New advanced nanocomposites. Technological developments and applications
Project Director: Dr. Victor KUNCSER
Project ID:
Status: finished
The development of complex nanocomposite materials consisting of different matrices (polymer-like, oxides, intermetallics, liquids) functionalized by different nasnostructured additions (carbon allotropes, magnetic nanoparticles with different organizations, nanostructured semiconductors, etc.) is the aim of this project. The unique combinations of interacting nanophases offeres to the hybrid nanocomposite material new or enhanced proprieties of high interest for applications. In this context, according to the previous experience of the involved teams, the complex project (formed by 4 component projects) is focused on the development of new optimized nanocomposite systems to be included in experimental demonstrators or final products to be transferred to economical companies. The project will contribute both to an increased scientific visibility of the partners as well as to enhancing the institutional performances by the development of new technical and scientific capacities.
General objective: The project proposes the development of complex nanocomposite materials, comprising various matrices (polymeric, oxidic, intermetallic, liquid) functionalized with some nanostructured additives (allotrope forms of carbon, magnetic nanoparticles with various degrees of organization, semiconductor nanostructures, etc.). The phase combination provides the hybrid nanocomposite material a series of unique properties, of high interest for applications. Based on the previous experience of the involved research groups, this complex project composed of 4 constitutive projects (Project 1: Polymer nanocomposites functionalized for innovative applications, having the following partners INCDFM, CCSACBRNE and UVT; Project 2: Oxidic nanocomposites functionalized for sensor applications, having the following partners INCDFM, INFLPR, IMT and UNITBV; Project 3: Nanocomposite intermetallics for permanent magnets, having the following partners INCDFM, INCDFT, UBB and UDJG; and Project 4: Nanocomposites based on dispersed magnetic nanoparticles for actuators and magnetic sensors, having the following partners INCDFM and ARFT), is aiming to develop new types of optimized nanocomposites which will finally be included in demonstrators or final products, transferable to the economic operators which already manifested their intention to undertake the results.
National Institute of Materials Physics
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PO Box MG 7, 077125, Magurele, Romania
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