National Institute Of Materials Physics - Romania
Workshop „Application-oriented material development”

Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming OPERA Workshop “Application-oriented material development”, which will be held in Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, September 12-14, 2023.
The content of the Workshop will cover the scientific tasks of the Action related to the Work Group 2 by taking an interdisciplinary and cross-community approach to key developments in epitaxy of application-oriented materials, new materials obtained by epitaxy (including 2D) for various applications, new deposition or optimized methods (e.g. van der Waals epitaxy), and potential for applications. To master the material growth under various forms (2D film, 3D structures, nanostructures); and to develop and control the growth of new materials (whatever the epitaxial technique), it is essential to take into-account the technological aspects driving their synthesis by closely analysing the material composition, the growth method, and the foreseen application.
We welcome your attendance and especially encourage the participation of young scientists and look forward to receiving your abstracts: deadline on 1th June 2023. Template can be downloaded from the organizer site, National Institute of Materials Physics- After filling, it can be uploaded on the same site. The site will be open for submission starting with 28 of April.
General information:
- The workshop does not involve registration fees
- The EU COST action OPERA may financially support the participation of scientists originating from target ITC countries to the workshop (abstract submission mandatory). The funding request can be downloaded from here. If you wish to apply for COST funding please send the filled form to before the 15th June 2023. Decision by the OPERA COST committee will be communicated early July.
– Tentative programme:
2023-09-12 (14:00 – 18:00): Characterization and control of novel functional materials;
2023-09-13 (08:30 – 12:30) Engineering epitaxial strategies for functional properties of devices;
2023-09-13 (14:00 – 18:00) Theoretical simulation of fundamental properties and functional devices;
2023-09-14 (08:30 – 12:30) New/optimized tools for growth and characterization;
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