National Institute Of Materials Physics - Romania
NIMP Seminars
Va invitam sa participati la semnarul intitulat "De la idee la brevetul de inventie". Prezentarea va fi facuta de doamna Miruna Enescu, consilier european de la ROMINVENT. Seminarul va dura…
GENERAL SEMINAR: Manuel Vazquez-IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer 2023, Institute of Materials Science of Madrid, Spanish Research Council IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer 2023 Cylindrical Micro- and Nanowires: From Curvature Effects…
GENERAL SEMINAR – Prof. Dr. ALI CIRPAN, Department of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University, Ankara Turkey Conjugated polymers (CPs) are large organic macromolecules with a repeating pattern of alternating σ…
GENERAL SEMINAR – Dr. André Luiz MENEZES DE OLIVEIRA, NPE-LACOM (Laboratory of Fuel and Materials), Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa, Brazil Sustainable development is certainly a concern around the…
GENERAL SEMINAR: Prof. Andrej Kuznetsov, University of Oslo, Norway Andrej Kuznetsov was awarded with his Ph.D. degree in physics from the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1992 and accomplished his…
GENERAL SEMINAR: Dr. Gihan Velisa, CS II, Horia Hulubei National Institute for Research & Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Măgurele, IF 077125, Romania Abstract The Horia Hulubei National Institute…
GENERAL SEMINAR: Dr. Cristina Bran, Institute of Materials Science of Madrid One of the promising nanomagnets studied in the last years are the nanostructures with curved geometry where novel physical…
GENERAL SEMINAR: Dr. Catalin Constantinescu Cercetator stiintific cu statut permanent in cadrul laboratorului UMR CNRS 7341 / LP3 (Lasers, Plasmas et Procédés Photoniques) din Marsilia, Franta. Titlul prezentarii: Laser-matter interaction: the…
GENERAL SEMINAR: Dr. Nicu Paul Valentin, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD) spectroscopy, the difference between the absorption of left and right circularly polarized light during a fundamental…
GENERAL SEMINAR: Prof. Ana Sanchez Department of Physics, University of Warwick,United Kingdom The development of spherical aberration correctors for electromagnetic lenses established a major improvement in the new generation of…
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