Spectrophotometer Fluorolog-3 FL3-22 (Horiba Jobin Yvon)
Technical details :
- excitation source: 450 W Xe lamp
- monochromators (excitation emission): f/3.6 Czeny-Turner, double grating, all reflective optics
- diffraction gratings: classically ruled, 1200 tr/mm; blaze 330nm (MEx) and 500nm (MEm)
- emission signal detector: at room tempe-rature-R928P side-on photomultiplier tube (180-850nm);
- software package: FluorEssence 2.0 (powered by Origin 7.5)
Performances :
- excitation range: 240-600nm
- emission range: 290-850 nm
- photomultiplier response linearity: 2×106 cps (in photon counting mode)
- reference detector: stabilized Si photodiode (200-980nm)
- dispersion (double grating monochromatore): 2.1 nm/mm
- slit settings (bandpass): 0-15 nm.
TCSPC LIFETIME UPGRADE-Lifetime range: 200ps-100μs
- excitation sources: pulsed laser diode: 440 nm; 375 nm and UV LED: 280 nm
- software for single photon counting data acquisition: DataStation 2.3, software for decay analysis: DAS6
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