Recent Trends in Magnetism and Superconductivity
31 of August-2 of September 2022
The National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP) announces the organization of the 7th edition of the International Workshop of Materials Physics (IWMP). The topic for 2022 edition is dedicated to advances in magnetism and magnetic materials, electron correlated systems and superconductivity, with special emphasis on thin films, multilayers, super-lattices and nano-objects. Aspects related to modeling, fabrication, characterization and potential applications will be presented and discussed.
Similar to the first six editions, the 7th edition of IWMP is organized on invitation only. The aim is to attract well known researchers in the field, the final purpose being to establish new collaborations concretized in common publications, projects and exchange of personnel.
Young researchers willing to present their latest results on topics related to the main topic of the workshop are invited to submit a 2 page abstract (A4, Times New Roman 11, single spacing, 2 cm margins, including figures and references) to the organizers (pintilie@infim.ro). The best abstracts will be selected for oral presentations during the workshop.
The workshop will take place at NIMP premises located in Magurele, Romania.
A first list of confirmed invited speakers will be announced until the end of February and will be periodically updated in the next two months.