New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT)

Project Director: Dr. George STAN
Project ID:  PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0062
Project Director:  Dr. George Stan
Project Type: National
Project Program: PCCDI
Funded by: Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, UEFISCDI
Contractor:  National Institute of Materials Physics
Project Status:  Finished
Start Date: 15 March, 2018
End Date: 15 May, 2021

Project summary:

The project will develop novel conceptual and functional solutions of biomedical devices for treatment, reinforcement/repair/replacement (of human tissues) and diagnosis based on nanostructured and/or biocompatible materials, with high attractivity and certain potential for technology transfer to industry. The experience of the interdisciplinary consortium will allow a passage from concepts of nanomaterials and biomaterials with extended and/or complementary functional features to implementation to new biomedical applications of great interest: (i) antitumoral therapeutic systems (by localized magnetic hyperthermia, photodynamic therapy and drug delivery); (ii) biocompatible compounds with enhanced antimicrobial efficacy; (iii) stent or vein/arterial filters implants based on ferromagnetic shape-memory alloys (with the advantage of repositioning without the need of new invasive interventions); (iv) personalized bone regenerative implants (i.e. porous ceramic scaffolds for bone tissue engineering; dental implants with rapid osseointegration); and (v) (bio)sensors for monitoring the bioavailability of pharmaceutical compounds and detecting the reactive oxygen species and their biologic effect. The synergic development of the institutional capacity of the project partners will be achieved by: creating new jobs and purchasing new equipment and software, providing technical/scientific assistance to the emerging institutions, initiating and fostering collaborations with partners from industry in view of technology transfer, and increasing the international visibility of the involved institutions by capitalizing on the obtained research results. The project will create the core of the first national cluster in the field of healthcare technologies.

  • COMPONENT PROJECT #1: Development of bio-active nanostructures integrated into therapeutic and diagnostic systems

ConsortiumCO - National Institute of Research and Development in Materials Physics, Magurele; P1 - National Institute of Research-Development in the Pathology Domain and Biological Sciences "Victor Babes", Bucharest; P2 - "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest; P3 - "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi; P4 - National Institute for Chemical Pharmaceutical Research Development, Bucharest; and P5 - National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca.

General objective: Development of technologies for synthesis, analysis/characterization, testing and optimization of nanostructured systems with adequate properties for use in anti-tumor and anti-infection therapeutic systems.

Specific objectives:

  • Synthesis of Fe3O4, MnFe2O4 and Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 nanoparticles with controlled size, shape and magnetization, metal or metal/oxide nanoparticles and nanoclusters, functionalized vanadium oxide nanoparticles doped with Mn and Fe with controlled superparamagnetism, TiO2 nanoparticles with physico-chemical properties adequate for photodynamic therapy, biocompatible graphene oxide functionalized with polymers conjugated with cytostatic drugs, ZnO and MgO nanoparticles doped with Mn and Fe, functionalized with azole compounds, for anti-infection therapy;
  • Synthesis of hydrogels with photo-oxidative or magnetic properties given by the presence of TiO2 or Fe3O4/γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles in the polymeric structure of the hydrogels;
  • Assessment of in vitro biological effects of the obtained nanostructures, with focus on the cytotoxic/cytostatic action, generation of oxidative stress, cell internalization;
  • Continuous update the platform to make available relevant research services to the public and private actors operating in the scientific/technical fields of the project;
  • Elaboration of the joint RDI program correlated with the institutional development plans of the consortium partners.


  • COMPONENT PROJECT #2: Customized implant systems fabricated from advanced biomaterials with multiple biological action

ConsortiumCO - National Institute of Research and Development in Materials Physics, Magurele; P1 - National Institute of Research-Development in the Pathology Domain and Biological Sciences "Victor Babes", Bucharest; P2 - "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest; P3 - "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi; P4 - National Institute for Chemical Pharmaceutical Research Development, Bucharest; P5 - National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca; and P6 - University Transilvania Brasov, Brasov.

General objective: developing biomaterials demonstrators for a new generation of implants with potential for transfer to economical sector.

Specific objectives:

  • Fabrication of Fe-Pd shape-memory alloys with anti-thrombogenic/thrombolytic functionalization with applications in cardiovascular medicine;
  • Generation of bioceramic demonstrators based on cation-substituted hydroxyapatite for customized bone scaffold grafts (prepared by additive manufacturing techniques, according to real bone defect models) and / or for dental implants bio-functionalization;
  • Assessment of biofunctional responses (release of therapeutically ions, cytotoxicity, osteogenesis, angiogenesis, scavenging of reactive oxygen species, antimicrobial efficiency) by complex biological in vitro tests;
  • Continuous update the platform to make available relevant research services to the public and private actors operating in the scientific/technical fields of the project;
  • Elaboration of the joint RDI program correlated with the institutional development plans of the consortium partners.


  • COMPONENT PROJECT #3: New (bio)sensor platforms based on nanostructured functionalized materials for healthcare applications

ConsortiumCO - National Institute of Research and Development in Materials Physics, Magurele; P1 - National Institute of Research-Development in the Pathology Domain and Biological Sciences "Victor Babes", Bucharest; and P6 - University Transilvania Brasov, Brasov.

General objective: Developing selective and sensitive (bio)sensor for (i) monitoring the bioavailability of pharmaceutical compounds, (ii) detecting reactive oxygen species, as well as for (iii) monitoring their effect on living cells and cellular moieties (e.g. proteins, DNA).

Specific objectives:

  • Fabrication and (morpho-structural and electrochemical) characterization of disposable carbon-, graphene-, and nanostructured metal-based electrodes;
  • Functionalization of electrodes with (bio)materials and their structural characterization;
  • Investigation of the biosensors characteristics (reproducibility, stability, interference, etc);
  • Research services offered to the PCCDI consortium partners;
  • Continuous update the platform to make available relevant research services to the public and private actors operating in the scientific/technical fields of the project;
  • Elaboration of the joint RDI program correlated with the institutional development plans of the consortium partners.
CO - National Institute of Research and Development in Materials Physics, Magurele
1George STANSenior researcher IDirector of PCCCDI project

Director of component project #2

2Traian POPESCUSenior researcher IIIDirector of component project #1
3Teodor-Adrian ENACHESenior researcher IIDirector of component project #3
4Cristian-Mihail TEODORESCUSenior researcher IResearch team member
5Victor Eugen KUNCSERSenior researcher IResearch team member
6Daniela PREDOISenior researcher IResearch team member
7Corneliu Florin MICLEASenior researcher IResearch team member
8Luminita AMARANDESenior researcher IIIResearch team member
9Mihaela SOFRONIEResearcherResearch team member
10Mariana STEFANSenior researcher IIResearch team member
11Daniela GHICASenior researcher IIResearch team member
12Petru PALADESenior researcher IIResearch team member
13Ovidiu CRISANSenior researcher IResearch team member
14Gabriel SCHINTEIESenior researcher IIResearch team member
15Cornel MICLEASenior researcher IResearch team member
16Mihaela VALEANUSenior researcher IResearch team member
17Monica ENCULESCUSenior researcher IResearch team member
18Lucian TRUPINASenior researcher IIIResearch team member
19Felicia TOLEASenior researcher IIIResearch team member
20Iuliana PASUKSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
21Catalin NEGRILASenior researcher IIIResearch team member
22Irina ZGURASenior researcher IIResearch team member
23Bogdan POPESCUResearcherResearch team member
24Madalina IGNAT BARSANSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
25Victor DICULESCUSenior researcher IResearch team member
26Silviu POLOSANSenior researcher IResearch team member
27Elena MATEISenior researcher IIResearch team member
28Nicoleta PREDASenior researcher IResearch team member
29Mihaela BAIBARACSenior researcher IResearch team member
30Ioana Dorina VLAICUResearcherResearch team member
31Adrian Valentin MARALOIUSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
32Ionel MERCIONIUResearcherResearch team member
33Simona GRECULEASAResearcherResearch team member
34Cezar COMANESCUAssistant researcherResearch team member
35Claudiu CIOBOTARUAssistant researcherResearch team member
36Corina CIOBOTARUResearcherResearch team member
37George Adrian LUNGUResearcherResearch team member
38Adrian-Claudiu POPASenior researcher IIIResearch team member
39Cristina BESLEAGA STANSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
40Carmen Steluta CIOBANUSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
41Simona Liliana ICONARUResearcherResearch team member
42Liliana Marinela BALESCUResearcherResearch team member
43Marius Cristian CIOANGHERResearcherResearch team member
44Andreea Liliana COSTASResearcherResearch team member
45Camelia Florina FLORICASenior researcher IIIResearch team member
46Mihaela BEREGOIAssistant researcherResearch team member
47Malvina STROEAssistant researcherResearch team member
48Andrei Cristian KUNCSERResearcherResearch team member
49Andreea Alexandra NILAAssistant researcherResearch team member
50Adelina MATEAAssistant researcherResearch team member
51Ion SMARANDAAssistant researcherResearch team member
52Mirela ILIEAssistant researcherResearch team member
53Alexandru Ionut EVANGHELIDISAssistant researcherResearch team member
54Cristina Ioana BUCURAssistant researcherResearch team member
55Monica DAESCUAssistant researcherResearch team member
56Maria-Iuliana CHIRICAAssistant researcherResearch team member
57Stefan BULATEngineerResearch team member
58Aurel LECAEngineerResearch team member
59Nicusor IACOBEngineerResearch team member
60Gabriel DOBRESCUEngineerResearch team member
61Mihai CIOCAEngineerResearch team member
62Vasilica TOMATechnician IResearch team member
63Catalin RADULESCUTechnician IResearch team member
64Ion LUTEATechnician IResearch team member
Newly employed researchers through the PCCDI program
IAnca-Gabriela COMANAssistant researcherResearch team member
IITeddy Martial TITESenior researcher IIResearch team member
IIIMihaela-Cristina BUNEAAssistant researcherResearch team member


P1 - National Institute of Research-Development in the Pathology Domain and Biological Sciences "Victor Babes", Bucharest
1Cristiana TANASEProfessor

Senior researcher I

P1 Responsible of PCCCDI project

Responsible of component projects #2 & #3

2Andreea-Roxana LUPUSenior researcher IIIResponsible of component project #1
3Monica Teodora NEAGUSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
4Radu Nicolae Aurel ALBULESCUSenior researcher IResearch team member
5Carolina CONSTANTINSenior researcher IIResearch team member
6Sevinci POPSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
7Ionela Victoria NEAGOEResearcherResearch team member
8Ana-Maria ENCIUSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
9Mihnea NICOLESCUSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
10Elena CODRICISenior researcher IIResearch team member
11Ionela Daniela POPESCUSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
12Simona MIHAIResearcherResearch team member
13Lucian ALBULESCUAssistant researcherResearch team member
14Nicoleta Cornelia CONSTANTINTechnician IResearch team member
15Mariana BURGHELEATechnician IResearch team member
Newly employed researchers through the PCCDI program
IMaria DUDAUAssistant researcherResearch team member


P2 - "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
1Georgeta Mihaela MOISESCUAssociate professorP2 Responsible of PCCCDI project

Responsible of component projects #1 & #2

2Tudor SAVOPOLProfessorResearch team member
3Eugenia KOVACSProfessorResearch team member
4Violeta Liuba CALINAssistant professorResearch team member
5Mircea Bogdan MATEIAssistant professorResearch team member
6Luminita-Claudia MICLEAAssistant researcherResearch team member
Newly employed researchers through the PCCDI program
IChristien Oktaviani MATEIAssistant researcherResearch team member
IIIoan Cristian TIVIGAssistant researcherResearch team member


P3 - "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi
1Alexandru CHIRIACAssociate professorP3 Responsible of PCCCDI project

Responsible of component projects #1 & #2

2Ion POEATAProfessorResearch team member
3Bogdan ILIESCUAssistant professorResearch team member
4Giorgiana IONPhD studentResearch team member
5Mihaela COSMANPhD studentResearch team member


P4 - National Institute for Chemical Pharmaceutical Research Development, Bucharest
1Misu MOSCOVICISenior researcher IP4 Responsible of PCCCDI project

Responsible of component project #2

2Angela CASARICASenior researcher IIResponsible of component project #1
3Sultana NITASenior researcher IResearch team member
4Nicoleta RUSUSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
5Ileana PARASCHIVSenior researcher IResearch team member
6Domnica RUGHINISSenior researcher IIResearch team member
7Corina BUBUEANUSenior researcher IIResearch team member
8Ioana NICUResearcherResearch team member
9Ionica BEJENARUAssistant researcherResearch team member
10Daniela DIMAAssistant researcherResearch team member
11Cristina BAZDOACATechnician IResearch team member
12Silvia PREDATechnician IResearch team member
Newly employed researchers through the PCCDI program
IOana GHERGHESCUAssistant researcherResearch team member
IICristina BALASAssistant researcherResearch team member



P5 - National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca
1Rodica Paula TURCUSenior researcher IP5 Responsible of PCCCDI project

Responsible of component projects #1 & #2

2Alexandrina Emilia NANSenior researcher IIResearch team member
3Maria Teodora RADUSenior researcher IIResearch team member
4Izabell CRACIUNESCUSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
5Anca Cristina PETRANSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
6Monica Violeta CIRCUSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
7Alexander BUNGESenior researcher IIIResearch team member
8Cristian LEOSTEANSenior researcher IIIResearch team member
9Iolanda Veronica GANEAAssistant researcherResearch team member
10Ildiko MACAVEITechnician IResearch team member
11Sorina CIUPETechnician IResearch team member
Newly employed researchers through the PCCDI program
IFran NEKVAPILAssistant researcherResearch team member



P6 - University Transilvania Brasov, Brasov
1Monica FLORESCUAssociate professorP6 Responsible of PCCCDI project

Responsible of component project #3

2Sorin Ion MUNTEANUAssociate professorResponsible of component project #2
3Tibor BEDOAssociate professorResearch team member
4Daniel MUNTEANUProfessorResearch team member
5Mihai Alin POPSenior researcher IIResearch team member
6Maria STOICANESCUAssociate professorResearch team member
7Ioan MILOSANProfessorResearch team member
8Marius Alexandru MOGAProfessorResearch team member
9Marius VOLMERAssociate professorResearch team member
10Daniel CRISTEAAssociate professorResearch team member
11Sebastian Ionut TOMAAssistant professorResearch team member
12Claudiu-Gabriela CHILOMResearcherResearch team member
13Ioana MANEATechnician IResearch team member
Newly employed researchers through the PCCDI program
IIoana POPESCUAssistant researcherResearch team member
IIMelinda DAVIDAssistant researcherResearch team member


  • 2018: THE SYNTHETIC SCIENTIFIC REPORT no. 1 in .pdf format is available at UEFISCDI, and can be accessed by request.

The complex project 58PCCDI/2018 allowed, in the first stage of execution of its three component projects (PCs), the correlation and coordination of resources and expertise of seven National Research Institutions with complementary specialization profiles, aiming to the synergistic cooperation in the multidisciplinary field of nanomaterials and biomaterials for medical applications.

Stage I of PC1 targeted to delineate nanostructures with magnetic (e.g. Fe3O4, MnFe2O4, ZnFe2O4, Co-Pt bimetallic particles), photo-oxidative (e.g. TiO2), antimicrobial (e.g. ZnO, MgO) and/or surface chemistry (functionalized GO) properties, appropriate for antitumor hyperthermia, photodynamic therapy, anti-infectious therapies and controlled release of cytostatic drugs, respectively, and preliminary evaluation of their morpho-structural, magnetic and cytotoxic characteristics. General methods to determine cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, cellular internalization, anti-thrombogenicity and antimicrobial efficacy have been adapted for testing nanoparticles. The experimental setups and working parameters required for hyperthermia measurements and determination of reactive oxygen species in acellular systems have been established. Preliminary tests for hyperthermia and photogeneration of reactive oxygen species were conducted for suspensions of magnetic and TiO2 nanoparticles, respectively, together with the primary evaluation of their cytotoxicity. In this way the objectives and result indicators of stage I of PC1 were fulfilled, constituting the basis for the complex interdisciplinary studies scheduled for the next stages.

Stage I of PC2, allowed to combine the scientific literature documentation of the most recent topical advancements with preparation experiments and physico-chemical investigations, such as to develop synthesis methods for doped hydroxyapatite (HA), barium titanate (BT) and shape-memory ferro-magnetic alloys based on Fe-Pd. The consortium partners have closely collaborated to design the in vitro testing system for cellular behavior under mechanical stress conditions for piezoelectric materials, to define a method for the translation of 3D bone defects (based on computed tomography scans) to customized implants designs fit for additive manufacturing fabrication, and to adapt methods for the study of cytotoxicity, anti-thrombogenicity/thrombolysis, antimicrobial efficacy, reduction of ROS species, and angiogenesis capacity of biomaterials in the form of powders, pellets, scaffolds and thin films. Appropriate preparation techniques were used to obtain series of pure and doped HA samples (with Sr, Mg, Zn, Ce, Si/Mg/Zn), BT, BT-HA, and FePd substituted with Mn or Ga. Based on the multi-parametric morphological, compositional, structural, electrical and magnetic/magnetorestrictive analyses, specific to each class of materials, the most promising type of samples were selected for preliminarily biological assessments: (where appropriate) degradation tests, therapeutic ion release rate determinations and/or cytocompatibility. Correlation of the results of the functional and physico-chemical tests has made it possible to define the most promising biomaterials, whose potential will be explored exhaustively in the next stages of the project. We conclude that the milestones and performance indicators for the stage I of PC2 have been fully attained.

Stage I of PC3 was dedicated to the manufacture and characterization of nanostructured carbon and metal electrodes and their testing in simple environments and/or in the presence of different biomedical analytes. Five types of electrodes were manufactured and characterized by voltammetry, SEM and EDXS: gold electrodes deposited on Ti/SiO2/Si, electrodes manufactured by photolithography on SiO2@Si substrates, composites based on carbon black and cellulose acetate and screen-printed electrodes modified with CB, Pd particles on carbon, or reduced graphene oxide (RGO). Furthermore, gold sensors for surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurements have also been manufactured. The used analytes were: hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, methionine, thyroxine, azathioprine and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). It has been demonstrated that both hydrogen peroxide and oxygen can be detected by using gold surfaces as working electrodes, while the oxidation mechanisms of thyroxine and methionine have been identified. The redox processes and adsorption of azathioprine on the surface of RGO-modified electrodes have been investigated by voltammetry and Raman spectroscopy studies. DNA biosensors have been obtained by DNA surface modification of the glassy carbon, CB, and Pd based electrodes. The objectives and result indicators of PC3 were fully achieved.

The results of the stage I of the PCCDI complex project allowed the consortium institutions to structure their research/technology services offers on the ERRIS platform, and thus, making them publicly accessible at international level. Technological sheets (for key laboratory products, methods or technologies) have been disseminated on the project website (, as well as uploaded on the UEFISCDI EVoC platform.


  • 2019: THE SYNTHETIC SCIENTIFIC REPORT no. 2 in .pdf format is available at UEFISCDI, and can be accessed by request.

The complex project 58PCCDI/2018 allowed in its second stage of execution, based on physico-chemical measurements and multi-parametric in vitro assays, achieved in the framework of seven partner institutions-consortium, the identification/selection of the most promising architectural models (morphological, structural and compositional) of nanomaterials and biomaterials (nano-powders, compact volumes and thin films) which, in the final stage of the project, will be integrated and tested in demonstrators or prototype of devices with biomedical applicability. Each component project (PC) adopted, within the current stage of 58PCCDI, its own necessary measures such as to satisfy the design and optimization requirements of the nanomaterials and biomaterials with the targeted biofunctional properties. Briefly:

Phase I (2018) of PC1 was focused on the adaptation/optimization of the working methods and protocols required to achieve the activities specified by the project working plan, synthesis of optimized primary nanomaterials and their basic morpho-structural characterization. Phase II (2019) continued and expanded the activities achieved in 2018 by modifications of the primary nanomaterials in order to obtain nanostructures (NS) with advanced functionality and complex physico-chemical (composition, elemental distribution, concentration and distribution of dopants, optical, photocatalytic, magnetic, hyperthermic and photodynamic properties, Mossbauer spectroscopy, surface chemistry, non-cellular generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS)) and biological (cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, internalization of nanomaterials in cells, anti-thrombogenicity, antimicrobial activity) characterizations. The obtained nanostructures and performed characterizations are integrant parts of interdisciplinary studies focused on the effects of specific nanostructure characteristics on the toxicity, antimicrobial effect and antitumor activity (by hyperthermia, photodynamic effect and release of cytostatic drugs) that are in progress within the framework of PC1. These studies advanced due to the common correlated efforts of the involved partner institutions, supported by the continuous informational and decisional flow present at the level of the management structure of PC1, as well as directly between the researchers performing the technical and scientific activities.

In the second stage of PC2 the following activities have been performed: (i) new series of materials (FePd with and without anti-thrombogenic supra-functionalization; BT and HA/BT; single- and multi-doped HA scaffolds and implant-type coatings) were fabricated by applying the adapted methods developed in 2018 or proposed in 2019, which subsequently were (ii) characterized by multiparametrical physico-chemical techniques and (iii) investigated in vitro for their biofunctionality: i.e., cytocompatibility; antimicrobial effect; anti-thrombogenic activity; cytoprotective capacity (ROS reduction) in osteogenic cell cultures; angiogenic (monitoring the expression of some receptors for growth factors involved in the angiogenesis process: HER2, HER3, EGFR, VEGFR1, VEGFR3 VEGFR2) and osteogenic (monitoring molecular species analyzed with key roles in the osteogenesis process, including OC, OCN, OPN) capacities in stem cell cultures. Consequently, were identified: the optimum substitution (i.e., Ga) and type of top bio-functional layer (i.e., pectin sulphate) for the ferromagnetic FePd materials; the type, combination (i.e., Mg, Sr and Zn) and critical dopant concentrations in HA, capable to endow an extended biofunctionality; and the conditions for the preparation of the BT piezoelectric simple and coated structures with double- and triple-doped HA layers. A preliminary testing of deposition methodologies, based on radio-frequency magnetron sputtering (RF-MS) techniques, was executed in order to identify the working conditions for the synthesis of bioceramic coatings, dense or with superficial porosity. The physico-chemical studies (e.g., morphology, structure, surface energy, corrosion resistance), mechanical (e.g., adhesion, hardness, elastic modulus, wear resistance) and the in vitro biological assays have shown encouraging overall performances for the RF-MS implant-type coatings. Preliminary fabrication tests of bone graft substitutes (i.e., porous scaffolds), from pure and triple-doped HAs, have been performed by additive manufacturing 3D printing techniques (using 3D bone defect reconstructions of real defects) and by robocasting. Last but not least, the in vitro mechanical stress testing machine was completed (a patent application being filed), and a first set of preliminary in vitro tests were performed on piezoelectric BT samples.

The second stage of PC3 was dedicated to the functionalization and characterization of sensor platforms for the development of (bio)sensors for immunosuppresses pharmaceutics, ROS, oxidative lesions in DNA and proteins, and substitute hormones. The detection of hydrogen peroxide, and the immobilization of carbonyl receptive molecules and immunosuppressive pharmaceutics at the graphene surface were tested. For these studies, graphene was functionalized with aminophenol/polyaniline and formaldehyde/azathioprine, and used as models for carbonyl and immunosuppressant pharmaceutics. For the development of (bio)sensors for substituted hormones (i.e., thyroxine) the electrodes were modified with carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles. Nevertheless, SEM microscopy measurements on graphene samples, deposited on Cu by the CVD method, were performed and the confirmation of the functionalization of graphene layers with polyaniline was achieved by Raman spectroscopy. It has been shown that hydrogen peroxide can be detected at graphene layer deposited on Cu substrate. The ability of aminophenol/polyaniline modified graphene to be used in the development of (bio)sensors for the detection of carbonyl groups and immunosuppresses pharmaceuticals has been demonstrated.

Extensive research has allowed for the dissemination of results by participation to (i) national (4) and international conferences (27), (ii) the publication/acceptance of scientific articles in Web of Science® indexed journals (8/2), Web of Science® indexed conference proceedings (2) and paper published in B+ journals (2) and (iii) submission of national patent applications (3) for the protection of the CDI results with economical transfer potential. Additionally, the results of the second stage of the 58PCCDI complex project permitted to improve the offer of research/technological services of the partner institutions, which were advertised on the ERRIS platform dedicated by each institution to this project, thus making them publicly accessible at national and international level. Technological sheets (for key laboratory products, methods or technologies) have been disseminated on the project website (, as well as uploaded on the UEFISCDI EVoC platform.


  • 2020: THE SYNTHETIC SCIENTIFIC REPORT no. 3 in .pdf format is available at UEFISCDI, and can be accessed by request.

The general objective of Stage III of PC1 was to increase the level of complexity of the nanostructured systems developed in the previous project stages, by functionalizing and/or assembling them, in order to reach their maximum potential for the targeted biomedical applications, their therapeutic functionality being subsequently evaluated by dedicated in vitro studies. The activities carried out to this purpose consisted (i) in the elaboration and development of protocols for obtaining magnetic nanoclusters with controlled dimensions and high magnetization and (ii) in the functionalization of the surface of nanoparticles or nanoclusters with organic molecules and/or biomolecules with bioactive properties (e.g., ZnO nanoparticles were functionalized with azole compounds with antimicrobial properties; Au nanoclusters were endowed with molecular recognition function by functionalization with DNA aptamers or antibodies; graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles were conjugated with bacterial cellulose and cytostatic drugs). The physico-chemical functionality of the developed nanostructured systems was characterized (e.g., hyperthermia activity of magnetic nanoclusters, controlled release of Cisplastin from GO-based nanoconjugate systems, imidazole and benzimidazole derivatives binding to the surface of ZnO nanoparticles), biological functionality (e.g., biocompatibility, in vitro antimicrobial or antitumor action) being achieved through the synergistic efforts of PC1 partners.

Stage III of PC2 was dedicated to the integration of selected/optimized ceramic biomaterials in demonstrators of (i) ceramic porous scaffolds for bone regeneration fabricated by 3D printing techniques and (ii) biofunctional coatings of real dental implants (with complex geometry) and to the delineation of the technological steps sequence for their preparation. At the same time, studies were focused on (iii) the selection of the optimal Fe-Pd alloy demonstrator, on the basis of a cross-examination analysis of their thermoelastic, magnetostrictive and biological properties, and of the suitable type of biofunctional antithrombogenic/thrombolytic coating, in order to achieve a maximized response. Currently, the final functional testing of the above mentioned demonstrators already debuted and will be extended within Stage IV of the project.

Stage III of PC3 targeted the testing and evaluation of the characteristics of (bio) sensors fabricated in the previous two stages of the project: i.e., (i) electrochemical detection of immunosuppressants, hormone substitutes and ROS species and oxidative damage in DNA; (ii) measure of the total antioxidant capacity of biological fluids; (iii) studies of lesions induced by the oxidative stress on cellular components and, conjugated to all of them, (4) preparation of media for testing the (bio) sensors.

The encompassing research activities led to important joint results which facilitated their dissemination by (i) presentations at national (21) and international (5) conferences and workshops, (ii) articles published/accepted to Web of Science® (15/4) and BDI-indexed journals (3) and (iii) submission of national patent applications (2) for the protection of the CDI results with economical transfer potential. Additionally, the results of the second stage of the 58PCCDI complex project permitted to improve the offer of research/technological services of the partner institutions, which were advertised on the ERRIS platform dedicated by each institution to this project, thus making them publicly accessible at national and international level. Technological sheets (for key laboratory products, methods or technologies) have been disseminated on the project website (, as well as uploaded on the UEFISCDI EVoC platform.


  • 2021: THE SYNTHETIC SCIENTIFIC REPORT no. 4 in .pdf format is available at UEFISCDI, and can be accessed by request.

Stage IV of PC1 aimed to (1) increase the level of understanding of the in vitro behavior of the nanostructured systems developed in previous stages, focusing on physico-chemical processes that influence their biological identity, in conditions relevant to biomedical applications and to (2) continue the dissemination activities of the relevant results obtained under PC1. To this end, through the synergistic efforts of PC1 partners, activities were carried out, consisting of (i) in vitro cytotoxicity studies on human and murine cell lines, surveying both the cellular effects and the transformations that the scrutinized nanostructures undergo as effect of necessary processing steps (e.g., autoclaving, ultrasonication) needed for in vitro testing and exposure to the biological environment; (ii) determination of the physico-chemical characteristics and functionality of the tested nanostructured systems (e.g., surface chemistry of TiO2/magnetic NP nanocomposites and TiO2 NPs, hyperthermic activity for the magnetic nanoclusters); and (iii) dissemination activities.

In Stage IV of PC2 (1) were completed both the (i) final assessment of the implant system demonstrators based on the advanced biomaterials with multiple pathways (specifically, implant-type coatings & porous scaffolds, manufactured from the developed bioactive and/or piezoelectric ceramics) presented in the previous report of the project, as well as the (ii) in vitro testing system under mechanical stresses of piezoelectric materials, subsequent to the implementation of several functional/architectural refinements (which imposed drafting a new OSIM patent application) and (2) was continued the dissemination of the relevant results of PC2.

Stage IV of PC3 was dedicated to the (1) development of an electrochemical biosensor for the detection of oxidative lesions in proteins, (2) evaluation of the effect induced by oxidative stress on cellular components, (3) preparation of specimens for testing (bio) sensors, and (4) dissemination of the relevant results of PC3.

The research activities circumscribed to Stage IV of the project allowed the dissemination of series of results by (i) presentations at international conferences (1), (ii) articles published/accepted to Web of Science® (4/1), (iii) submission of articles to Web of Science®-indexed journals (4) and (iv) submission of national patent applications (6) for the protection of the CDI results with economical transfer potential. The new publications were promoted on the project website (

  • 2018: Mihaela-Monica Manga, Master of Science, 2nd year of study, student ID: 4743057, Technical University of Dresden, Germany performed at NIMP (2018.09.04 – 2018.09.14) a “Lab Rotation” work-stage entitled “SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SIMPLE AND CERIUM-DOPED HYDROXYAPATITE MATERIALS FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS", under the coordination of CS I Dr. George Stan (58PCCDI/2018, Director of CO).
  • 2018-2019: Ramona Elena Toader, Master of Science in Medical Biophysics and Cellular Biotechnology, 2nd year of study, student ID: 258, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, started on October 1st 2018, the experimental work stage entitled “EVALUATION OF CYTOTOXICITY EFFECTS OF Zn/Mg OXIDE-BASED NANOPARTICLES ON CELLULAR MALIGNANT MODELS”, scientific coordinator of Assoc. Prof. Mihaela G. Moisescu (58PCCDI/2018, Director of Partner 2), coordinator of experimental activities  PhD student Christien Oktavieni Matei$. The MSc thesis was successfully defended on 28.06.2019.
  • 2018-2019:  Aurelia-Cristina Poteaca (Visan), Master of Science in Medical Biophysics and Cellular Biotechnology, 2nd year of study, student ID: 256, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, started on October 1st 2018, the experimental work stage entitled “STUDY ON BIOCOMPATIBILITY OF BIO-ACTIVE NANOPARTICLES ON NORMAL CELLULAR MODELS”, scientific coordinator of Assoc. Prof. Mihaela G. Moisescu (58PCCDI/2018, Director of Partner 2), coordinator of experimental activities  PhD student Christien Oktavieni Matei$. The MSc thesis was successfully defended on 28.06.2019.
  • 2018-2019: Alexandra Docan (Dinu), Master of Science in Medical Biophysics and Cellular Biotechnology, 2nd year of study, student ID: 252, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, started on October 1st 2018, the experimental work stage entitled “EVALUATION BY WIDE-FIELD AND FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY OF CELL ADHESION ON THIN METALLIC FILMS”, scientific coordinator of Assoc. Prof. Mihaela G. Moisescu (58PCCDI/2018, Director of Partner 2), coordinator of experimental activities  Assist. Prof. Violeta Calin (58PCCDI/2018, Team member of Partner 2). The MSc thesis was successfully defended on 28.06.2019.
  • 2018-2019: Maria-Iuliana Bogdan, Master of Science in Chemistry of Pharmaceutic and Cosmetic Products, 2nd year of study, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest, carried-out in the framework of the project the MSc thesis entitled "BIOCERAMIC MATERIALS WITH EXTENDED FUNCTIONALITY FOR MEDICAL APPLICATIONS ", under the coordination of Lect. Dr. Delia-Laura Popescu and CS I Dr. George Stan (58PCCDI/2018, Director of CO), successfully defended in June 2019.
  • 2018-2019: Irina Valentina Movila (Bancu), Master of Science in Advanced Medical Biotechnologies and Biomaterials, carried-out in the framework of the project the MSc thesis entitled "MULTIMODAL TREATMENT OF CEREBRAL ANEURYSMS: FROM BIOMATERIAL AND IMPLANTABLE DEVICE TO CLINICAL APPLICATIONS", under the coordination of Conf. dr. bioing. Daniela Vlad and S.l. Dr. Alexandru Chiriac (58PCCDI/2018, Responsible of Partner 3).
  • 2019: Monica-Nicoleta Bălaşa, student, 2nd year of study, Faculty of Medical Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest, effectuated (2019.06.17 – 2019.08.30) 360 of hours of scientific practice in the field of the synthesis and characterization of bio-nano-materials, under the coordination of CS I Dr. George Stan (58PCCDI/2018, Director of CO).
  • 2019: Any-Cristina Sergentu, student, 2nd year of study, Faculty of Medical Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest, effectuated (2019.06.17 – 2019.08.30) 360 of hours of scientific practice in the field of the synthesis and characterization of bio-nano-materials, under the coordination of Dr. George Stan (58PCCDI/2018, Director of CO).
  • 2019: Laurentiu Blaj, performed at  “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy the license thesis entitled “COMPLICATIONS OF THE ANTERIOR COMMUNICATING ARTERY ANEURYSMS”,  scientific coordinators Prof. Dr. Ion Poeata (58PCCDI, Partner 3 team member) and S.l. Dr. Alexandru Chiriac (58PCCDI/2018, Responsible of Partner 3).
  • 2019: Mirona Dobri, performed at  “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy the license thesis entitled “TREATMENT OF ANEURYSMS IN THE POSTERIOR CIRCULATION”,  scientific coordinators Prof. Dr. Ion Poeata (58PCCDI, Partner 3 team member) and S.l. Dr. Alexandru Chiriac (58PCCDI/2018, Responsible of Partner 3).
  • 2019-2020: Ioana Crunteanu, Master of Science in Medical Biophysics and Cellular Biotechnology, 2nd year of study, student ID: 3, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, started on October 1st 2019, the experimental work stage entitled “PROPOSAL OF COMET ASSAY IMAGE PROCESSING: AN IN VITRO STUDY OF ZINC OXIDE NANOPARTICLES”, scientific coordinator of Prof. dr. Tudor Savopol (58PCCDI/2018, Team member of Partner 2), coordinator of experimental activities  PhD student Ioan C. Tivig$ (58PCCDI/2018, Team member of Partner 2). The MSc thesis was successfully defended on 09.07.2020.
  • 2016-2020: Mihaela Cosman, PhD thesis with the title: “CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE MODERN TREATMENT OF SURGICAL INJURIES OF ELOQUENT BRAIN AREAS”, "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy (P3), Iaşi (defended in 2020), scientific coordinators Prof. Dr. Ion Poeata (58PCCDI, Partner 3 team member).
  • 2016-2021: Giorgiana Ion, PhD thesis with the title: “MODERN TECHNIQUES FOR THE TREATMENT OF CEREBRAL ANEURISMS”, "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi (ongoing), scientific coordinators Prof. Dr. Ion Poeata (58PCCDI, Partner 3 team member).
  • 2020-2021: Vladimir Istratii, Master of Science in Medical Biophysics and Cellular Biotechnology, 2nd year of study, student ID: 19, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, started on March 1st, 2021, the experimental research stage entitled “IN VITRO STUDY ON BIOCOMPATIBILITY OF NANOPARTICLES BASED ON IRON AND TITAN OXIDE”, scientific coordinator Assoc. Prof. Mihaela G. Moisescu (58PCCDI/2018, Director of Partner 2), coordinator of experimental activities PhD student Luminiţa-C. Miclea (58PCCDI/2018, Team member of Partner 2). The defense of the MSc thesis is scheduled for July 2021.
  • 2020-2021: Silvestru Onofrei, Master of Science in Medical Biophysics and Cellular Biotechnology, 2nd year of study, student ID: 21, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, started on March 1st, 2021, the experimental research stage entitled “VIABILITY ASSESSMENT OF HUMAN ADENOCARCINOMA CULTURES EXPOSED TO IRON OXIDE-BASED NANOPARTICLES”, scientific coordinator Assoc. Prof. Mihaela G. Moisescu (58PCCDI/2018, Director of Partner 2), coordinator of experimental activities PhD student Luminiţa-C. Miclea (58PCCDI/2018, Team member of Partner 2). The defense of the MSc thesis is scheduled for July 2021.
  • 2020-2021: Natalia Posteucă, Master of Science in Medical Biophysics and Cellular Biotechnology, 2nd year of study, student ID: 22, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, started on March 1st, 2021, the experimental research stage entitled “EVALUATION BY FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY OF THE EFFECT OF UNIAXIAL MECHANICAL STRESS ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF HUMAN OSTEOBLASTES”, scientific coordinator Prof. Tudor Savopol (58PCCDI/2018, Team member of Partner 2), coordinator of experimental activities PhD student Luminiţa-C. Miclea (58PCCDI/2018, Team member of Partner 2). The defense of the MSc thesis is scheduled for July 2021.

$newly employed researcher

COMPONENT PROJECT #1: Development of bio-active nanostructures integrated into therapeutic and diagnostic systems

Web of Science® articles - published:

  • 01. A. Bunge^,*, A.S. Porav, G. Borodi, T. Radu^, A. Pirnau, C. Berghian-Grosan, R. Turcu^*, Correlation between synthesis parameters and properties of magnetite clusters prepared by solvothermal polyol method; J MATER SCI 54 (2019) 2853.
  • 02. D. Ghica^, I.D. Vlaicu^, M. Stefan^,*, V.A. Maraloiu^, A.C. Joita, C. Ghica, Tailoring the dopant distribution in ZnO:Mn nanocrystals; SCI REP  9 (2019) 6894.
  • 03. I.C. Tivig^,*,$, T. Savopol^, E. Kovacs^, M.G. Moisescu^, Experimental system for real-time fluorescence recordings of cell membrane changes induced by electroporation;  EUR BIOPHYS J BIOPHYS LETT 49 (2020) 105.
  • 04. A.M. Rostas, A.C. Kuncser^, D. Ghica^, A. Palici, V.A. Maraloiu^, I.D. Vlaicu^,*, Electron paramagnetic resonance and microstructural insights into the thermal behavior of simonkolleite nanoplatelets; PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS 22 (2020) 9503.
  • 05. L.M. Cursaru, R.M. Piticescu*, D.V. Dragut, I.A. Tudor, V. Kuncser^, N. Iacob^, F. Stoiciu, The influence of synthesis parameters on structural and magnetic properties of iron oxide nanomaterials; NANOMATERIALS 10 (2020) 85.
  • 06. T. Popescu^, C.O. Matei^, I.D. Vlaicu^,*, I.C. Tivig^, A.C. Kuncser^, M. Stefan^, D. Ghica^, L.C. Miclea^, T. Savopol^, D.C. Culita, M.G. Moisescu^, Influence of surfactant-tailored Mn-doped ZnO nanoparticles on ROS production and DNA damage induced in murine fibroblast cells; SCI REP 10 (2020) 18062.
  • 07. F. Nekvapil^,*,$, A. Bunge^, T. Radu^, S. Cinta Pinzaru, R. Turcu^,*, Raman spectra tell us so much more: Raman features and saturation magnetization for efficient analysis of manganese zinc ferrite nanoparticles; J RAMAN SPECTROSC 51 (2020) 959.
  • 08. C. Zaharia, V.F. Duma, C. Sinescu*, V. Socoliuc, I. Craciunescu^, R.P. Turcu^, C.N. Marin, A. Tudor, M. Rominu, M.L. Negrutiu, Dental adhesive interfaces reinforced with magnetic nanoparticles: Evaluation and modeling with Micro-CT versus Optical Microscopy; MATERIALS 13 (2020) 3908.
  • 09. T. Krasia-Christoforou, V. Socoliuc, K.D. Knudsen, E. Tombácz, R. Turcu^,*, L. Vékás*, From single-core nanoparticles in ferrofluids to multi-core magnetic nanocomposites: Assembly strategies, structure, and magnetic behavior; NANOMATERIALS 10 (2020) 2178.
  • 10. F. Nekvapil^,*,$, A. Bunge^, L.B. Tudoran, S. Cinta Pinzaru*, Single-cell Raman micro-spectroscopy for tracking of carotenoids in cyanobacteria exposed to Mn and Zn doped ferrite nanoparticles; SPECTROCHIM ACTA A 254 (2021) 119607.
  • 11. I. Craciunescu^, P. Palade^, N. Iacob^, G.M. Ispas, A.E. Stanciu, V. Kuncser^, R.P. Turcu^,*, High performance functionalized magnetic nanoparticles with tailored size and shape for localized hyperthermia applications; J PHYS CHEM C 125 (2021) 11132.
  • 12. T. Popescu^, C. Oktaviani Matei^, D.C. Culita, V.A. Maraloiu^, A.M. Rostas, L. Diamandescu, N. Iacob^, T. Savopol^, M.C. Ilas, M. Feder, A.R. Lupu^, A.C. Iacoban, I.D. Vlaicu^,*, M.G. Moisescu^,  Facile synthesis of low toxicity iron oxide-TiO2  nanocomposites with hyperthermic and photo-oxidation properties; SCI REP 12 (2022) 6887.

Papers published in B+ journals:

  • 01. A. Chiriac*,^, G. Ion^, G. Stan^, T. Popescu^, M. Sofronie^, I. Poeata^, Preliminary study of thrombogenicity induced by the nanoparticle surface coating of intracranial stents; ROM NEUROSURG 33 (2019) 404.

Books/Book chapters:

  • 01. A.R. Lupu^,*, T. Popescu^, M. Stojanović, Chapter 2: Therapeutic use of inorganic nanomaterials in malignant disease, In: Environmental Nanotechnology – Volume 3, N. Dasgupta, S. Ranjan, E. Lichtfouse (Eds.), Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2019, pp. 47-87, ISBN: 978-3-030-26671-4.

Patent requests:

  • 01. C. Teodorescu^, Time-of-flight analysis system in rarefied gas, with separate determination of sizes and charges of nanoparticles and aerosols; OSIM patent request A/00705 from 2019-11-04.
  • 02. C. Teodorescu^, Selection system for nanoparticles as function of their size and charge, separately, using an electrical and magnetic filter operating in vacuum together with a deceleration section in a region with rarefied gas, operating in continuous mode; OSIM patent request A/00706 from 2019-11-04.
  • 03. O.A. Crisan^, A.D. Crisan, A. Leca^, FePt metallic nanoclusters, their method of obtaining and their dual, superficial, functionalization for controlled hyperthermic therapeutic applications; OSIM patent request A/00209 from 2021-04-26.
  • 04. A. Casarica^, C. Balas^,$, M. Moscovici^, T. Popescu^, Cosmetic composition with moisturizing, nourishing, repairing and calming effect; OSIM patent request A/00246 from 2021-05-12.

National Conferences:

  • 01. M.L. Ilas, T. Popescu*,^, I.D. Vlaicu^, V.A. Maraloiu^, C. Batha, A.M. Rostas, Influence of pH and heat treatment conditions on ROS photogeneration activity and cytocompatibility of TiO2 nanoparticles; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 02. M.L. Ilas, T. Popescu*,^, V.A. Maraloiu^, A.M. Rostas, L. Diamandescu, N. Iacob^, A.R. Lupu^, I.D. Vlaicu^, Iron oxide / TiO2 nanocomposites with inductive heating and ROS photogeneration properties for antitumor applications; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 03. I.D. Vlaicu*,^, T. Popescu^, A. Kuncser^, C.O. Matei^, M. Stefan^, D. Ghica^, D.C. Culita, Influence of PVP and SHMTP surfactants on morpho-structural characteristics, Mn2+ ion doping and in vitro cytocompatibility of ZnO nanoparticles; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 04.  C.O. Matei*,^,$, I. Tivig^,$, L.C. Miclea^, T. Savopol^, M.G. Moisescu^, Cellular effects of manganese doped zinc oxide nanoparticles – A biophysical evaluation; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 05.  L.C. Miclea*,^, M. Mihailescu, A.M. Sandu, T. Savopol^, M.G. Moisescu^, Exploring the cellular localization of nanoparticles by fluorescence and dark field microscopy; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 06.  I. Rasit*,^, D. Dima, M. Panteli, M. Moscovici^, Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of different types and forms of nanostructures and implantable biomaterials; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 07.  I. Craciunescu*,^, A. Nan^, A. Bunge^, S. Porav, T. Radu^, F. Nekvapil^,$, R. Turcu^, P. Palade^, N. Iacob^, V. Kuncser^,Magnetic nanoparticles and clusters with controlled morphology and functionality; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).

International Conferences:

  • 01. V. Kuncser*,^, Main concerns related to the magnetic actuation of nanoparticulate systems for bio-medical applications; RADIOMAG Annual Action Progress Conference & MC meeting, 22–23 March 2018, Timisoara, Romania (invited lecture).
  • 02. N. Iacob*,^, A. Kuncser^, V. Kuncser^, Magnetic fluid hyperthermia related issues by numerical simulations using dedicated softwares; The 18th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science, 10–13 July 2018, Constanta, Romania (poster).
  • 03. R. Turcu*,^, A. Nan^, I. Craciunescu^, M. Suciu, T. Radu^, C. Leostean^, I. Ardelean, Tailoring the properties of core-shell magnetic nanostructures for biomedical applications; Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference, 22–24 October 2018, Berlin, Germany (poster).
  • 04. V. Kuncser*,^, N. Iacob^, A. Kuncser^, P. Palade^, C. Comanescu^, R. Turcu^, G. Schinteie^, Engineering and optimization of Specific Absorption Rates of Fe oxide nanoparticles in magnetic hyperthermia; Conference on Magnetic Nanoparticles and their Applications in Medicine, 4–5 April 2019, Belgrade, Serbia (invited lecture).
  • 05. V. Kuncser*,^, N. Iacob^, P. Palade^, C. Comanescu^, A. Kuncser^, G. Schinteie^, Mossbauer Spectroscopy – A powerful tool in explaining particularities of Specific Absorption rates of Fe oxide nanoparticles in magnetic hyperthermia; The 5th Mediteraneean Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect – MECAME 2019, 19–23 May 2019, Montpellier, France (invited lecture).
  • 06. A. Nicolaev*, M.A. Husanu, N.G. Apostol, R.M. Costescu, A.E. Bocirnea, I.A. Hristea, D. Lizzit, C.F. Chirila, L. Trupina^, C.M. Teodorescu^, Carbon monoxide adsorption, dissociation and oxidation on ferroelectric surfaces decorated with nanoparticles of noble metals; The 4th Edition of the International Workshop of Materials Physics, 27–28 May 2019, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 07. N.G. Apostol*, M.A. Husanu, D. Lizzit, I.A. Hristea, C.F. Chirila, L. Trupina, C.M. Teodorescu, Fast photoelectron spectroscopy follow-up of the efficiency of ferroelectric substrates for CO reduction/oxidation: the case of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3(001) decorated with gold nanoparticles; The 12th International Symposium of the Romanian Catalysis Society (RomCat), 5–7 June 2019, Bucharest, Romania (oral).
  • 08. C. Comanescu*,^, N. Iacob^, P. Palade^, V. Kuncser^, Hyperthermia and magnetic measurements in nanosized cobalt ferrite systems; The 21st Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering – RICCCE 2019, 4–7 September 2019, Mamaia, Romania (oral).
  • 09. E.C. Dobrica*, M. Cozma, M.G. Moisescu^, T. Savopol^, L.C. Miclea^, Experimental advices for formazan-based metabolic viability assay; The 14th Young European Scientist (YES) Meeting, 12–15 September 2019, Porto, Portugal (poster).
  • 10. A. Bunge*,^, T. Radu^, G. Borodi, V. Socoliuc, A.S. Porav, R. Turcu^, Influence of reaction parameters on the properties of ZnxMn(1-x)Fe2O4-nanoparticles synthesized by co-precipitation reaction; The 12th International Conference Processes in Isotopes and Molecules (PIM 2019), 25–27 September 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (poster).
  • 11. I. Craciunescu*,^, G.M. Ispas, S.A. Porav, V. Kuncser^, R. Turcu^, Tailoring the size, shape and composition of magnetic nanoparticles and clusters for biomedical applications; The 12th International Conference Processes in Isotopes and Molecules (PIM 2019), 25–27 September 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (oral).
  • 12. F. Nekvapil*,^,$, A. Bunge^, T. Radu^, S. Cinta Pinzaru, R. Turcu^, Raman spectroscopy analysis of metal-ferrite nanoparticles: towards precise interpretation and extraction of structural information; The 12th International Conference Processes in Isotopes and Molecules (PIM 2019), 25–27 September 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (oral).
  • 13. E.C. Dobrica*, M. Cozma, M.G. Moisescu^, T. Savopol^, L.C. Miclea^, Insights into MTS based metabolic viability assay protocol; The 7th Congress of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila (with international participation), 10–12 October 2019, Bucharest, Romania (poster). Meeting abstract published in Maedica  - A Journal of Clinical Medicine 14 (2019) 52.
  • 14. A. Maraloiu*,^, A.R. Lupu^, M.C. Ilas, A. Rostas, N. Iacob^, I.D. Vlaicu^, T. Popescu^, Microscopic observations on γ-Fe2O3-TiO2 nanocomposites for antitumor applications; The 3rd Conference of the Romanian Electron Microscopy Society - C.R.E.M.S., 23–25 October 2019, Brasov, Romania (poster).
  • 15. R. Trusca*, M. Cernea, M. Enculescu^, A.I. Nicoara, T. Popescu^, C. Trisca-Rusu, SEM investigations of Fe-doped ZnO powder; The 3rd Conference of the Romanian Electron Microscopy Society - C.R.E.M.S., 23–25 October 2019, Brasov, Romania (poster).
  • 16. L.C. Miclea*,^, M. Mihailescu, A.M. Sandu, C. Mihailescu, T. Popescu^, I.D. Vlaicu^, T. Savopol^, M.G. Moisescu^, Fluorescence and dark field microscopy exploration of cellular localization of ZnO nanoparticles; The 16th National Online Conference of Biophysics CNB 2020, 14–16 June 2020, Brașov, Romania (oral).
  • 17. C.O. Matei*,^,$, M. Mihailescu, A.M. Sandu, C. Mihailescu, T. Popescu^, I.D. Vlaicu^, T. Savopol^, M.G. Moisescu^, Cellular effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles doped with manganese ions: A biophysical evaluation; The 16th National Online Conference of Biophysics CNB 2020, 14–16 June 2020, Brașov, Romania (oral).
  • 18. D. Ghica*,^, M. Stefan^, I.D. Vlaicu^, Dopant distribution engineering in ZnO:Mn nanocrystals; 20th International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials – ICDIM 2020, 23–27 November 2020, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil (poster).


COMPONENT PROJECT #2: Customized implant systems fabricated from advanced biomaterials with multiple biological action

Web of Science® articles - published:

  • 01. D. Predoi*,^, S.L. Iconaru^, M.V. Predoi, Bioceramic layers with antifungal properties; COATINGS 8 (2018) 276.
  • 02. T. Tite^,$, A.C. Popa^, L.M. Balescu^, I.M. Bogdan, I. Pasuk^, J.M.F. Ferreira*, G.E. Stan*,^, Cationic substitutions in hydroxyapatite: current status of the derived biofunctional effects and their in-vitro interrogation methods; MATERIALS 11 (2018) 2081.
  • 03. C.C. Negrila^, M.V. Predoi, S.L. Iconaru^, D. Predoi*,^, Development of zinc-doped hydroxyapatite by sol-gel method for medical applications; MOLECULES 23 (2018) 2986.
  • 04. F. Tolea^, M. Sofronie*,^, Martensitic transformation and related properties of Fe69.4Pd30.6 ferromagnetic shape memory ribbons, J OPTOEL ADV MATER 20 (2018) 701. WOS:000454619400020.
  • 05. A.C. Mocanu, G.E. Stan*,^, A. Maidaniuc, M. Miculescu, I.V. Antoniac, R.C. Ciocoiu, S.I. Voicu, V. Mitran, A. Cimpean, F. Miculescu*, Naturally-derived biphasic calcium phosphates through increased phosphorous-based reagent amounts for biomedical applicationsMATERIALS 12 (2019) 381.
  • 06. A.C. Mocanu, M. Miculescu, T. Machedon-Pisu, A. Maidaniuc, R.C. Ciocoiu, M. Ionita, I. Pasuk^, G.E. Stan*,^, F. Miculescu, Internal and external surface features of newly developed porous ceramics with random interconnected 3D channels by a fibrous sacrificial porogen method; APPL SURF SCI 489 (2019) 226.
  • 07. D. Predoi*,^, S.I. Iconaru^, M.V. Predoi, G.E. Stan^, N. Buton, Synthesis, characterization, and antimicrobial activity of magnesium-doped hydroxyapatite suspensions; NANOMATERIALS 9 (2019) 1295.
  • 08. R. Albulescu^, A.C. Popa^, A.M. Enciu^, L. Albulescu^, M. Dudau^,$, I.D. Popescu^, S. Mihai^, E. Codrici^, S. Pop^, A.R. Lupu^, G.E. Stan^, G. Manda^, C. Tanase*,^, Comprehensive in vitro testing of calcium phosphate-based bioceramics with orthopedic and dentistry applications; MATERIALS 12 (2019) 3704.
  • 09. D. Chioibasu, L. Duta, G. Popescu-Pelin, N. Popa, N. Milodin, S. Iosub, L.M. Balescu^, A.C. Galca, A.C. Popa^, F.N. Oktar, G.E. Stan^,*, A.C. Popescu^,*, Animal origin bioactive hydroxyapatite thin films synthesized by RF-magnetron sputtering on 3D printed cranial implants; METALS 9 (2019) 1332.
  • 10. S.L. Iconaru^, M.V. Predoi*, M. Motelica-Heino^, D. Predoi^, N. Buton, C. Megier, G.E. Stan^, Dextran-thyme magnesium-doped hydroxyapatite composite antimicrobial coatings; COATINGS 10 (2020) 57.
  • 11. A. Topsakal, N. Ekren, O. Kilic, F.N. Oktar, M. Mahirogullari, O. Ozkan, H. Turkoglu Sasmazel, M. Turk, I.M. Bogdan^, G.E. Stan^, O. Gunduz, Synthesis and characterization of antibacterial drug loaded β-tricalcium phosphate powders for bone engineering applications; J MATER SCI–MATER MED 31 (2020) 16.
  • 12. M. Sofronie^, F. Tolea^,*, M. Tolea, B. Popescu^, M. Valeanu^, Magnetic and magnetostrictive properties of the ternary Fe67.5Pd30.5Ga2 ferromagnetic shape memory ribbons; J PHYS CHEM SOLIDS 142 (2020) 109446.
  • 13. G. Popescu-Pelin, C. Ristoscu, L. Duta, G.E. Stan^, I. Pasuk^, T. Tite^, M.S. Stan, C. Bleotu, M. Popa, M.C. Chifiriuc, F.N. Oktar, A. Nicarel, I.N. Mihailescu*, Antimicrobial and cytocompatible bovine hydroxyapatite-alumina-zeolite composite coatings synthesized by pulsed laser deposition from low-cost sustainable natural resources; ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEM ENG 8 (2020) 4026.
  • 14. A. Maidaniuc, F. Miculescu*, R.C. Ciocoiu, T.M. Butte, I. Pasuk^, G.E. Stan^, S.I. Voicu, L.T. Ciocan, Effect of the processing parameters on surface, physico-chemical and mechanical features of bioceramics synthesized from abundant carp fish bones; CERAM INT 46 (2020) 10159.
  • 15. M. Sofronie*,^,  M. Enculescu^, A.D. Crisan, F. Tolea^, Effect of Mn substitution on the structural, magnetic and magnetostrictive properties of Fe-Pd ferromagnetic shape memory alloys; accepted to ROM REP PHYS 72 (2020) 502. WOS:000535613200008.
  • 16. D. Predoi*,^,  S.I. Iconaru^, M.V. Predoi, M. Motelica-Heino, N. Buton, C. Megier, Obtaining and characterizing thin layers of magnesium doped hydroxyapatite by dip coating procedure; COATINGS 10 (2020) 510.
  • 17. G. Popescu-Pelin, C. Ristoscu, L. Duta, I. Pasuk^, G.E. Stan^, M.S. Stan, M. Popa, M.C. Chifiriuc, C. Hapenciuc, F.N. Oktar, A. Nicarel, I.N. Mihailescu*, Fish bone derived bi-phasic calcium phosphate coatings fabricated by pulsed laser deposition for biomedical applicationsMAR DRUGS 18 (2020) 623.
  • 18. A.C. Mocanu, F. Miculescu*, G.E. Stan^, R.C. Ciocoiu, M.C. Corobea, M. Miculescu, L.T. Ciocan, Preliminary studies on graphene-reinforced 3D products obtained by the one-stage sacrificial template method for bone reconstruction applications; J FUNCT BIOMATER 12 (2021) 13.
  • 19. A.C. Mocanu, F. Miculescu*, G.E. Stan^, A.M. Pandele, M.A. Pop^, R.C. Ciocoiu, S.I. Voicu, L.T. Ciocan, Fiber-templated 3D calcium-phosphate scaffolds for biomedical applications: The role of the thermal treatment ambient on physico-chemical properties; MATERIALS 14 (2021) 2198.
  • 20. I.M. Chirica^, A.M. Enciu^, T. Tite*, M. Dudau^, L. Albulescu^, S.I. Iconaru^, D. Predoi^, I. Pasuk^, M. Enculescu^, C. Radu, C. Mihalcea, A.C. Popa^, N. Rusu^, S. Nita^, C. Tanase*,^, G.E. Stan*,^,  The physico-chemical properties and exploratory real-time cell analysis of hydroxyapatite nanopowders substituted with Ce, Mg, Sr and Zn (0.5–5 at.%); MATERIALS 14 (2021) 3808.
  • 21. A. Nan *,^, R.P. Turcu^,*, C. Tudoran, M. Sofronie^, A. Chiriac^, Analysis of functionalized ferromagnetic memory alloys from the perspective of developing a medical vascular implant; POLYMERS 14 (2022) 1397.
  • 22. A. Bunge^, A. Chiriac^, M. Sofronie^, I. Craciunescu^, A.S. Porav, R.P. Turcu^,*, Anticoagulant properties of coated Fe-Pd ferromagnetic shape memory ribbonsINT J MOL SCI 24 (2023) 2452.

Web of Science® conference proceedings:

  • 01. M. Sofronie^, B. Popescu^, A.D. Crisan, A.R. Lupu^, F. Tolea^, M. Valeanu^, Magnetoelastic properties in polycrystalline Fe-Pd based ferromagnetic shape memory alloy;  IOP CONF SER–MATER SCI ENG 485 (2019) 012026.
  • 02. T. Bedo^, S.I. Munteanu^, I. Popescu*,^,$, A. Chiriac^, M.A. Pop^,  I. Milosan^, D. Munteanu^, Method for translating 3D bone defects into personalized implants made by Additive Manufacturing; MATER TODAY PROCEED 19 (2019) 1032.

Papers published in B+ journals:

  • 01. A. Chiriac*,^, G. Ion^, Z. Faiyad, I. Poeata^, Endovascular management of recurrent anterior communicating aneurysm previously embolized. Case presentation; ROM NEUROSURG 33 (2019) 7.
  • 02. A. Chiriac*,^, G. Ion^, Z. Faiyad, I. Poeata^, Our experience with a single stage bilateral approach for treatment of bilateral middle cerebral artery aneurysms; ROM NEUROSURG 33 (2019) 283.
  • 03. A. Chiriac*,^, A. Iencean, G. Ion^, G. Stan^, S. Munteanu^, I. Poeata^, Current applications of 3D printing in neurosurgery; ROM NEUROSURG 33 (2019) 417.
  • 04. A. Chiriac*,^,  G. Ion^, G. Stan^, S. Munteanu^, N. Dobrin, D. Turliuc, I. Poeata^, The 3D printed models technology for the management of intracranial aneurysms; ROM NEUROSURG 34 (2020) 373.

Patent requests:

  • 01. C.F. Miclea^, C. Miclea^, M. Cioangher^, L. Amarande^, L. Miclea^, M. Moisescu^, T. Savopol^, In vitro test system of cell proliferation (cultures) on mechanically stressed media in controlled atmosphere; OSIM patent request A/00857 from 2019-12-04.
  • 02. A.E. Nan^, C. Tudoran, R.P. Turcu^, M. Sofronie^, F. Tolea^, A. Chiriac^, I. Poeata^, Shape memory ferromagnetic metallic biomaterials coated with biocompatible polymers; OSIM patent request A/00806 from 2020-12-03.
  • 03. C. Balas^,$, A. Casarica^, G. Stan^, Bioactive dressing for wet dermis management; OSIM patent request A/00219 from 2021-04-29.
  • 04. D. Predoi^, S.L. Iconaru^, S.C. Ciobanu^, Obtaining and characterizing thin layers of magnesium doped hydroxyapatite in a chitosan matrix obtained by dip-coating technique; OSIM patent request A/00238 from 2021-05-10.
  • 05. C.F. Miclea^, C. Miclea^, M. Cioangher^, L. Amarande^, L.C. Miclea^, In vitro cell proliferation testing device on mechanically stressed media in controlled atmosphere, with high precision control of the applied force; OSIM patent request A/00247 from 2021-05-12.

National Conferences:

  • 01. M. Sofronie*,^, F. Tolea^, M. Enculescu^, A.D. Crisan, Effect of Mn substitution on the structural, magnetic and magnetostrictive properties of Fe-Pd ferromagnetic shape memory alloy prepared as ribbons; Annual Scientific Conference of Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, 21–22 June 2019, Bucharest, Romania (oral).
  • 02. N. Dobrin, A. Chiriac^, R. Popescu, G. Ioan, A. Nicusor, B. Dobrovat, A. Cristian Istrate, D. Haba, Difficulties in the diagnosis and management of neuro-vascular lesions; National Conference of the Romania Society of Neuroradiology and Interventional Radiology, 25–27 October 2019, Targu Mures, Romania (oral).
  • 03. C.G. Croitoru, D. Naconecinii, M.L. Gealapu, N. Dobrin, A. Chiriac^, C. Tudorache, D.I. Cuciureanu, Endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke: neurologist-neurosurgery symphony; National Congress of Modern Neurosciences "Challenges and Controversies in Neuroscience", 30 October – 3 November 2019, Iasi, Romania (oral).
  • 04. C. Tanase^,*, A.C. Popa^, A.M. Enciu^, L. Albulescu^, M. Dudau^,$, I.D. Popescu^, S. Mihai^, E. Codrici^, S. Pop^, A.R. Lupu^, G.E. Stan^, G. Manda^, R. Albulescu^, Advances of complex biological testing of calcium phosphate-based bioceramics with orthopedic and dentistry applications; The 12th National Pathology Symposium Annual Scientific Meeting, 21–23 November 2019, Bucharest, Romania (oral). Meeting abstract published in Abstract Book, ISSN 2601-0771.
  • 05. M. Sofronie*,^, M. Valeanu^, M. Enculescu^, F. Tolea^, B. Popescu^, A. Nan^, I. Craciunescu^, A. Bunge^, R. Turcu^, V.L. Călin^, M.G. Moisescu^, G. Ion^, A. Chiriac^, M. David^, M. Florescu^, Development of shape memory ferromagnetic biomaterials based on FePd alloys for biomedical applications; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 06. T. Tite*,^,$, I.M. Chirica^, S.L. Iconaru^, D. Predoi^, A.C. Popa^, I. Pasuk^, M. Enculescu^, C. Dima, C. Mihalcea, A.C. Kuncser^, L. Albulescu^, A.M. Enciu^, C. Tanase^, N. Rusu^, S. Nita^, B. Nan, J.M.F. Ferreira, G.E. Stan^, Physico-chemical characterization and in vitro biological testing of Ce, Mg, Sr and Zn (0.5 – 10 at.%) substituted hydroxyapatite nanopowders – Part I; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 07. A.M. Enciu*,^, I.M. Chirica^, T. Tite^, A.C. Popa^, G.E. Stan^, L. Albulescu^, M. Dudau^,$, C. Tanase^, Physico-chemical characterization and in vitro biological testing of Ce, Mg, Sr and Zn (0.5 – 10 at.%) substituted hydroxyapatite nanopowders – Part II; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 08. S.L. Iconaru*,^, D. Predoi^, S.C. Ciobanu^, Antimicrobial studies of magnesium doped hydroxyapatite; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 09. I. Popescu*,^,$, M.A. Pop, T. Bedo^, S.I. Munteanu^, Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite-based composite materials for use in the fabrication process of bone scaffolds by "additive manufacturing" techniques58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 10. M. Dudau*,^,$, G. Manda^, L. Albulescu^, E. Codrici^, D.I. Popescu^, S. Mihai^, A.M. Enciu^, C. Tanase^, Biocompatibility and biofunctional testing of ceramic materials: which, when and how?; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 11. L. Amarande*,^, G.E. Stan^, C.F. Miclea^, M. Cioangher^, L. Trupina^, I. Pasuk^, E. Matei^, L. Leonat, T. Savopol^, M.G. Moisescu^, L.C. Miclea^, Barium titanate and hydroxyapatite composite ceramics with piezoelectric properties for applications in bone tissue regeneration; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 12. I. Tivig*,^,$, F. Jipa, C. Besleaga^, G.E. Stan^, F. Sima, M.G. Moisescu^, T. Savopol^, Innovative microfluidic device for the study of electro-optical properties of cells in suspension; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 13. N. Dobrin, A. Chiriac^, G. Ion^, Treatment of intracranial aneurysms by stent-assisted technique; National Conference "Modern Technologies in Neurovascular Pathology", 27–29 March 2020, Iași, Romania (oral).
  • 14. N. Dobrin, A. Chiriac^, Z. Faiyad, G. Ion^, Modern technologies in neurovascular pathology within the Emergency Clinical Hospital “Prof. N. Oblu” Iaşi; National Congress of Modern Neurosciences, 4–8 November 2020, Iaşi, Romania (oral).
  • 15. L. Eva, M. Dabija, N. Dobrin, A. Chiriac^, T. Ciubotaru, N. Ianovici, Landmarks in the evolution of neurovascular technologies; National Congress of Modern Neurosciences, 4–8 November 2020, Iaşi, Romania (oral).
  • 16. E.A. Marciuc, B. Dobrovăţ, R.M. Popescu, A. Chiriac^, N. Dobrin, D. Haba, P. Mocanu, M. Barcan, S. Barcan, C. Moldoveanu, L. Eva; Rare cases of intracerebral aneurysms and arterio-venous malformations; National Congress of Modern Neurosciences, 4–8 November 2020, Iaşi, Romania (oral).

International Conferences:

  • 01. M. Sofronie*,^, B. Popescu^, A.D. Crisan, A.R. Lupu^, F. Tolea^, M. Valeanu^, Magnetoelastic properties in polycrystalline Fe-Pd based ferromagnetic shape memory alloy; The 8th Conference on Material Science & Engineering (UgalMat 2018), 11–13 October 2018, Galati, Romania (poster).
  • 02. A.C. Mocanu*, M. Miculescu, T. Machedon-Pisu, A. Maidaniuc, S.I. Voicu, R.C. Ciocoiu, A.M. Pandele, M. Ionita, G.E. Stan^, F. Miculescu; Internal and external surface features of newly developed porous ceramics with random, interconnected 3D channels by fibrous sacrificial porogen method, The 11th International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering – BraMat, 13–16 March 2019, Brasov, Romania (oral).
  • 03. T. Bedo*,^, S.I. Munteanu^, I. Popescu*,^,$, M.A. Pop^, D. Cristea^, I. Milosan^, D. Munteanu^, Method for translating 3D bone defects into personalized implants made by additive manufacturing; The 11th International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering – BraMat, 13–16 March 2019, Brasov, Romania (poster).
  • 04. I.M. Bogdan^, T. Tite*,^,$, L.M. Balescu^, S. Iconaru^, C.S. Ciobanu^, D. Predoi^, A.C. Popa^, L. Albulescu^, C. Tanase^, S. Nita^, G.E. Stan^, Investigation of morphological, structural changes and biological performance of Zinc or Magnesium substituted hydroxyapatite with dopant concentration, EMRS Conference – Spring Meeting, 27–31 May 2019, Nice, France (poster).
  • 05. I.M. Bogdan*,^, T. Tite^,$, L.M. Balescu^, A.C. Popa^, L. Albulescu^, C. Tanase^, S. Nita^, G.E. Stan^, Investigation of morphological, structural and biological performance in Strontium or Cerium substituted hydroxyapatite at low concentration, EMRS Conference – Spring Meeting, 27–31 May 2019, Nice, France (poster).
  • 06. T. Tite*,^,$, I.M. Bogdan^, L.M. Balescu^, G.E. Stan^, I. Pasuk^, G. Boni, L. Hrib, Comparative structural and dielectric properties of pure and Li-doped synthetic and bovine bone-derived hydroxyapatite in both bulk and thin film form; EMRS Conference – Spring Meeting, 27–31 May 2019, Nice, France (poster).
  • 07. L. Amarande^, G. Stan^, C.F. Miclea^, M. Cioagher^, L. Trupina*,^, I. Pasuk^, E. Matei^, T. Savopol^, M.G. Moisescu^, L.C. Miclea^, Structural, ferroelectric and cytotoxic properties of barium titanate-hydroxyapatite composite ceramics; The 19th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science, 16–20 July 2019, Constanta, Romania (poster).
  • 08. A. Chiriac*,^, G. Ion^, M. Cosman^, Practical significance of 3D-printing of partially embolized arteriovenous malformations for radiosurgical treatment; World Brain Congress, 18–19 November 2019, Istanbul, Turkey (poster).
  • 09. I. Poeata*,^, G. Ion^, Z. Faiyad, N. Dobrin, R. Sandu, A. Chiriac^, Comparative study between a microsurgical and endovascular treated aneurysmal series; International Symposium in Cerebro-Vascular Pathology, 28–29 November 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (oral).
  • 10. G. Ion*,^, A. Chiriac^, B. Iliescu^, A. Iencean, I. Pantiru, L. Curecheriu, I. Poeata^, Navigation and intraoperative echography in aneurysm's approach for clipping; International Symposium in Cerebro-Vascular Pathology, 28–29 November 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (oral).
  • 11. N. Dobrin*, A. Chiriac^, G. Ion^, I. Poeata^, Stent assisted coiling for complex intracranial aneurysms; International Symposium in Cerebro-Vascular Pathology, 28–29 November 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (oral).
  • 12. I.M. Chirica^,*,  T. Tite^,$,  I. Pasuk^, A. Kuncser^, C. Dima, C. Mihalcea, S. Iconaru^, D. Predoi^, A.C. Popa^, L. Albulescu^, A.M. Enciu^, C. Tanase^, S. Nita^, N. Rusu^, G.E. Stan^, Physico-chemical and biological properties of Ce, Mg, Sr and Zn (0.5 – 10 at.%) substituted hydroxyapatite nanopowders, 44th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2020), 26–31 January 2020, Daytona Beach, SUA (oral).
  • 13. A. Docan*, M. Sofronie^, M. Valeanu^, B. Popescu^, M.G. Moisescu^, V.L. Calin^, Evaluation of cell adhesion on FePd Alloys with ferromagnetic shape memory: A fluorescence microscopy study; The 16th National Online Conference of Biophysics CNB 2020, 14–16 June 2020, Brașov, Romania (poster)


COMPONENT PROJECT #3: New (bio)sensor platforms based on nanostructured functionalized materials for healthcare applications

Web of Science® papers - published or accepted:

  • 01. V.C. Diculescu^, T.A. Enache*,^, Voltammetric and mass spectrometry investigation of methionine oxidation; J ELECTROANAL CHEM 834 (2019) 124.
  • 02. M. David^,$, A. Serban^, C.V. Popa, M. Florescu*,^, A nanoparticle-based label-free sensor for screening the relative antioxidant capacity of hydrosoluble plant extracts; SENSORS 19 (2019) 590.
  • 03. M. David^,$, A. Serban^, C. Radulescu, A.F. Danet, M. Florescu*,^, Bioelectrochemical evaluation of plant extracts and gold nanozyme based sensors for total antioxidant capacity determination; BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY 129 (2019) 124.
  • 04. M. David^,$, M. Florescu^, C. Bala*, Biosensors for antioxidants detection: Trends and perspectives; BIOSENSORS 10 (2020) 112.
  • 05. A. Udrescu^, N. Toulbe, E. Matei^, M. Baibarac*,^, Azathioprine electrochemical adsorption onto the reduced graphene oxide sheets in absence and in the presence of polyaniline; J NANOSCI NANOTECHNOL 21 (2021) 2302.
  • 06. N. Sandu, C.G. Chilom^, M. David^,$, M. Florescu*,^, Evaluation of the interaction of levothyroxine with bovine serum albumin using spectroscopic and molecular docking studies; accepted to J BIOMOL STRUCT DYN (2020).
  • 07. M.C. Bunea^,$, V.C. Diculescu^, M. Enculescu^, H. Iovu, T.A. Enache*,^, Redox mechanism of azathioprine and its interaction with DNA; INT J MOL SCI 22 (2021) 6805.
  • 08. N. Sandu, C.G. Chilom^, M. Florescu*,^, Molecular insights into binding mechanism of  rutin to bovine serum albumin - Levothyroxine complex: Spectroscopic and molecular docking approaches; SPECTROCHIM ACTA A 264 (2022) 120261.

Patent requests:

  • 01. T.A. Enache^, A. Costas^, E. Matei^, D. Botta, V. Diculescu^, Method of fabrication of a dual analytical platform for the electrochemical and colorimetric detection; OSIM patent request A/00755 from 2020-11-19.
  • 02. M. Florescu^, M. David^,$, A. Serban, Nanostructured electrochemical sensory platform, method of calibration and procedure for portable, sensitive and selective detection of thyroxine; OSIM patent request A/00239 from 2021-05-11.

National Conferences:

  • 01. M. Bunea*,^,$, T.A. Enache^, M. Enculescu^, V.C. Diculescu^, The redox mechanism of azathioprine and its interaction with DNA; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).
  • 02. M. David*,^,$, A. Şerban, C. Chilom^, M. Florescu^, New (bio)sensor-based platforms as rapid screening tools for reactive oxygen species and hormone substitutes; 58PCCDI Workshop - New methods of diagnosis and treatment: Current challenges and technologic solutions based on nanomaterials and biomaterials (SANOMAT), 19 May 2020, Magurele, Romania (oral).

International Conferences:

  • 01. T.A. Enache*,^, V.C. Diculescu^, Protein carbonyl electrochemical detection; The 5th Edition of International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (IC-ANMBES), 23-25 May 2018, Brasov, Romania (oral).
  • 02. A. Serban*,^, S. Toma^, M. Moga^, M. Florescu^, The prevalence of cancers and hormone replacement therapy; The 5th Edition of International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (IC-ANMBES), 23–25 May 2018, Brasov, Romania (poster).
  • 03. T.A. Enache*,^, M. Enculescu^, V.C. Diculescu^, Prion protein: Voltammetric and scanning electron microscopy characterization; The 17th International Conference on Electroanalysis, 3–7 June 2018, Rhodos, Greece (poster).
  • 04. T.A. Enache*,^, V.C. Diculescu^, Electrochemical sensor for carbonylated protein detection; The 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2-7 September 2018, Bologna, Italy (poster).
  • 05. M. Florescu*,^, M. David^,$, A. Serban^, Evaluation of electrochemical nanosensors as reliable detection tool of thyroxine; Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference – ANNIC 2018, 22–24 October 2018, Berlin, Germany (poster).
  • 06. M. Florescu*,^, M. David^,$, A. Serban^, Nanozyme modified electrochemical biosensors as rapid screening tools for biomolecules; The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, 2–6 March 2019, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (poster). Meeting abstract 732-Pos published in BIOPHYS J 116 (2019) 148A–148A.
  • 07. M. Florescu^, M. David*,^, A. Serban^, Selective levo-thyroxine detection by electrochemical-surface plasmon resonance; Arbre-Mobieu Plenary Meeting on Molecular Biophysics, 18–20 March 2019, Zagreb, Croatia (poster).
  • 08. M. Florescu*,^, M. David^,$, A. Serban^, Rapid screening of levo-thyroxine using nanoparticle-based sensor; The 25th International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 26–30 May 2019, Limerick, Ireland (poster).
  • 09. M. David*,^, A. Enache^, M. Moga^, M. Florescu^; Molecular scale biophysical methodologies for levo-thyroxine interaction with DNA; The 12th EBSA/ 10th ICBP-IUPAP Congress,  20–24 July 2019, Madrid, Spain (poster). Meeting abstract P-651 published in EUR BIOPHYS J BIOPHYS LETT 48 (2019) S241–S241.
  • 10. M. Florescu*,^, M. David^,$, Label-free analysis of biomolecules: enzyme vs. nanozyme-based sensors; The 12th International Conference Processes in Isotopes and Molecules (PIM 2019), Romania (oral).
  • 11. M. David*,^,$, C. Chilom, M. Florescu*,^, Molecular affinity analysis of levo-thyroxine on BSA modified gold chip using molecular scale methodologies; The 12th International Conference Processes in Isotopes and Molecules (PIM 2019), 25–27 September 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (poster).
  • 12. M. Florescu*,^, M. David^,$, A. Serban^, Performance evaluation of nanozyme-based sensors for rapid screening of specific biomarkers; Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference, 18–20 November 2019, Paris, France (poster).
  • 13. M. David^,$,*, T.A. Enache^, M. Florescu^, Detection of levothyroxine using nanostructured materials: an electrochemical assay; 3rd European BioSensor Symposium, 9–12 March 2021, Wildau, Germany (poster).


*corresponding author

^project team member

$newly employed researcher

The research / technological services generated by the 58PCCDI consortium were disseminated/can be accessed on the ERRIS (Engage in the Romanian Research Infrastructures System) platform:

Furthermore the technological sheets for the laboratory products, methods or technologies, elaborated in the framework of the component projects, are presented herein under:

According to Article 6.1.29 of the Financing Agreement 58PCCDI/2018, the consortium prepared and presented to the Contracting Authority, with 6 months before the initial date of completion of the complex project, the joint RDI program correlated with the institutional development plan of each partners within the complex project.

Download the Joint RDI program - 58PCCDI

GEORGE E. STAN, PhD in Materials Engineering

Senior Researcher I

Telephone: +40-(0)21-2418 128 or +40-(0)21-2418 153

Department: Laboratory of Multifunctional Materials and Structures


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