The PlasmaQuant® MS Spectrometer, manufactured by Analytik Jena is extremely reliable – able to run any sample matrix from waste water to organic solvents. The integrated aerosol dilution allows direct analysis of high TDS samples. Simply dilute samples online. The highly efficient RF system of the PlasmaQuant® MS produces a virtually center-grounded, stable and robust plasma with a conventional torch using as little as 7 L/min plasma gas. Superior design means that no torch shield is required to eliminate problematic secondary discharge as the plasma is electrically balanced. The flexible system with ultimate sensitivity and targeted performance optimization using various accessories for advanced research: ■ Flexible connection of accessories using two entry ports to the plasma compartment ■ Ultimate freedom of optimization through full ion focus control ■ Shortest dwell time and best mass separation
PlasmaQuant® MS — patented technology solutions:
■■ Eco Plasma. Robust plasma performance with half the Argon gas
■■ iCRC — Integrated Collision Reaction Cell. Interference-free analysis plus BOOST technology
■■ ReflexION. 3D focusing ion mirror for unsurpassed sensitivity
■■ HD Quadrupole. True 3 MHz quadrupole provides superior mass separation
■■ ADD10 — All-Digital Detection System. 10 orders linear dynamic range
Fields of application ■ Laser ablation ICP-MS for trace analysis and element mapping with high spatial resolution ■ Detection of nanoparticles ■ Environmental waters – surface water, waste water, seawater ■ Industrial effluents and process samples ■ Geology, mining & metals – ores, metals and alloys ■ Organic solvents and sample matrices
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