Tuning the semiconductor properties of cubic boron nitride for advanced applications

Project Director: Dr. Sergiu Nistor
Project ID:
152 from 12.07.2017 (PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0079)
Project Director:
Dr. Vasile Sergiu NISTOR
Project Type:
Project Program:
Funded by:
Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, UEFISCDI

National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP)

Project Status:
In progress
Start Date:
Wednesday, 12 July, 2017
End Date:
Tuesday, 31 December, 2019
Project Abstract:

Synthetic cubic boron nitride (cBN), a crystalline semiconductor with one of the widest 6.3 eV band gaps, exhibits an extraordinary combination of physical properties, comparable or even superior to diamond, which  makes it a potential high-performance material for a large array of applications, from short wavelength (< 300nm) LEDs, semiconductor lasers and optical detectors, to high temperature, frequency and power devices and more recently as an alternative to the diamond -(NV-) system for quantum computing. However, the industrial development of cBN is still hampered by the limited scientific knowledge concerning the properties of the impurity related lattice defects at atomic level, essential in understanding and controlling its macroscopic properties. According to previous electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies, this lack of information concerning the properties of electric-optic active defects in cBN is due to impurities aggregation effects, which strongly disturb the local quantum states of isolated impurity related defects. The proposed project aims to understand the aggregation of impurity related point defects, which occurs during the high temperature/high pressure (HT-HP) synthesis of crystalline cBN, to develop procedures and modalities for obtaining an uniform distribution of such defects by thermochemical and irradiation post-treatments, to investigate and understand the individual properties of both impurity related and intrinsic lattice defects (local atomic structure, electron quantum properties, stability, optical and magnetic properties) with the purpose to control the macroscopic optical and electrical properties for various applications. The project shall involve state-of-the-art experimental techniques and scientific facilities, as well as experienced world class specialists in EPR and optical spectroscopy, microanalysis, microstructural studies and materials synthesis, with past experience in investigating cBN and diamond.

Project Objectives:

The proposed project’s main objective is to develop an intense program of investigations, based on the knowledge and expertise acquired from earlier national and international collaborative research projects in which the project leader was the main investigator, in which the obtained information concerning the paramagnetic point defects in cBN crystals will be strongly expanded and completed by using the most advanced microstructural, micro analytical and optical instrumentation in combination with developing procedures for dispersing and/or incorporation and stabilization of the existing impurities in the cBN crystal lattice  of interest for certain application .

The following objectives are considered to be essential in reaching the main objective of the project, each  to be attained by several research activities.

  1. Determining the structural and spectral properties of the localized/aggregated impurity related defects in as-prepared crystalline cBN by correlated spectroscopy, microstructural and micro analytical investigations.
  2. Changing the aggregation state of impurities and related paramagnetic defects in dark and amber crystalline cBN by thermochemical and/or irradiation treatments. Identification and characterization of the resulting dispersed impurity states.
  3. Characterization by EPR and optical spectroscopy of the dispersed atomic impurities and associated defects in crystalline cBN.

Dr. Vasile Sergiu Nistor, Senior Researcher I, Project Director

Dr. Leona Cristina Nistor, Senior Researcher I

Fiz. Alexandra Camelia Joita, Scientific Researcher assistant, PhD student

Dr. Aurel Mihai Vlaicu, Senior Researcher III

Dr. Mariana Stefan, Senior Researcher II

Dr. Raluca Florina Negrea, Scientific Researcher

Dr. Daniela Ghica, Senior Researcher II

Dr. Ioana Dorina Vlaicu, Senior Researcher

Fiz. Cristian Radu, Scientific Researcher Assistant, MSc student

Description of the results - 1st stage of the project (July-Dec. 2017) - View

Description of the results. 3rd stage (January-December 2019) - PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0079

Description of the results - 2nd stage of the project (January-December. 2018)Description of the results. 2nd stage (January-December 2018) - PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0079

PhD adviser  of  Alexandra Camelia Joita , PhD student at the Doctoral School of Physics , Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest with direct participation in all research activities of the present project, including preparation of manuscripts for publication, as well as in participation with presentation of communications at the following International Conferences of Physics

  • The 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials: ROCAM 2017 – Bucharest, 11-14 July 2017 (oral presentation).
  • The 10th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, LUMDETR-2018, Prague, 9-14 Sept. 2018 (poster presentation).
  • The 16th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, NN19, Thessaloniki, 2-5 iulie 2019 (poster presentation).
  • Conference of the Romanian Electron Microscopy Society, CREMS, Poiana Brasov, 23-25 octombrie 2019. (poster presentation).

Papers in internationally recognized (ISI) journals

  1. "Production and annealing of the paramagnetic defects in as-grown and oxygen doped floating zone silicon irradiated with high fluence 3.5 MeV and 27 MeV electrons”, A. C. Joita and S. V. Nistor, Mater. Science in Semicond. Processing 83, 1-11 (2018)
  2. "Structure of defects in semiconductor crystalline cubic boron nitride. A microstructural and micro analytical investigation". L. C. Nistor,  A. M. Vlaicu and S.V. Nistor, Radiation Measurements, 123, 78-82 (2019).
  3. “Presence and distribution of impurity defects in crystalline cubic boron nitride. A spectroscopic study”. S. V.  Nistor, L. C.  Nistor, A. M. Vlaicu and A. C. Joita, Radiation Measurements, 123, 21-25  (2019).
  4. “Modular high-intensity monochromatic in-situ illumination set-up for investigating ESR photo-active centers in semiconductors”. S. V. Nistor and A. C. Joita, submitted revised version to Applied Magnetic Resonance (Springer).

Presentations at conferences:

  1. "ESR of irradiation point defects in pure and 17O doped Si-FZ single crystals at high doses of 3.5 MeV electrons", A. C. Joita, S. V. Nistor, R. Radu and I. Pintilie, The 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials: ROCAM 2017 – Bucharest, 11-14 July 2017 (oral presentation).
  2.  “About the nature and distribution of defects in crystalline cubic boron nitride wide band-gap semiconductor”., S. V. Nistor, L. C. Nistor, A. M. Vlaicu and A.C.Joita, The 10th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, LUMDETR-2018, Prague, 9-14 Sept. 2018 (oral presentation).
  3. “Structure of defects in semiconductor cubic boron nitride. A microstructural and microanalytical investigation”, L. C. Nistor, A. M. Vlaicu, R. F. Negrea and S. V. Nistor, The 10th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, LUMDETR-2018, Prague, 9-14 Sept. 2018 (poster presentation).
  4. “Impurity type defects in crystalline cubic boron nitride. A correlated ESR, ESM and CL study on cBN crystals”, A. C. Joita, S. V. Nistor, L. C. Nistor and A. M. Vlaicu, The 10th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, LUMDETR-2018, Prague, 9-14 Sept. 2018 (poster presentation).
  5. Origin of the collective magnetism in cubic ZnS quantum dots doped with Mn2+ From myths to the harsh reality.”, S. V. Nistor, The 16th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, NN19, Thessaloniki, 2-5 iulie 2019 (invited-oral presentation).
  6. “Nanostructured impurities in superhard crystalline cubic boron nitride”, C. Nistor, S.V. Nistor, A.C. Joita, The 16th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, NN19, Thessaloniki, 2-5 iulie 2019 (poster presentation).
  7. “Nanoaggregates of impurities in superhard cubic boron nitride crystals”, C. Joita, S. V. Nistor, L. C. Nistor, R. F. Negrea, The 16th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, NN19, Thessaloniki, 2-5 iulie 2019 (poster presentation).
  8. “Analytical HRTEM/STEM study of impurity defects in cubic boron nitride crystals”, C. Nistor, S.V. Nistor, R.F. Negrea, Conference of the Romanian Electron Microscopy Society, CREMS, Poiana Brasov, 23-25 octombrie 2019 (oral presentation).
  9. “Atomic impurity defects in crystalline cubic boron nitride semiconductor”, V. Nistor, L.C. Nistor, A.C. Joita, Conference of the Romanian Electron Microscopy Society, CREMS, Poiana Brasov, 23-25 octombrie 2019. (poster presentation).
Dr. Sergiu Vasile NISTOR
Senior Researcher I,
National Institute of Materials Physics
Atomistilor 405A, Bucharest-Magurele,
Romania 077125;
Phone: + 40 21 369 0170/190



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