volume to the exit. The formed cavity moves with the direction of the magnetic field and thus the flow direction can be reversed by changing the direction of field rotation. The thickness of the FSM element and the diameter of the magnet determine the fluid volume transferred, which allows touse the materials with different thicknesses to transport liquids/gas with different properties. The project novelty is twofold: first, are being investigated the magnetoelastic properties under variable applied magnetic field, via magnetic field induced strains, in polycrystals material prepared as bulk and ribbons, of Ni-Mn-Ga based alloys. The second novelty consists in the preparation method: the melt spinning technique is an effective one-step processing route to produce textured polycrystalline ribbons necessary for miniaturization and smart integration in the microfluidic technologies. The high texture provided by the columnar microstructure and thermal treatments, is able to enhance the mobility of martensitic twin variant boundaries to get improved shrinkage.
PhD. Mihaela Sofronie – project manager, CSIII, INCDFM, ID Brainmap: U-1700-035N-9608.
PhD. Felicia Tolea – membership, CSIII, INCDFM, ID Brainmap: U-1700-034X-9608
PhD. Bogdan Popescu - membership, CS, INCDFM, U-1700-030K-4974
PhD. Monica Enculescu - membership, CSI, INCDFM, ID Brainmap: U-1700-038C-9631
PhD. Anda-Elena Stanciu - membership, ACS, INCDFM, ID Brainmap: U-1800-046A-7559
- Microstructure, magnetic and magnetostrictive behaviour in the rapidly quenched off-stoichiometric Ni–Mn–Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, autori Mihaela Sofronie, Felicia Tolea, Monica Enculescu, Iuliana Pasuk, Bogdan Popescu, SESIUNEA ŞTIINTIFICA ANUALĂ a Facultatii de Fizica, Magurele, Romania, 18 iunie 2021, PREZENTARE ORALA.
- Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, autori Mihaela Sofronie, Felicia Tolea, Bogdan Popescu, Alina D. Crisan, Victor Kuncser, Mihaela Valeanu, International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, ICAME 2021, Brasov, Romania, 5-10 September 2021, POSTER, ISBN: 978-606-94603-3-7.
- Magnetic and Magnetostrictive Properties of Ni50Mn20Ga27Cu3 Rapidly Quenched Ribbons, M. Sofronie, M. Tolea, B. Popescu, M. Enculescu, F.Tolea, MATERIALS (2021), 14, 5126, DOI 10.3390/ma14185126, SEP 2021, (IF= 3.623, AIS= 0.595, Q2)
- The Effect of the In-Situ Heat Treatment on the Martensitic Transformation and Specific Properties of the Fe-Mn-Si-Cr Shape Memory Alloys Processed by HSHPT Severe Plastic Deformation, C. Gurau, G. Gurau, F. Tolea, B. Popescu, M. Banu, LG Bujoreanu, MATERIALS (2021) 14, 4621, AUG 2021, DOI10.3390/ma14164621, (IF= 3.623, AIS= 0.595, Q2)
- Long- and short-range order in the Ni52Co2Fe20Ga26 ferromagnetic Heusler alloy, D.Macovei, F. Tolea, JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY (2021) 54, 4, 1207-1216, AUG 2021, DOI10.1107/S1600576721006415, (IF= 3.304, AIS= 1.321, Q2)
- Martensitic Transformation and Magnetic Properties of Ni57Fe18Ga25 Shape Memory Alloy Subjected to Severe Plastic Deformation, B. Popescu, C. Gurau, G. Gurau, M. Tolea, M. Sofronie, F. Tolea, TRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS (2021), MAY 2021, DOI 10.1007/s12666-021-02293-8, (IF=1.499, AIS= 0.178, Q3)
- Multifunctional GaFeO3 Obtained via Mechanochemical Activation Followed by Calcination of Equimolar Nano-System Ga2O3-Fe2O3, Diamandescu, F. Tolea, M. Feder, F. Vasiliu, I. Mercioniu, M. Enculescu, T. Popescu, B. Popescu, NANOMATERIALS (2021), 11, 57, JAN 2021, DOI 10.3390/nano11010057, (IF= 5.076, AIS= 0.756, Q2)
- Structural, magnetic and magnetostrictive properties of the ternary iron–palladium–silicon ferromagnetic shape memory ribbons, M. Sofronie, B. Popescu, M. Enculescu, Applied Physics A (2021) 127, 3, 168, FEB 5 2021, DOI 10.1007/s00339-021-04315-0, (IF= 2.584, AIS= 0.333, Q2)
- Microstructure, magnetic and magnetostrictive behavior in rapidly quenched off-stoichiometric Ni-Mn-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, M. Sofronie, F. Tolea, M. Enculescu, I. Pasuk, B. Popescu, articol evaluat si acceptat in Romanian Report in Physics (IF= 1.785, AIS= 0.268, Q3)
- Material magnetic cu memoria formei pe baza de nichel, mangan, galiu, cobalt sub forma de benzi metalice solidificate ultrarapid din topitura si procedeu de obtinere a lui, autori M. Sofronie*, B. Popescu*, F. Tolea*, M. Enculescu*, cerere de brevet inregistrata la OSIM cu numarul A/00087 din 22.02.2022
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