National Institute of Materials Physics organizes the ERC workshop:
ERC 2021 competitions – Submitting a well-prepared proposal
Chairman: Dr. Alina Maria TOMOIAGĂ – Project Advisor
European Research Council Executive Agency
Physical Sciences and Engineering Unit
Friday, 2nd of April 2021, 10:30-12:30
On zoom platform1
With the new framework program for research and innovation – Horizon Europe, the ERC 2021 Work Programme brings novelties as well: higher budget, new panels, interviews, calls which are not organized in 2021.
This webinar is dedicated to those researchers at NIMP (chemists, physicists, biochemists or materials scientists) who are well aware of the funding schemes offered by ERC and are already preparing their application for an ERC competition, especially in 2021. Choosing the right panel to submit their application, although not completely decisive, can clear the way to a successful outcome. In the ERC 2021 Work programme, there is one new panel in Physical Sciences and Engineering domain: PE11 – Materials Engineering. This session will shed light on how to make a well-informed decision and choose the most appropriate panel, for your ERC application. An ERC scientific officer will talk and answer your questions about how to decipher between PE3, PE4, PE5, PE7, PE8, PE11 (PE10 or some LS panels).
Elements of good practice and essential aspects to consider when preparing a proposal for an ERC competition will be also highlighted by the ERC officer.
Furthermore, two ERC grantees will present their ERC projects and will share their experience of becoming an ERC grantee.
Dr. Alina Maria TOMOIAGĂ – Project Advisor
European Research Council Executive
Agency Physical Sciences and Engineering Unit
Prof. Alessandro Molle – Research Director
Italian National Research Council
Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems
Assoc. prof. Costin Raiciu
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Dr. Alina Maria TOMOIAGĂ – Project Advisor
European Research Council Executive Agency
Physical Sciences and Engineering Unit
Alina is a Romanian Scientist with background in nanomaterials design for targeted drug
delivery. Alina joined ERC in January 2016 as a Scientific Officer in the Physical Sciences and
Engineering Unit, where she coordinated the evaluation process for Starting, Consolidator and
Advanced Grants in PE4 (Physical and Analytical Chemical Sciences) and PE5 (Synthetic
Chemistry and Materials), being actively involved in creation of the new PE11 – Materials
Engineering panel
Prof. Alessandro Molle – Research Director
Italian National Research Council
Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems
Dr. Alessandro Molle is research director at the CNR-IMM, unit of Agrate, Italy. He graduated
in Physics and got a PhD degree in Materials Science at the University of Genoa. Since 2005,
he serves as Post-Doc Fellow, unit coordinator, and PI within FP7, H2020, national, and
institutional projects.
In 2017 he was granted a H2020 ERC-COG2017 “XFab” project. He was symposium organizer
at the E-MRS and MRS Meetings. His scientific focus is on the synthesis of 2D materials and
their integration in nanotechnology platforms.
Assoc. prof. Costin Raiciu
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Dr. Costin Raiciu is an associate professor in the computer science department of University
Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania. He has obtained his PhD degree in 2011 from University
College London. Costin’s research is in the broad area of computer systems and networks. He
is best known for his work on Multipath TCP, an extension of TCP that is now widely deployed
and used by Apple and Samsung, among others. More recently, Costin has worked in datacenter
networking, lightweight virtualisation and network verification, publishing in top-tier venues
in all these fields.
Costin has been awarded an ERC starting grant in 2018 for his CORNET project that aims to
build provably correct networks. In 2019, he was given the Jochen Liedtke Young Researcher
award by Eurosys, the European arm of the operating systems research community. His work
has received multiple best paper awards at Sigcomm and NSDI, the top computer networking
1 To join the meeting please send an e-mail to or