1. CoSMoS: Combined spectroscopy and microscopy on a synchrotron (PES, MBE, STM)
2. Multimethod system for surface analysis (XPS, MBE, STM)
3. Large throughput and small area XPS
4. Photoemission and low energy electron microscopy (LEEM, PEEM)
5. Experimental Cluster for Surface and Interface Science
6. Low energy and Photoelectron Electron Microscope LEEM-PEEM (Specs)
7. Scanning Microscopy Station SPM (NT-MDT)
8. Ultra High Vacuum System for XPS/UPS/AES (Specs)
9. Gas chromatograph with GC-MS mass spectrometer
10. XPS photoelectron spectroscopy unit with facilities for treatment of samples at high pressure and temperature
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