Multilayered floating gate nonvolatile memory device with GeSi nanocrystals nodes in nanocrystallized high k HfO2 for high efficiency data storage (MultiGeSiNCmem)

Project Director: Dr. Magdalena Lidia CIUREA
For project webpage in Romanian click here
Contract no.: PCE 191/2021 (Project ID PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-1673)
Project Director: Dr. Magdalena Lidia Ciurea
Project Type: National
Project Program: PCE
Funded by: Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, CNCS - UEFISCDI
Contractor: National Institute of Materials Physics
Project Status: Finished
Start Date: January 4th, 2021
End Date: December 31st, 2023
MultiGeSiNCmem Project Abstract: 

The project goal is to fabricate a multilayered floating gate (FG) nonvolatile memory device (ML NVM) with charge storage nodes of GeSi nanocrystals (NCs) embedded in nanocrystallized high k HfO2 matrix (capacitor of top contact/ gate HfO2/ n layers of GeSi NCs in HfO2 as FG/ tunnel HfO2/ Si wafer/ bottom contact, n=1 to 5 for the 5 versions NVM1-NVM5). We target in project to obtain high performance ML NVMs (memory window >4 V, charge loss ratio <12% at 10000 s). The proposed solution (materials; NVM design) is completely new and benefits from advantage of using thermodynamically stable Ge-rich GeSi NCs with strong quantum confinement enabling efficient charge storage, being well separated by HfO2 NCs ensuring low charge leakage. We propose 5 objectives: O1) fabrication of capacitor test samples in NVM1-NVM5 versions by magnetron sputtering deposition and subsequent rapid thermal annealing, O2) their complex characterization (morphology, crystalline structure, composition, memory properties), properties correlation, O3) simulation of test samples using O2 results, O4) ML NVM devices fully characterized, O5) evaluation of ML NVMs performances. The project has scientific impact (holistic understanding of electronic processes and operation of ML NVM); technological impact (processes and parameters); economic-social impact (industrial automation, portable devices, computer systems; young people formation). Project results: 6 ISI papers, 5 conference papers, 1 patent application.

Project Objective: 

The project goal is to fabricate a multilayered floating gate nonvolatile memory device with charge storage nodes of GexSi1–x nanocrystals embedded in nanocrystallized high k HfO2, that is a completely new solution.

Project Results: 

RTAnnealed test samples and subsequently configured; technological parameters; photolithographic masks; morphology and structure characteristics, memory characteristics and parameters; completely characterized test samples; multilayered nonvolatile memory device fully characterized; project webpage, updated; 7 papers in ISI journals; 8 international conference communications; 1 patent application; progress reports and final report

Stage I / 2021  Fabrication of test samples - nonvolatile memories (NVMs) in different versions

Stage II / 2022  Complex characterization of test samples

Stage III / 2023  Fabrication of multilayered NVM device

CS I Dr. Magdalena Lidia Ciurea ( - Project Coordinator

CS I Dr. Toma Stoica ( - Experienced Researcher

CS II Dr. Ana-Maria Lepadatu ( - Experienced Researcher

CS III Dr. Adrian Slav ( - Experienced Researcher

CS II Dr. Ionel Stavarache ( - Experienced Researcher

CS Dr. Catalin Palade ( - Postdoc

CS I Dr. Valentin Serban Teodorescu ( - Experienced Researcher

CS II Dr. Valentin Adrian Maraloiu ( - Experienced Researcher

CS III Dr. Constantin Logofatu ( - Experienced Researcher

ACS Ioana Maria Dascalescu Avram ( - PhD Student (PhD Adviser Dr. M.L. Ciurea)

ACS Ovidiu Cojocaru ( - PhD Student (PhD Adviser Dr. M.L. Ciurea)

ACS Marian Cosmin Istrate ( - PhD Student (PhD Adviser Dr. Valentin Serban Teodorescu)


Summary of Stage 3/2023: ML NVM device fabrication

The purpose of MultiGeSiNCmem project is the achievement of multilayer non-volatile memories (ML NVM) with floating gate (FG) formed of multilayers based on SiGe nanocrystals (NC SiGe) embedded in nanocrystallized HfO2 with high dielectric constant. ML NVM structure is a MOS capacitor i. e. contact / HfO2 –gate / (NC SiGe or NC SiGe in HfO2 as FG/  HfO2 -tunnel)n / p-Si -substrate / contact, where n =1,2...5 is the number of FG and FG / HfO2 –tunnel pairs, respectively.

Stage 3 aimed to fabricate ML NVM devices with 3 and 5 FG of NC SiGe (FG SiGe) and to select devices with parameters targeted in the project. For this, in Stage 3 the following scientific and technological tasks stipulated in Work Plan were performed: ● Test samples characterization: crystalline structure, morphology, composition – feedback to fabrication – part II (Task 3.1); ● Investigation of electrical and memory properties – feedback to fabrication – part II (Task 3.2); ● Simulation of NCs GexSi1-x (DFT) and ML NVM test samples – part II (Task 3.3); ● Correlation of crystalline structure, morphology, electrical and memory properties with simulation results – part II (Task 3.4); ● Analysis of test samples with optimal memory characteristics – part II (Task 3.5); ● Fabrication of ML NVM device considering the best  performant samples (Task 3.6); ● Obtaining ML NVM characteristics and parameters (Task 3.7);
● Analysis of functional parameters of ML NVM devices evidencing devices with targeted parameters  (Task 3.8); ● Project web page update (Task 3.9); ● Dissemination: ISI papers and conferences Task 3.10).

ML NVM test samples „HfO2 -cap / (SiGe / HfO2)n / Si -substrate” with n (n = 3 and 5) FG NC SiGe (n tunnel pairs of SiGe / HfO2) were fabricated. These structures were obtained by subsequent deposition of component layers by magnetron sputtering (MS), followed by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) at different temperatures (550, 600 and 650 oC) for the formation of NC SiGe with charge storage role. The structures with n = 3 FG (T1)  were fabricated by using the recipe in Stage 2, to check the device parameters reproducibility. Also, 4 types of ML NVM test structures with n = 5 FG (Q1-Q4) that are mainly distinguished by the relative thickness of component layers were fabricated (MS deposition and RTA).

Detailed TEM microscopy (low magnification TEM, HRTEM, SAED) analysis were performed on T1-600-8 and Q1-Q4 structures. In T1-600-8 sample (3 FG, 600 oC RTA) FG 1-3 SiGe are almost amorphous, but they contain zones with NC Ge and NC SiGe, and HfO2 - tunnel layers and HfO2 – cap  are fully crystallized (similarly with T1-600-2 from Stage 2). Q1-Q4 morphology and structure significantly depend on relative size of component layers (and on RTA temperature), and they have a major effect on memory properties. In these structures, HfO2 – tunnel layers are fully crystallized, mainly in monoclinic phase, but they also contain orthorhombic one. FG SiGe crystallinity also depends on relative sizes of component layers and on RTA temperature. Q4-600-2 structure has optimal morphology and consequently the best memory parameters. These structures are crystallized, FG SiGe are formed of NC cubic SiGe, and HfO2 – tunnel of NC HfO2 with mainly orthorhombic symmetry. FG SiGe are rough (FG SiGe / HfO2 – tunnel interface of 2 – 3 nm is diffuse) due to NC HfO2 extension into NC SiGe layers.

Atomistic simulations (DFT) on H passivated NC Si0.20Ge0.80 were performed and the band gap dependence on diameter for 1.25 – 4.08 nm range was obtained. For NC Si0.20Ge0.80 the found fit law has a 93 meV standard deviation in respect to the same law for lower Ge concentrations. The electric field distribution was simulated in ML NVM with 3 FG using 2 virtual electrodes. It was established that electric field intensity in FG NC SiGe layers is higher than in adjacent layers of HfO2 – tunnel and HfO2 – cap, demonstrating charge storage in FG NC SiGe.

Memory properties of all ML NVM test capacitors were investigated by measuring capacitance – voltage (C – V ) characteristics and capacitance – time (C – t) retention curve.

From data analysis of samples fabricated in this stage, it results that 2 distinct ML NVM devices (instead of 1 device) have targeted parameters in the project:

  • T1-600-2 with 3 FG NC SiGe (ΔVfb = 4.64 V; 2.5% capacitance decrease after 103 s, and then 4.77% capacitance decrease after 10 years (C t extrapolation);
  • Q4-600-2 with 5 FG NC SiGe (ΔVfb = 6.68 V; capacitance decrease after 104 s, and then 15.3% capacitance decrease after 10 years.

In Stage 3 PhD student Ovidiu Cojocaru (PhD advisor Prof. Dr. Magdalena Lidia Ciurea) has finalized writing and has defended PhD thesis entitled “Photoelectrical properties of SiGeSn nanostructures correlated with energy structure”, obtaining “very well / magna cum laudae” mark and PhD in Physics degree. He is co-author to the review: “Enhancing short-wave infrared photosensitivity of SiGe nanocrystals-based films through embedding matrix-induced passivation, stress and nanocrystallization”, A.M. Lepadatu,....O. Cojocaru, ....M.L. Ciurea, accepted for publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C and presented 2 oral communications.

Project web page has been updated:

Results were disseminated in 4 scientific papers (instead of 3 envisaged papers), all being under evaluation at Q1, Q2 ISI journals, 2 oral communications were presented at international conferences, and 1 patent application A 00685 was submitted to OSIM.

In conclusion, the proposed objectives, activities and results in Stage 3/2023 were fully accomplished.

Summary of Stage 2/2022: Complex characterization of test samples

The goal of the MultiGeSiNCmem project is to obtain multilayer non-volatile memories (ML-NVM) with multiple floating gates (FGs) consisting in SiGe nanocrystals (NCs) embedded in high-k nanocrystalline HfO2 dielectric. The NVM structure is MOS capacitor type, i.e. metallic contact / HfO2 -gate oxide / (SiGe NCs or SiGe NCs in HfO2 as FG / HfO2 -tunnel)n / p-Si wafer -substrate / metallic contact with n =1,2...5 counting the FG / HfO2 -tunnel pairs and V1, V2, ...V5 proposed versions respectively.

The main objective of Stage 2 is to further investigate the effect of FG layers composition and number as well as the effect of FG layers morphology on the memory properties of ML capacitor test structures. This objective was achieved through the activities proposed in the Work Plan corresponding to Stage 2: ● Magnetron sputtering deposition of test samples in different versions - part II (Act. 2.1); ● RTA processing for formation of GexSi1–x NCs as charge storage nodes and nanocrystallized HfO2 matrix - part II (Act. 2.2); ● Deposition of metallic contacts for test NVMs (post-metallization annealing if necessary) - part II (Act. 2.3); ● Testing and characterization of test samples: crystalline structure, morphology, composition – feedback to preparation - part I (Act. 2.4); ● Investigation of electrical and memory properties – feedback to preparation - part I (Act. 2.5); ● Simulation of GexSi1–x NCs (DFT) and test ML NVMs - part I (Act. 2.6); ● Correlation of structure, morphology, electrical and memory properties with simulation results - part I (Act. 2.7); ● Analysis of test samples with optimal memory characteristics - part I (Act. 2.8); ● Updating of project web page (Act. 2.9); ● Dissemination: ISI papers and conferences (Act. 2.10).

Test structures were fabricated by using magnetron sputtering for deposition of n = 2 and 3 pairs of (SiGe / HfO2)n or (SiGe-HfO2 / HfO2)n layers on p-Si wafers with 7 – 14 Ωcm resistivity, and the SiGe (FG) composition was varied, as well as the SiGe : HfO2 composition for the case of co-deposited SiGe-HfO2 FG layer. The second fabrication step was the test samples nanostructuring by RTA at different temperatures (550 – 650 oC). The fabricated test structures are: „HfO2 -cap / (SiGe -FG / HfO2 -tunnel )n / Si -substrate” and „HfO2 -cap / (SiGe-HfO2  -FG / HfO2 -tunnel)n / Si -substrate” with n = 2 and 3, and HfO2 -cap being gate HfO2.

Advanced HRTEM studies were performed showing that the tunnel HfO2 layers are crystallized with orthorhombic phase for RTA annealing at temperatures over 600 oC in both structures with 2× FG / HfO2 -tunnel pairs and ones with 3× FG / HfO2 -tunnel pairs. The FG layers are in general partially crystallized, especially the top ones near the free sample surface.

Also, atomistic simulations were performed by DFT for investigating Si1–xGex NCs energy structure. The simulations were performed on spherical H-passivated SiGe NCs with diamond crystalline structure, with Ge atomic concentrations between 50% and 95%, and diameters in the 1.5 – 3.9 nm range. The asymptotic value for the band gap at large diameters E0NC deviates from the bulk value Egbulk up to 0.1 eV and does not reflect the influence of change in conduction band minimum from X to L as it happens in bulk Si1-xGex, x = 90%. This is explained by the quantum confinement effect in SiGe NCs.

The memory properties of test ML capacitors were evidenced by measurements of CV loops and charge retention Ct characteristics. Most of the samples show CV hysteresis loops, some of them having unusually-high memory windows (ΔV = 5 – 6 V) and consequently PV polarization characteristics were measured, also showing hysteresis due to the ferroelectric orthorhombic crystalline structure of tunnel HfO2 layers. This explains the high ΔV memory window of the CV loops and demonstrates that it is due to both charge storage in SiGe nodes and ferroelectric polarization of tunnel HfO2 layers. The retention Ct characteristics show that the best capacitors are the ones with 3 floating gates separated by 3 tunnel HfO2 layers, i.e. those structures with 3× SiGe / HfO2 pairs.

In Stage 2, PhD Student Ovidiu Cojocaru (PhD Supervisor - Prof. M.L. Ciurea), Assistant Researcher ( has ended the research activity within the PhD scientific research program (established jointly with the PhD supervisor), and his PhD thesis is under finalization stage. Additionally, he is co-author of 2 papers.

The project web page was updated.

Results were disseminated in 4 scientific papers (compared to 2 planned papers), i.e. 1 published in ISI-quoted journal, 1- in finalization stage and 1-revised version under review for publication in ISI-quoted journals and 1- with DOI published in journal indexed in Google Scholar, and presented (1- invited, 2- oral) at 3 international conferences (2 planned presentations).

In conclusion, the proposed objectives and activities and planned results for Stage 2/2022 were fully achieved.


Summary of Stage 1/2021: Fabrication of multilayer nonvolatile test samples – versions

The goal of the MultiGeSiNCmem project is to obtain multilayer non-volatile memories (ML-NVM) with multiple floating gates (FGs) consisting in GeSi nanocrystals (NCs) embedded in high-k nanocrystalline HfO2 dielectric. The memory structure is of metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) type with the following layer sequence: top metallic contact/ multi-floating gate obtained by n-time repetition of FG-tunnel double layer, i.e. n×(GeSi NCs in HfO2/ HfO2 tunnel)/ p-Si substrate/ bottom metallic contact. The multiple floating gates solution is adopted for improving the memory performances (increase of the memory window and retention time, possible multi-stage programming). By using GeSi alloy instead of pure Ge, the thermal stability is increased, due to reduced Ge diffusion in presence of Si.

In Stage 1 of the project, memory structures with FGs of Ge1-xSix NCs in HfO2 were fabricated and tested. Two values of the Ge1-xSix alloy concentration, x = 5% and 10% and two NVM versions with one and two FGs (NVM1 and NVM2) have been investigate. The reduction of Ge diffusion by increasing the Si concentration to 10% was tested by HRTEM-EDX measurements on NVM1 type structure of active layers with the layer sequence of: „HfO2 – gate oxide/ Ge0.90Si0.10 -HfO2 floating gate (FG)/ HfO2 – tunnel oxide 1/ Si – substrate”. Such NVM1 memory structure was compared with the version of two FGs, i.e. NVM2 with the following layer sequence: „HfO2 – gate oxide/ Ge0.90Si0.10 -HfO2 FG2/ HfO2 – tunnel 2/ Ge0.90Si0.10 -HfO2 FG1/ HfO2 – tunnel 1/ Si – support”. The layers are deposited by magnetron sputtering from separate targets of Ge1-xSix (DC plasma) and HfO2 (RF plasma), by independently controlling the plasma intensities. Nanocrystallization was obtained by ex-situ rapid thermal annealing RTA in an inert atmosphere.

Advanced HRTEM and GI-XRD measurements revealed the nanocrystallization of the structure after RTA at 600oC for 8 min. The formation of monoclinic (M) and orthorhombic (O) HfO2 NCs was detected for all investigated NVM1 and NVM2 structures, but also very often the M and O phases are distorted due to internal stress induced by nanocrystallization and upper layers. In some cases, the coherence of the nanocrystallization is largely extended in the film plane of NVM2 structures up to 50 nm. The evolution of the orthorhombic phase is especially annualized because of possible ferroelectric contribution of this phase to the memory effect, in addition to the charge injection in GeSi NCs of floating gates. High orthorhombic/monoclinic ratio of about 60% was found in NVM1 and NVM2 using Ge0.90Si0.10 -HfO2 FG. This ratio is strongly decreased to 30% by increasing the RTA temperature to 700oC, by transforming the distorted orthorhombic phase to monoclinic. The HfO2 nanocrystallization was not detected by µ-Raman measurements due to low light scattering efficiency in thin films HfO2, but nanocrystallization of GeSi was clearly revealed in all investigated samples by using highly absorbed in GeSi laser light of 325 nm wavelength, and with 633 nm in NVM2. µ-Raman measurements have also shown strong crystallization of GeSi nanoparticles after RTA at 700oC.

Hysteresis measurements have been performed by measuring capacitance – voltage (C–V) cycles on NVM1 and NVM2 memory capacitors with top and bottom Al electrodes. The comparative testing of NVM1 and NVM2 memory performances were performed by measuring the C–V cycles, varying the bias voltage within a protocol of successive repetition of voltage cycles with 3 branches: 0V-Up-Un-Up, where 0 V, Up and Un are the ends of the cycle branches. In a series of repeated cycles, the “writing” voltage Up was varied from 1.0 V to 5.0 V with steps of 0.5 V, while the “erasing” voltage Un was caped to -2.0 V. Thus, it was demonstrated the superior performances of the double FGs memory NVM2 in respect to NVM1 for which at Up = 5.0 V, the dynamic memory windows were found 3.32 V for MVM2 and 0.99 V for NVM1.

The web page of the project was created and updated:

In Stage 1/2021, the project dissemination consists of: 2 ISI papers were published and 2 conference presentations (1 invited, 1 oral).

  • 2023: PhD student Ovidiu Cojocaru (PhD advisor - Prof. Dr. Magdalena Lidia Ciurea) has finalized thesis writing and has defended PhD thesis entitled “Photoelectrical properties of SiGeSn nanostructures correlated with energy structure”, obtaining “very well / magna cum laudae” mark and PhD degree in Physics . He is co-author to the review:Enhancing short-wave infrared photosensitivity of SiGe nanocrystals-based films through embedding matrix-induced passivation, stress and nanocrystallization”, A.M. Lepadatu,....O. Cojocaru, ....M.L. Ciurea, accepted for publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, and presented 2 oral communications. Following contest in NIMP, he was promoted to Researcher.
  • 2022: PhD Student Ovidiu Cojocaru (PhD Supervisor - Prof. M.L. Ciurea), Assistant Researcher ( has ended the research activity within the PhD scientific research programme (established jointly with the PhD supervisor). His PhD thesis is under finalization stage. Additionally, PhD Student O. Cojocaru is co-author of 2 papers (Coatings 12, 348 (2022) si Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Physics and Chemistry Sciences 7, 53 (2022)).
  • 2021: PhD Student Ovidiu Cojocaru - Assistant Researcher in SiGeSn Group in NIMP ( Thesis related to photoelectrical properties of SiGeSn NCs with different compositions in correlation with their energy structure determined by DFT, PhD Adviser Prof. M.L. Ciurea. Results published in Scientific Reports 11, 13582 (2021), „Bandgap atomistic calculations on hydrogen-passivated GeSi nanocrystals”, authored by O. Cojocaru, A.M. Lepadatu, G.A. Nemnes, T. Stoica and M.L. Ciurea.

Articles in ISI-quoted journals

  1. „Annealing effects on charging-discharging mechanism in trilayer Al2O3/Ge/Al2O3 memory structures”, I. Stavarache, C. Palade, V.A. Maraloiu, V.S. Teodorescu, T. Stoica, M.L. Ciurea, ACS Applied Electronic Materials 6, 978 (2024).
  2. „Enhancing SiGeSn nanocrystals SWIR photosensing by high passivation in nanocrystalline HfO2 matrix”, I. Dascalescu, C. Palade, A. Slav, I. Stavarache, O. Cojocaru, V.S. Teodorescu, A.-M. Lepadatu, M.L. Ciurea, T. Stoica, Scientific Reports 14, 3532 (2024).
  3. „Enhancing short-wave infrared photosensitivity of SiGe nanocrystals-based films through embedding matrix-induced passivation, stress and nanocrystallization” - Review , A.M. Lepadatu, I. Stavarache, C. Palade, A. Slav, I. Dascalescu, O. Cojocaru, V.A. Maraloiu, V.S. Teodorescu, T. Stoica, M.L. Ciurea, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, 4119 (2024).
  4. „Modulating SiGe-SiO2 VIS-SWIR photoresponse by rapid-like furnace annealing versus rapid thermal annealing by interplay between strain and defects”, M.T. Sultan, I. Stavarache, A. Manolescu, U.B. Arnalds, V.S. Teodorescu, H.G. Svavarsson, S.T. Ingvarsson, M.L. Ciurea, under reviewAdvanced Photonics Research (revised manuscript).
  5. „Bandgap atomistic calculations on hydrogen-passivated GeSi nanocrystals”, O. Cojocaru, A.M. Lepadatu, G.A. Nemnes, T. Stoica, M.L. Ciurea, Scientific Reports 11, 13582 (2021)
  6. „SiGeSn quantum dots in HfO2for floating gate memory capacitors”, C. Palade, A. Slav, O. Cojocaru, V.S. Teodorescu, T. Stoica, M.L. Ciurea, A.M. Lepadatu, Coatings 12, 348 (2022)
  7. „Nanocrystallized Ge-rich SiGe-HfO2 highly photosensitive in short-wave infrared”, C. Palade, A-M. Lepadatu, A. Slav, V. S. Teodorescu, T. Stoica, M. L. Ciurea, D. Ursutiu, C. Samoila, Materials 14, 7040 (2021).

Paper with DOI in journal indexed in Google Scholar

  1. „From Si nanowires to Ge nanocrystals for VIS-NIR-SWIR sensors and non-volatile memories: A review”, M. Lepadatu, I. Stavarache, C. Palade, A. Slav, V.A. Maraloiu, I. Dascalescu, O. Cojocaru, V.S. Teodorescu, T. Stoica, M.L. Ciurea, Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Physics and Chemistry Sciences 7, 53-87 (2022),

Conference presentations

  1. Invited presentation: „From GeSi to SiGeSn alloy nanocrystals with benefits in SWIR detection”, M.L. Ciurea, T. Stoica, I. Stavarache, A.-M. Lepadatu, C. Palade, A. Slav, I. Dascalescu, O. Cojocaru, 13th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-13), September 24 - 30, 2021, hybrid conference, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Costa Brava, Spain
  2. Oral presentation: „SiGeSn quantum dots for non-volatile memories”, A.M. Lepadatu, C. Palade, I. Dascalescu, A. Slav, I. Stavarache, A.V. Maraloiu, V.S. Teodorescu, T. Stoica, ML Ciurea, EMRS 2021 Fall Meeting, September 20 - 23, 2021, virtual conference
  3. Invited presentation: „Continuous change from monoclinic to ferroelectric orthorhombic HfO2 by a martensitic-like transition – challenge for nonvolatile memories”, L. Ciurea, C. Palade, A.M. Lepadatu, A. Slav, O. Cojocaru, A. Iuga, V.A. Maraloiu, V.S. Teodorescu, T. Stoica, International Colloquium "Physics of Materials" – PM 7, November 10 - 11, 2022, Bucharest
  4. Oral presentation: „Rapid thermal annealing temperature effects on charge storage behavior of SiGeSn quantum dots embedded in the high-k CMOS-compatible HfO2in floating gate non-volatile memories”, C. Palade, A. Slav, O. Cojocaru, V.S. Teodorescu, T. Stoica, M.L. Ciurea, A.M. Lepadatu, 20th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science (IBWAP), July 12 – 15, 2022, Constanta
  5. Oral presentation: „Strained Ge-rich SiGe nanocrystals in nanocrystallized HfO2layers for extended VIS-SWIR photoelectric sensitivity”, A.M. Lepadatu, C. Palade, A. Slav, V.S. Teodorescu, T. Stoica, M.L. Ciurea, 2022 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), virtual Conference, May 30 – June 3, 2022
  6. Oral presentation: „Bandgap of Ge-rich GeSi and GeSn nanocrystals for SWIR sensors by ab initio calculations”, O. Cojocaru, A.M. Lepadatu, T. Stoica, M.L. Ciurea, 21st International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science (IBWAP), July 11 – 14 2023, Constanta
  7. Oral presentation: „Atomistic calculations of energy formation and polarization for orthorhombic Ge doped HfO2”, O. Cojocaru, C. Palade, A.M. Lepadatu, A. Slav, V.A. Maraloiu, V.S. Teodorescu, T. Stoica, M.L. Ciurea, 2023 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), September 18 – 21 2023, Warsaw
  8. Oral presentation: „SWIR extended photoconductivity in a hydrogenated GeSn films”, I. Dascalescu, A. Slav, C. Palade, G. A. Lungu, A.M. Lepadatu, V. S. Teodorescu, M. Braic, M.L. Ciurea, T. Stoica, 2023 46th Edition International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE CAS 2023, October 11 – 13 2023, Sinaia


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