TPDRO 1100, POROTEC, Thermo Scientific, Analytical system for material characterisation using cumulative characterisation techniques such as TPD, TPR, TPO, pulse chemosorption and single point BET

Analytical system for material characterisation using cumulative characterisation techniques such as TPD (thermally programmed desorption), TPR (temperature controlled reduction), TPO (temperature controlled oxidation), pulse chemosorption and single point BET (nitrogen physisorption for determination of specific surface area and pore volume of solid materials).
Sample preparation unit:
- Temperature range: ambient … 720oC
- Carrier gas: H2, O2, N2, CO, NOx, N2O, He, Ar, air, etc
Detector: TCD
- Filaments: 2 W filaments
- Sensitivity: 20 ppm (depending on carrier gas).
Analysis unit
- Temperature range: ambient … 1.000oC
- Carrier gas: H2, O2, N2, CO, NOx, N2O, He, Ar, air, etc
- Flow range:10 … 100 ml/min
Pulse chemisorption controlled by software
- Purge flow: ~ 30 ml/min
- Gases: H2, O2, NOx, CO, CO2 etc
- Injection Volum: 0.02 cc
Reactor: quartz
Example of TPD result:

NH3-TPD desorption profiles of LaCeZr and LaCeZr-GO materials ale materialelor de tip LaCeZr and LaCeZr-GO. The studied samples clearly show three distinct regions that can be attributed to weak, medium and strong acidity corresponding to the maxima in the NH3-TPD profiles at temperatures below 350 °C, between 350 and 500 °C and above 500 °C, respectively. (
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