Quasi-1D materials for advanced thin-film photovoltaics
Project Director: Dr. Cristina BESLEAGA STAN
LIGHTCELL aims at developing innovative architectures for thin-film photovoltaics (TF-PV) utilizing inorganic, environmentally stable (Sb2X3, X=S, Se) materials and sustainable fabrication processes with reduced energy consumption. Sb2X3 can be synthesized in a quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) form, addressing the main factors limiting the efficiency of TF-PV, i.e., recombination of the photogenerated carriers at the grain boundaries. A multidisciplinary consortium of academic and industrial partners aims at developing a scalable technology of sustainable, cost-efficient, and lightweight PV. For faster feedback loop to synthesis, a new tool for the rapid and non-destructive mapping of 2D and 3D crystallographic orientation of quasi-1D materials will be developed. The PV technology developed in LIGHTCELL will be validated in demonstrators by the industrial partners, targeting lightweight building-integrated PV applications, contributing to sustainable green energy production.
Objective: LIGHTCELL aims to demonstrate a new generation of all inorganic, environmentally-friendly and stable, quasi-1D Sb2S(Se)3 solar cells featuring efficiencies beyond state of the art, providing a green alternative to the commercial CdTe thin-film solar cells.
Aimed results:
1. To develop novel strategies for synthesizing solar absorbers with vertical quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) motifs and intrinsically passive GBs (1D-Sb2S(Se)3);
2. To implement rapid, non-destructive polarized Raman microscopy for 2D and 3D crystallographic orientation mapping of solar absorbers;
3. To demonstrate all inorganic solar cell devices based on quasi-1D absorbers with efficiency up to 15% on a lab scale and 10% on a large-scale produced in an industrial environment.
Coordinator: Technical University of Denmark (Dr. Stela Canulescu)
Partner 1: LightNovo APS (Dr. Oleksii Ilchenko)
Partner 2: National Institute of Material Physics (Dr. Cristina Besleaga Stan)
Partner 3: Tallinn University of Technology (Prof. Maarja Grossberg)
Partner 4: DGIST (Dr. Dae-Hwan Kim)
Partner 5: ULTECH (Dr. Dae-Young Kong)
National Institute of Material Physics team:
The kickoff meeting took place at DTU, Danmark, on 25 August 2023.

Kick-off meeting
On 19.04.2024, we had our 6 months meeting at NIMP, Romania, where we had the perfect opportunity to exchange personal and professional ideas with our partners from Denmark (DTU, LightNovo), Estonia (TALT), and South Korea (DIGST, ULTECH).
On 23.09.2024, we had our 12 months meeting at TALT, Estonia, where we meet our partners from Denmark (DTU, LightNovo), Estonia (TALT), and South Korea (DIGST, ULTECH). The research progress was presented and discussed.
Thin Sb2S3 films were obtained through RF magnetron sputtering (MS-RF) at temperatures ranging from RT to 300°C. To improve the structural properties, the Sb2S3 films were treated under various conditions: i) in a two-zone tubular furnace, in a nitrogen flow and in the presence of sulfur; ii) in a glove-box, in a nitrogen atmosphere, on a hot plate; iii) on a hot plate, in a nitrogen flow and in the presence of sulfur. The impact of the substrate on the morphological, structural, optical, and electrical properties of Sb2S3 was studied. Solar cells based on Sb2S3 were fabricated both in substrate and superstrate configurations.
- Detailed Research Report: Description of the processes used to obtain thin Sb2S3 films by RF magnetron sputtering, including details on post-deposition processing conditions (types of treatments, temperatures, etc.).
- Morphological and Structural Characterization Studies: Images and descriptions of the film structures (SEM, AFM), X-ray diffraction patterns, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray reflectometry.
- Optical and Electrical Characterization Studies: Measurements of the absorption spectrum of the Sb2S3 films. Determination of the transport mechanism through Thermally Stimulated Current (TSC) measurements.
- Comparison Tables and Graphs: Comparison of the properties of films treated under different conditions (temperatures, atmosphere, substrate type).
- Prototype Solar Cells Based on Sb2S3: Description of the solar cell configurations fabricated (substrate versus superstrate). Solar cell performance (I-V characteristics, quantum efficiency).
- Database with Experimental Results: A database containing detailed measurements and observations that can be referred to for future studies.
Outcome Indicators:
- 11 deposition sessions, totaling 65 samples.
- Crystallized Sb2S3 films with: i) orthorhombic structure (space group Pnma-62), thicknesses of ~100 nm, ~300 nm, and ~600 nm; densities ranging from 4.9 to 5.2 g/cm3.
- 248 solar cells with superstrate architecture.
- 32 solar cells with substrate architecture.
- 8 MoS2 and MoSe2 films.
- 3 films on silicon substrates and 11 films on quartz substrates.
Dissemination of Results: • Several meetings were organized among the project team members to identify new approaches for issues encountered. The project team also participated in monthly consortium meetings organized by the coordinator (DTU). During these meetings, each partner (including INCDFM) presented the progress made.
Research stages of young researchers:
Annabel SAAR (B.Sc. student), Tallinn University of Technology (TALTECH), Tallinn, Estonia, (10.11.-15.11.2024), Development of Low-Cost, Environmentally-Friendly Kesterite-Based Solar Cells
Marc Dolcet SADURNI (Ph.D. student), Tallinn University of Technology (TALTECH), Tallinn, Estonia, (10.11.-15.11.2024), Characterization of 1-D Antimony Chalcohalides
Messaoud TAMIN (Ph.D. student, Eugen Ionescu scholarship – AUF/MAE), Bourgogne Franche-Comté University, Dijon, France (15.09.–14.12.2024), Towards the development of semiconductors and wide-bandgap chalcogenide devices for advanced photovoltaic applications
Nikola ILIĆ (https://renewpv.eu/ STSM), Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia, (05.08-30.08.2024), Characterization of Sb2S3, Cu-doped Sb2S3 and CuSbS2 powders and fabrication and testing of solar cells
Rkia ELOTMANI (Ph.D. student, https://renewpv.eu/ STSM), Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco, (14.07-10.10.2024), Development of Low-Cost, Environmentally-Friendly Kesterite-Based Solar Cells
Lorenza ROMAGNOLI (https://renewpv.eu/ STSM), Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, (12.07-24.08.2024), Electrical characterization of BaZrS3, BaHfS3 and their solid solutions
Rim SAYED (Ph.D. student), Ibn Tofal University, Kenitra, Morocco, (15.06.2024–13.09.2024), Engineering electron transport layers and interfaces for boosting the efficiency of emergent inorganic solar cells
Abdessamad EL KANOUNY (Ph.D. student), Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco, (10.05.-30.07.2024), Synthesis and characterization of ternary SnSe1-xSx thin-film materials for solar cells at low cost and low environmental impact
The article "Phase Transitions in Dimer/Layered Sb-based Hybrid Halide Perovskites: An In-Depth Analysis of Structural and Spectroscopic Properties" has been accepted for publication in the journal Advanced Optical Materials, which is ranked Q1 in the fields of [Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics] and [Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials], with an Impact Factor of 8.4 and an AIS of 2.2. DOI: 10.1002/adom.202402242.
• Participation in 9 conferences:
- RenewPV Workshop " Materials (WG3)and device processing(WG4) of Emerging Chalcogenides, „The influence of structure and chemical homogeneity of the absorber layers on the performance of chalcogenide based solar cells”, C. Galca, O. El Khouja, A.G. Tomulescu, Viorica Stancu, M.Y. Zaki, I.D. Simandan, A. Velea, C. Besleaga, oral presentation, Cehia, Aprilie 2024;
- International Conference on Eco Smart Materials for the Future Technologies, „Research and development of emerging chalcogenide based films for optoelectronics”, C. Galca, O. El Khouja, K. Nouneh, V. Stancu, A.G. Tomulescu, I.D. Simandan, A. Velea, M. Ebn Touhami, C. Besleaga, invited lecture, Maroc, Mai 2024;
- European Kesterite , Workshop & the 2nd RENEW-PV, „The importance of the surface analysis in the characterization of antimony chalcogenides films”, A.E. Bocirnea, A.C. Galca, I.D. Simandan, A. Velea, O. El Khouja, A.G. Tomulescu, V. Stancu, C. Besleaga, poster, Italia, Iunie 2024;
- European Kesterite , Workshop & the 2nd RENEW-PV, „Insights of structure and chemical homogeneity of the Sb2S3 absorber layers and their influence on the performance and reproducibility of the solar cells”, A.C. Galca, I.D. Simandan, O. El Khouja, V. Toma, A.E. Bocirnea, A. Velea, V. Stancu, A.G. Tomulescu, C. Besleaga, poster, Italia, Iunie 2024;
- 10th International Conference on Advanced Materials (ROCAM), „Synthesis, characterization and optoelectronic applicability of Sb2S3 thin films for enhanced solar energy conversion”, O. El Khouja, A.G. Tomulescu, V. Stancu, C. Besleaga, A.C. Galca, oral presentation, Romania, Iulie 2024;
- 10th International Conference on Advanced Materials (ROCAM), „Facts and Artifacts in Optical and Structural Characterization of Emerging Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy”, A.C. Galca, O. El Khouja, S. Derbali, A.G. Tomulescu, L.N. Leonat, M.Y. Zaki, C.C. Negrila, A. Velea, V. Stancu, I. Pintilie, C. Besleaga, oral presentation, Romania, Iulie 2024;
- 16th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-16), „Synthesis, characterization and optoelectronic applicability of CZTS and Sb2S3 films for enhanced solar energy conversion”, O. El Khouja, YC. Gong, C. Besleaga, A. Jimenez-Arguijo, I.D. Simandan, Z. Jehl Li-Kao, A.G. Tomulescu, A. Velea, C. Radu, M. Placidi, V. Stancu, E. Saucedo, A.C. Galca, plenary presentation, Turcia, Septembrie 2024;
- 7th Autumn School on Physics of Advanced Materials (PAMS-7), „Facts and Artifacts in Optical and Structural Characterization of Emerging Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy”, A.C. Galca, S. Derbali, O. El Khouja, V. Stancu, L.N. Leonat, A.G. Tomulescu, A.E. Bocirnea, C.C. Negrila, C. Besleaga, I. Pintilie, invited presentation,Turcia, 2024;
- 25th Symposium on Photonics and Optics SPO 2024, „Facts and Artifacts in Optical and Structural Characterization of Emerging Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy”, A.C. Galca, C. Besleaga, I. Pintilie, L.N. Leonat, A.G. Tomulescu, O. El Khouja, S. Derbali, V. Stancu, invited presentation, Ucraina, 2024.
On 19.04.2024, we had our 6 months meeting at NIMP, Romania, where we had the perfect opportunity to exchange personal and professional ideas with our partners from Denmark (DTU, LightNovo), Estonia (TALT), and South Korea (DIGST, ULTECH).
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